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This is a list of Elected Representatives of Carbonear.

Members of the Newfoundland House of Assembly (pre-Confederation)

No. Portrait Name (Birth-Death) Term start Term end Political Party Constituency Ref
1 - Robert Pack (1786 - 1860) 1832 1836 Liberal Conception Bay
2 - James Power (1796 - 1847) 1832 1841 Liberal Conception Bay
3 - Edmund Hanrahan (1802 - 1875) 1842 1865 Liberal Conception Bay (1842 - 1855) Carbonear (1855 - 1865)
4 Hon. John Rorke (1807 - 1896) 1865 1882 Coalition (1865 - 1869) Confederate (1869 - 1873) Conservative (1873 - 1882) Carbonear
5 - Alfred Penney (1851 - 1922) 1882 1889 Coalition (1882 - 1885) Reform (1885 - 1889) Carbonear
6 William Duff Sr. (1842 - 1913) 1889 1900 Liberal Carbonear
7 Joseph G. Maddock, Esq. (1862 - 1942) 1900 1909 Liberal Carbonear
8 - John R. Goodison (1866 - 1926) 1909 1919 People's Party Carbonear

William F. Penney (1862 - 1934) 1919 1923 Liberal Reform Carbonear
10 - James Moore (1869 - 1946) 1923 1924 Liberal-Labour-Progressive Carbonear
11 Robert Duff (1868 - 1928) 1924 1928 Liberal-Progressive Carbonear
12 - James Moore (1869 - 1946) 1928 1932 United Newfoundland Party Carbonear
13 - Sir John C. Puddester (1881 - 1947) 1932 1934 United Newfoundland Party Carbonear-Bay de Verde

Members of the Newfoundland National Convention

Portrait Name (Birth-Death) Term start Term end Political Stance Constituency Ref
- Albert E. Penney (1876 - 1961) 1946 1948 Responsible Government Carbonear

Members of the Newfoundland and Labrador House of Assembly (since Confederation)

No. Portrait Name (Birth-Death) Term start Term end Political Party Constituency Ref
1 - Herbert Pottle (1907 - 2002) 1949 1956 Liberal Carbonear-Bay de Verde
2 - George W. Clarke (1910 - 2000) 1956 1971 Liberal Carbonear-Bay de Verde (1956 - 1962)

Carbonear (1962 - 1971)

3 - Hon. Dr. Augustus T. Rowe (1920 - 2013) 1971 1975 Progressive Conservative Carbonear
4 - Rod Moores 1975 1982 Reform Liberal (1975 -1977) Liberal (1977 -1982) Carbonear
5 Milton Peach 1982 1989 Progressive Conservative Carbonear
6 - Art Reid 1989 1999 Liberal Carbonear (1989 - 1996) Carbonear-Harbour Grace (1996 - 1999)
7 - George Sweeney 1999 2007 Liberal Carbonear-Harbour Grace
8 - Hon. Jerome Kennedy 2007 2013 Progressive Conservative Carbonear-Harbour Grace
9 - Sam Slade 2013 2015 Liberal Carbonear-Harbour Grace
10 Steve Crocker 2013 present Liberal Carbonear-Trinity-Bay de Verde

Mayors of Carbonear

No. Portrait Name (Birth-Death) Term start Term end Ref
1 - Stephen Russell (1888 - 1951) 1948 1951
2 - Stratford C. Pike (1894 - 1960) 1951 1954
3 - William P. Saunders (1912 - 1980) 1954 1957
4 - George B. Powell (1892 - 1975) 1957 1960
5 - William P. Saunders (1912 - 1980) 1960 1963
6 - Hudson Davis (1923 - 2019) 1963 1965
7 - Graham Oates (1911 - 1990) 1965 1969
8 - George W. Earle (1922 - 2014) 1969 1973
9 - John Goff (1924 - 1989) 1973 1977
10 Milton Peach (Living) 1977 1982
11 - Art Ried (Living) 1982 1989
12 - William Butt (Living) 1989 1993
13 Milton Peach (Living) 1993 1997
14 - Claude Garland (1948 - 2004) 1997 2004
15 - Sam Slade (Living) 2005 2013
16 - George Butt Jr. (Living) 2013 2017
17 - Frank Butt (Living) 2017 present