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Bukalo Primary School


Bukalo Primary School is situated in Bukalo settlement in the Caprivi region about 40 kilometers away from the region’s capital town Katima Mulilo . The school opened its doors in 1972 with famous lozi author,now councillor for Kabbe Constituency Rapheal Mbala as one of its founding teachers, Fedelis Mayumbelo is the school's founding principal. In 2012 the school had about 550 learners from grade 0 to 7. When Mayumbelo retired he was succeeded by Christopher Kwenani the school’s longest serving principal who retired in 2004. Ms Chaka Kabuba made history of becoming the school’s first female principal when she succeeded Kwenani in 2005. Victor Nalisa is the school’s current principal. Bukalo Primary is one of the leading primary schools in the region has far as learner's performance is concerned, it some times beats schools in the Katima Mulilo town. Bukalo Primary School’s classroom are mostly made of bricks, but there are 3 class rooms which are made of mud, which no one likes to learn in because they are dark inside, they have no electricity and have dusty floors. The government runs a feeding program at the school, it provides maize meal from which porridge is cooked and served to children who are registered as orphans and vulnerable children, OVCs in short, but these kids are not usually served with this porridge as the school is experiencing problems in getting volunteers to cook it

