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Citation Practice


Octavia Butler was shy as a child. [1] [2] [3] [4]


  1. ^ Butler, Octavia E. "Positive Obsession." Bloodchild and other stories. New York: Seven Stories, 2005. 123-136.
  2. ^ John Clute. "Butler, Octavia E". The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction edited by John Clute, David Langford, Peter Nicholls and Graham Sleight. London: Gollancz, updated 16 September 2015. Web. Accessed 21 September 2015.
  3. ^ Butler, O.E. "Birth Of A Writer." Essence (Essence) 20.1 (1989): 74. Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 Sept. 2015.
  4. ^ Wikipedia contributors. "Octavia E. Butler." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 13 Sep. 2015. Web. 26 Sep. 2015.

Journal Entry #1


On my First day of class we went over the syllabus and how our semester was going to be. we created a Wikipedia username and learned the importance about this website.We took a quiz witch it was pretty interesting since there was things i didn't know about Wikipedia. The professor thought us how to work on our citation and how to work on our sandbox for many things.

Journal Entry #2


On Mondays lesson i learned the difference between summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting. We worked on creating a good bibliography on Octavia Butler. We worked in groups and created a good paraphrase on an interview. One important fact that i learned quoting is that many teacher prefer for us not to use it since are not our own words.

Journal Entry #3


Today we went over paraphrasing and the correct way we need to work on our essays. We worked on a analysis of wild seed in group. Also we went over in class on the steps we need to follow while working on our papers.

Journal Entry #4


Today's Class we worked on the wiki project novel and the format we need to follow while creating a Wikipedia page also known as an "article body" that we need for our article on the novel we are working with. We looked through the guidelines with kindred and compared kindred to what we originally had from wild seed. As a group we looked at what was missing on the wiki project novel and what was needed to be improved.

Journal Entry #5


In today’s class, the professor thought us the steps we need to follow while creating a word citation and when to use italic or quotation. She though us how to look up the articles on the library website and also on the jstor website. We also read 2 different articles and summaries each one as a group in class.

Journal Entry #6


Today we talked about our last reading and broke them down. We also continued working on assignment #3 in class. We also had an option on witch reading we wanted to work on assignment #5.

Journal Entry #7


Today's class we gather together in groups to discus about assignment #5 then did a brief presentation on our reading. We also went over review topics and our writing proposal , we also voted in witch themes we thought they were more important for our Wikipedia website.

Journal Entry #8


In today’s class we got together in groups and worked on our work space. We had team 3 witch were the Article sections: Reception; Eugenics/Superhuman Mutants; Commentary on New World Slavery. After wards we talked about our research paper.

Journal Entry #9


Today's class we worked as a team on our Wikipedia website, then we worked on the proposal and trying to find a good thesis for our research paper.

Journal Entry #10


We worked together as a group on our Wikipedia website. The professor also when over on how she expect us to have a good research paper and the format.

"Wild Seed, Chapters 1-4"


Wild Seed tells the story of Doro and Anyanwu are two immortal individuals beings, which have lived for many years. Doro is able to stay alive by switching bodies by killing them; on the other hand Anywanwu is a woman who has powerful healing skills to cure others and herself. One day while Doro was traveling through Africa he suddenly got caught watching Anyanwu fix her garden and approached to her. He encourages her to leaving Africa and leaves everything behind to go along with him. All she ever wanted was to protect her people. He convinced her to have children who she will not have to watch die; however those weren’t really his plans. She believed in his words, but unfortunately everything he said to her wasn’t always true. After a long journey to get to the American colonies Doro introduce Anywanwu to one of his sons named Isaac. Doros intention is to eventually put them to together to have powerful children.

"Wild Seed, Chapters 5-6"


While traveling on the ship, Okoye and Undenkwo were forced to marry each other. They had no choice but to obey Doro or be threatened to be killed. Meanwhile they were all in the ship they were hit big a big storm. Anyanwu learns the ability Isaac had by speeding the ship through the bad storm. On the other hand Lale, Doros other son had the ability to get into other peoples mind. After Anyanwu capture the image he had put into her mind, she decided to go back as a leopard and kills him. Anyanwu decided to go into the sea and transform her self into a dolphin, however Doro did not have the ability to feel her spirit and this was something he feared. What Anyanwu had never imagined was the fact that Doro had already planned out for hey to marry his son Issac. Even though she was against it, she had no option but to obey and do as he demanded or else she would be killed. Issac and Anyanwu learned to get along with each as husband and wife.

" Wild Seed, Chapters 7-10"


After fifty years, Doro sensed something strange and wrong was happening and decided to go back to see how everyone was doing. Nweke began her transition, and Anyanwu was always there to make sure everything was god. Thomas had a couple of children with Anyanwu. Afterwards Doro wanted to kill Anyanwu because of her arrogance however Isaac convinced him not to, and instead Thomas volunteered for Doro to kill him instead. Doro ended up killing Thomas and taking over his body. Isaac was very old and sick. After his death Anyanwu was destroyed. After Nwekess transition was almost over her body did not take it as well and die. Anyanwu didn’t show up to the funeral, and instead she flew as a bird, and decided to turn into a dolphin.

