Chreso University (CU) is a government approved and registered institution of higher learning authorized to offer degree courses in leadership, business, development studies, community development, theology, public health and more. The overall objective of CU is to provide affordable quality education to the people of Zambia at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
The vision of Chreso University was implanted in the heart of Reverend Helmut Reutter for many years. It was a vivid directive from the Lord. At this time, Chreso ministries and other projects had started operating effectively. Through the years of serving many people in Zambia in various humanitarian strategies, Chreso received the infrastructure suited for the establishment of the University. Chreso University was born as an extension of Chreso Ministries and therefore its vision and mission is that of Chreso Ministries though the University has the academic and educational goals. Chreso Ministries was established with the assignment of providing Health care and educational intervention strategies to the needy people of Africa. Due to the expanding nature of the needs of people in the education sector, Chreso Ministries in pursuant of its vision, has finally reached the decision to establish the University on the newly acquired premises