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Blissestrasse(Film) is an edgy thriller, telling the story of Harris Reynolds, a 21 yr old American who tries to escape his troubles by joining a Christian Fundamentalist Mission in Berlin. Pastor William, a fanatically devout but also completely demented preacher leads the mission of eight young Americans. The story eventually reveals what lies beneath the surface of Pastor William, which leads all of the characters deep into conflict. At the same time, a strange romance develops between Harris and Rodney – a 19 year-old firebrand from Anaheim, whose parents have sent her on the mission to Berlin to remove her from temptations back home.

Blissestrasse was filmed in Berlin in late 2009, and was written/directed by Paul Donovan, creator of the Sci-Fi television series Lexx. The movie reunites Lexx alums Michael McManus(starring as Pastor William) and Rolf Kanies.