"Wild Seed, Chapter 11"


After so many years Doro and Anyanwu finally saw each other. Doro had came back in another new body. Doro had mentioned to Anyanwu that he was back to kill her and to take her children away from her. Doro brought a man named Joseph to marry one of Anyanwus daughters. Months had past and Doro had came back in another body witch Anyanwu was very pleased with and wanted him to stay that way but eventually he didn’t listen to her. Anyanwu got pregnant once again but wasn’t too happy do to the fact of so many people she loved were gone. Anyanwu decided she wanted to kill her self however Doro begged her not to do so. Anyanwu tells mentions to Doro that she doesn’t want him to harm her or those who she cares for. They had an agreement and set up a couple of rules. Doro will still go to see Anyanwu once in a while. She moved to California and changed her name to Emma Anyanwu.

Research Assignment 1


Octavia Estelle Butler was born on June 22, 1947 in Pasadena, California. By the time she was seven years old, she had already lost her father and was raised by her mother, Octavia Margaret Guy, and her grandmother. Octavia was raised in a racially integrated neighborhood. Her mother worked as a maid and Octavia would keep her mother company while she would clean houses for the white people. Octavia was a shy girl and this made it difficult for her to socialize with other children. She had a reading disorder, which made her schoolwork extremely hard and felt worthless. At an early age she developed an interest in science fiction and began writing stories. In 1868, she graduated with an associate’s degree. Octavia’s mother always wanted her to be a secretary but instead she decided to have different types of jobs that would give her spare time to write. Octavia enrolled UCLA extension and was taking writing courses. Afterwards she enrolled in the Open Door Workshop of the Screenwriters’ Guild of America, where she meet Harlan Ellison, who encouraged her to attend The Clarion Science Fiction Writers Workshop where she later sold her first two stories. Octavia died on February 24, 2006 at the age of 58 in Lake Forest Park. Some people speculate that her cause of death might have been due to a stroke or falling and hitting her face on a sidewalk. Octavia was a hard workingwomen who had much talent in writing novels. She overcame many obstacles to get to where she was. I believe that she can serve as an inspiration to many other African American women because of her achievements.

Research Assigment 2



  • The struggle between Doro and Anyanwu is mostly about gender than race
  • Describes the two characters Doro and Anyanwu as a way for the readers to see them with approbation or kindness at some point.
  • He describes Anyanwu as a self-caring person whose intention is to heal other people’s sickness and protect her family. Also is able to transform herself as dolphin, eagle or a panther.

“Their struggle is more male-female than black-white” is describes the difference between gender than race


  • Bishop believes that Butler understands the science Fiction yet does follow the unsteadiness of the theme, plot and background.
  • It is one of the oddest love stories who introduce human struggle between duty and desire.
  • Butler accomplished to make us believe in humanity of two different characters who are immortal and apparently figures from Igbo mythology.
  • It describes the difference between Anyanwu and Doro.
  • Anyanwu an Onitsha who ability is to heal and can become a leopard, dolphin, eagle, werewolf and be younger.
  • Doro is an ogbanje who has survived for thirty-seven hundred years whose ability is to take over other human body.

“Octavia Butler understands the science fiction idiom but she has not found the right balance of theme, plot and background”. Describes the way Bishop feels about her novel without

Elizabeth A. Lynn

  • The theme of what it means to be human
  • Describes the difference between Doro and Anywanwu
  • Expresses Butle’rs writing as a type of writing that will keep you entertain.
  • Lynn states that this novel has fascinated science fiction writer since Frankentein.
  • Doro existence is mainly about breeding a line of people who has different psychic gifts.
  • To Doro’s people they believe he is god.
  • Anyanwu is force to have children with Doro so she can pass her healing powers to them.

“Doro existence is obsessively dedicated to breeding a line of people with various psychic gifts. And for his people he is god” it explains what king of character he is.

Research Assignment 3


Govan, Sandra Y. “Connections, Links, and Extended Networks: Patterns in Octavia Butler’s Science Fiction,”.==

In the article it mentions four to five novels in which it has a similarity. The struggle the characters face is the power of a super-race, mutant and psionic. Doro is known as the creation of a super race since the whole point is for him to breeds people. The definition of “wild seed” is known for Anyanwu. Doro later on is looking for a companion, someone immortal and eventually everyone leaves him, until Anyanwu appeared. Anyanwu main job was to heal those who needed it. Doro Knew he needed Anyanwus genes and decided to keep her around to later on breed, however he began to love her and this made an impact on him. Anyanwu forces him to recognize love. Doro then decided he would not kill Anyanwu’s children but to others. The novel was writing by black protagonist in West African History and brought out its culture. It also mentioned slavery in America. Later on she created a type of myth which it was made by new genesis. She later on created a super Human Vs regular Humans by erasing racisms.

Govan, S. Y. "Connections, Links, and Extended Networks: Patterns in Octavia Butler's Science Fiction." Black American Literature Forum 18.2 (Summer 1984): 82-84.

