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Twentieth century activities


Fish trap: comprehensive plan, p. 71

Secret Harbor link: http://www.goskagit.com/home/article/secret_harbor_to_open_group_home_in_anacortes_area/

Strawberry Island


Campground closure link: http://www.seakayakermag.com/2009/09e-newsletters/october/strawberry.htm

Albert Léon Guérard



A prominent scholar of Comparative Literature, Albert Léon Guérard taught at Stanford University for many years. A prolific author, he published works on French and European civilization, literature in general, and especially World Literature.


  • Albert Guérard (1956), Testament of a liberal, Harvard University Press
  • Albert Guérard (1936), Art for art's sake, Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Company
  • Albert Guérard (1949), Education of a humanist, Harvard University Press
  • Albert Guérard (1916), Five masters of French romance; Anatole France, Pierre Loti, Paul Bourget, Maurice Barrès, Romain Rolland, Scribners

Historical works

  • Albert Guérard (1928), France in the Classical Age. The Life and Death of an Ideal, Scribners, ISBN 978-1406706772.
  • Albert Guérard (1946), France - A Short History, New York: Norton
  • Albert Guérard, French Prophets of Yesterday. A Study of Religious Thought Under the Second Empire, ISBN 9781444684537
  • Albert Guérard (1957), Napoleon I.
  • Albert Guérard (1920), French civilization from its origins to the close of the middle ages
  • Albert Guérard (1943), Napoléon III, Harvard University Press
  • Albert Guérard (1969), Beyond hatred; the democratic ideal in France and America, Negro Universities Press, ISBN 0837119189



Sholom J. Kahn (1989), "Albert Léon Guérard (1880-1959): the Styles of A Humanist", The Virginia Quarterly Review

Paul Lawrence on Guérard's views of Nationalism and Romanticism:


Memorial Resolution (PDF)