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User:LE FIFI with Baseballbat/sandbox

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LE FIFI (in heavy French accent)

  The Le Fifi, or also known as Fifi La Fifi, is a small purple poodle with green spots and indigo stripes it has green pupil-lacking eyes it is often seen with a baseball bat. If you ever find a Le Fifi, I advise that you run. 
  Le Fifis' enjoy long walks off of tall cliffs, its favorite food is JOHN CENA (Johnith Cenaith)After a round of SUMO WRESTLING AGAINST JOHN CENA WITH A BASEBALL BAT. This sport is commonly played by JOHN CENA, and the deadly LE FIFI IN A DEUL TO THE DEATH. They both start in a large locked cage, in New Jersey in Aunt Salma's basement. There are MANY JOHN CENAS! All cloned due to being nearly extinct after the incident in 1845, when a wild LE FIFI  preyed upon the very first JOHN CENA, and found him the tastiest human it had ever eaten.

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   They two opponents (LE FIIIIIIIIIFIIIIIII, AND JOHN CEEENNNAAAA) begin their fight with a short bout of poetry battling, and a rap battle-consisting of barks and screams of misery and pain-also, they have a runway battle. Then the referee sneezes, and they FIIIGHT! It usually starts with LE FIFI tackling JOHN CENA, and beating him with his large baseball bat. JOHN CENA screams, and fights back with his AMAZING THEME SONG! (Example; DUN DUNNA DUN DUN DUNNA DUN)JOHN CENA fights brutally with his song, and ballet, then he usually dies. He is then cloned so that Aunt Salma can host another fight, at Sunday bingo and book club.
  La Foofie (La Foofigus) is LE FIFIs sister. Often seen cowering behind a pillow, by Aunt Salma's ceramic hippos. She is green, with green spots, and green polka dots, all the same shade. Completely harmless she is, unless cuteness is a weapon. (JOHN CENA loves her, but she is so cute that he screams so high and breaks the ceramic hippos, and Aunt Salma throws him in the basement with LE FIFI. That is how the fights started.) They use La Foofie's power of irresistible cuteness, to power the cloning machine made by Aunt Salma's shattered ceramic hippos. La Foofie is completely vegetarian, and loves to cuddle, whilst eating her Brussel sprouts. Aww, so cute.

We conducted an interview with JOHN CENA the 30rd, and he spoke of the LE FIFI among many other topics. He said, "It is a formidable opponent, that I have always lost to. Aunt Salma is still making me fight, but with brownies as bribery, I cannot resist. When I was a young lad in 1845, my parents died of a LE FIFI attack. I sought it out, but then I saw brownies, and I died." He is very fond of brownies, especially ones that make him hallucinate him killing LE FIFI.

We also spoke with Aunt Salma, she is very angry about her ceramic hippos, "JOHN CENA, is a poor mannered man-if you can even call him that." She said as she was making brownies to tempt the man, "I once had a prized ceramic hippos, she was all blue. Then I heard a scream, and I saw them all shattered-even my prized one-and it was all JOHN CENAs fault. Then the hippos started a revolution, had made a cloning machine to eternally torture JOHN CENA."