“Homage to Tradition: Octavia Butler Renovates the Historical Novel,”

  • She linked science fiction to anthropology and history directly to the Black American slavery experiences.
  • she mentions about slave narrative
  • turns her novel into fantasy
  • Her text is rich when defining the junction where the slave narrative, historical novel, and the science fiction meet.
  • She mentions that her novel is about love, alienation, loneliness, dreams and power.
  • When Doro kills his own kind he gains more sustenance from their heightened psychic energy than he derives from the killings of ordinary non-mutant human beings.
  • Anyanwu hides her powers for her self-protection.
  • She uses Africa as a cultural backdrop
  • Anyanwu defends her “maternal” side as a cultural legacy

Goven, Sandra Y. " Homage to Tradition: Octavia Butler Renovates the Historical Novel. "MELUS 13. 1/2 (spring-summer 1986): 79-96.

Salvaggio, R. "Octavia Butler and the Science-Fiction Heroine"

  • Science Fiction is sexist because the characters used in the novel were all male instead of females.
  • Octavia was the first person to create a female protagonist
  • Anyanwu was serves Doro to breed and slave.
  • Anyanwu is able to transform into animals, different gender and age.
  • Introduced female characters throughout her novels on the racist world and sexist.

Salvaggio, R. “Octavia Butler and the Science-Fiction Heroine." Science Fiction Issue 18.2 (Summer, 1984): 78-81.

Research Assigment 4


Duchamp, L.T. “‘Sun Woman’ or ‘Wild Seed?’ How a Young Feminist Writer Found Alternatives to White Bourgeois Narrative Models in the Early Novels of Octavia Butler.”

  • ”overly political fiction”
  • Lacking role models.
  • Social and politician oppression.
  • Frustration between Doro and Anyanwu.
  • Opposed views of the world.
  • Gender domination.
  • It is intellectual and philosophical
  • Anyanwu makes a deal with Doro for her survival.
  • points out different points of view when it comes to racism, slavery and feminism.

“We know from the first pages of Wild Seed that neither Doro nor Anyanwu are ordinary. But although Anyanwu differs from other humans, she is fully human in a sense that Doro is not.” I choose this quote because it really caught my attention how not just me but others while reading the beginning of the book got the same idea.

Holden, R.J. “‘I began writing about power because I had so little’: The Impact of Octavia Butler’s Early Work on feminist Science Fiction as a Whole (and on One Feminist Science Fiction Scholar in Particular).”
Rebecca J. Holden explains in “The Impact of Octavia Butler’s Early Work on Feminist Science”:

  • R.Holden studies feminist
  • Butlers work is mainly about Africans and Diaspora blacks and women protagonists, enmeshed in biotech/genetics/biology, history, culture, and socio-economic events and circumstances
  • African mythology and slave narrative
  • Change the way science fiction was written by using cyborgs

“my reading of Butler’s early work alongside other feminist sf writing in the 1970’s led me to believe that Octavia Butler’s fiction, in spite of something or sometimes because of the way she drew on the traditions of African mythology and slave narrative, was like nothing else being published at that time” I choose this quote because I felt that the writer couldn’t have expressed herself in another way by letting her know how much she enjoyed and liked Butlers way of thinking and writing.

Research Assignment 5

  • Butler was the first to write about black female protagonist
  • Black women characters were stereotypical
  • Anyanwu is a spiritual healer who has the power to hear others and herself.
  • Butlers characters have supernatural capacities however they still cannot escape slavery because they have to deal with other super humans.
  • Anyanwu has real powers opposed to metaphorical value and is know as god-like.
  • Butler's healers do not depend on other sources of powe, nor do they need other bodies around to help them into the healing process.

1.“They are like the spiritual healers that are presented in African American literature, but they can also internally heal themselves and others, which are abilities that other healers do not have.” it proves that Anyanwu has special powers other than others healers that cannot do what she's capable of. 2.“Butler’s healers do not depend on other sources of power, nor do they need other bodies around to help usher them into the healing process.” it's making a difference between other type of healers in other stories. 3.“Butler’s characters have supernatural capabilities that allow them to rid themselves of common problems; on the other hand, their powers do not exclude them from slavery, flesh-eating diseases, and near-death experiences.” Even thought they have powers, it doesn't make them a lot different.

Orson Scott Card on Butler's craft in Wild Seed


Orson Scott Card is fascinated on the details Octavia Butler gives while writing Wild Seed. Orson Believes that by just reading the introduction Butler is being really clear and feels that there are so many details the novel has yet many people don’t notice is there. He expresses that science fiction as a way that will leave you intriguer and keep you in suspense wondering what is really going on, however it breaks it down later on. He believes metaphors shouldn’t be used at any point in the begging of the story because it can confuse the reader at some point. Card describes four components in science fiction in which he identifies the different ideas that Butler gives witch are identifies, Abeyance, implication, pique of interest, Liberalism and exposition.



Anyanwu wished she had gods to pray to, gods who would help her. But she had only herself and the magic she could perform with her own body.

Wild Seed, page 24.