User:Legacy of the Zodiac Ex
-Main Synopsis-
[edit]Legacy of the Zodiac EX or LoZ EX for short. LoZ EX is a MMORPG, Where you can Duel other players, buy a house, participate in Castle Sieges, Be in a Clan War and just about anything else you can imagine. LoZ EX has a hard working staff constantly expanding the game with new Weapons, Armors, Helms and new areas to play! We also have events ranging from Trivia's to a free for all in Meetaw Valley! Come start today and join the many others that already play LoZ EX today!
Loz Ex currently has 500+ maps.We have a great community, usually have 20+ people on. Usually no less than 15. I feel comfortable saying that LoZ EX is truly a excellent 2D MMORPG.
[edit]This version of LoZ, LoZ EX has been around since February 2006 and is still growing and getting better day by day. Some places in Loz Ex are: Shinjoku, Sub Zero, Nara, and the main town Haven.
[edit]HoD-Hands of Death, SIN, BoS- Brother Hood of Shadows, AoN- Army of Nerevar,
-Staff List-
[edit]Head Administrator/Owner/Creator - Scythe
Administrator(s): Yukimura
GM(s): DarkDragoon
Developer(s): Truth
Server Host: DarkDragoon
Mapper(s): Amnesia, Lateralus
Moderator(s): Velkan, Suraieru, Digital, lethal hunter, and Cyrus.
<Made by: Bob3391(bob)