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Disability History Final


In the United States


Rehabilitation Act of 1973


This however ended up not being the case. Often paratransit services were being filled up to their capacity. In some cases, leaving individuals who were in need of the door to door service provided by paratransit unable to utilize it due to the fact that disabled people who could use fixed-route vehicles also found themselves using these paratransit services.[1]

The growth of the number of people requiring paratransit has resulted in an increase in cost for the paratransit industry to maintain these services.  The results of this rising cost are the paratransit industry trying to get individuals to move from a reliance on paratransit vehicles to fixed-route vehicles. Due to the push to have paratransit vehicles being the main method of transportation for disabled individuals prior to the passing of the ADA, the paratransit industry is finding it hard to get individuals to switch over to fixed route transportation.

  1. ^ "Shaping National Disability Policy: Transportation Access and Social Security Reforms". oac.cdlib.org. Retrieved 2017-12-14.