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User:Legacy of the Zodiac Ex

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-Main Synopsis-


Legacy of the Zodiac EX or LoZ EX for short. LoZ EX is a MMORPG, Where you can Duel other players, buy a house, participate in Castle Sieges, Be in a Clan War and just about anything else you can imagine. LoZ EX has a hard working staff constantly expanding the game with new Weapons, Armors, Helms and new areas to play! We also have events ranging from Trivia's to a free for all in Meetaw Valley! Come start today and join the many others that already play LoZ EX today!

Loz Ex currently has 500+ maps.We have a great community, usually have 20+ people on. Usually no less than 15. I feel comfortable saying that LoZ EX is truly a excellent 2D MMORPG.



This version of LoZ, LoZ EX has been around since February 2006 and is still growing and getting better day by day. Some places in Loz Ex are: Shinjoku, Sub Zero, Nara, and the main town Haven.



HoD-Hands of Death, SIN, BoS- Brother Hood of Shadows, AoN- Army of Nerevar,

-Staff List-


Head Administrator/Owner/Creator - Scythe

Administrator(s): Yukimura

GM(s): DarkDragoon

Developer(s): Truth

Server Host: DarkDragoon

Mapper(s): Amnesia, Lateralus

Moderator(s): Velkan, Suraieru, Digital, lethal hunter, and Cyrus.

<Made by: Bob3391(bob)