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My name is Lee; I am a freshman at an ever expanding university in south eastern Georgia. I have been involved with many great things throughout my life. I graduated with honors with a 3.75 GPA and was in the top 100 of my class high school class which contained around 700 people. I was an active member in the always exciting Beta Club and I was also the vice president of the Key Club at my high school. In addition to these outstanding academic achievements, I was also a four year varsity football letter winner on my schools championship caliber team. I am a Georgia Hope scholar and hope to use my scholarship funds well as I pursue my degree in history. After graduating with an outstanding GPA, I hope to get accepted into a prestigious law school. During law school I plan on joining Air Force ROTC and upon graduation I will be commissioned as a JAG officer (lawyer) in the U.S. Air Force.


  • I love America
  • The Study of Law is my passion
  • I am entirely too in interested in politics
  • I slap-a da Bass
  • Football is fun as long as your coaches are intelligent
  • Powerlifting is Empowering
  • Geoffrey Chaucer is my homeboy
  • Fishing is Fun
  • Reading to me is a wonderful thing

Although I am from South Georgia and I am considerably athletic, I hope that no one will ever view me as a slow talking “Jock” from Georgia. I hope my contributions to the world and Wikipedia will be well respected.

This user is an aspiring Lawyer
This user supports People Eating Tasty Animals.
This user is interested in
the history of the United States.
UFThis user supports the Florida Gators. GO GATORS!

Incredibly Amazing Contributions


I am fairly new to the world of Wikipedia, however in my short time here I have made many incredibly monumental world changing edits! These edits include Hahira, Georgia, Hahira Middle School, Mount Tabor Theater,Chitalmari Upazila, and the Ethiopian National Defense Force. In my spare time away from the incredible college life I live, I have written and continue editing my article on the Air Force Special Operations Training Center.

Technology and Me


Technology and all its amazing uses has recently become my very good friend, especially in college, it seems as if all of my assignments involve a computer! As a kid and young man I was exposed to lots of incredible technology. I became extremely skilled with Microsoft Office thanks to a few amazing teachers in middle and high school. I use computers for many things, but I would prefer a handwritten letter any day over an email. I consider myself a “modern old fashioned person”, WOW that seems like a contradiction. By modern old fashioned I mean that I believe handwritten letters are extremely personal and show true emotion as opposed to impersonal email.

War of the Words


Wikipedia has definitely shaped my life in a positive way! I believe Wikipedia is a powerful tool that molds minds across our planet; without Wikipedia I believe many uneducated people on our planet would have little or no access to very important nuggets of knowledge. Throughout my teenage life I have used Wikipedia to answer many inquisitive thoughts. In addition to satisfying my thirst for knowledge I have used it in various school assignments and projects. In high school I was told not to use Wikipedia because it’s an unreliable resource, I believe that’s total HOGWASH. Wikipedia is edited by experts’ everyday and most editors take their work very seriously. Wikipedia sometimes gets a bad "rap" in academic circles, but I would beg these powerful intellectuals to reconsider Wikipedia's value in society and academia.

This is America, Now Speak English


I consider myself very fluent in English and only English. I read in English, in addition to reading in English, surprisingly I also speak and write in English. I consider myself an American Patriot that loves his land and American English. However I am open to learning new languages and broadening my ever expanding horizons.

This user believes that FDR was the most economically and politically destructive president in United States history.
Ronald ReaganThis user believes that Ronald Reagan was the greatest President to serve the United States.
This user believes that the death penalty should be imposed and used more frequently !

You Know What Grinds My Gears


It really grinds my gears when..

  • The government gives corporate bailouts
  • Politicians condemn CEOs while living like one with tax payer money
  • When I hear the song "Mexican Radio" by Wall of Voodoo