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Annotated Bibliography


The office of Management and Budget is located in the White House. Through their website they convey thorough explanation of what the Government Performance and Results Act. It can fit into our research and our edits to the page by explaining exactly what the government wanted this act to do. And how the government envisioned it functioning within the work place. It gives correct and specific parameters and rules that the act includes. It even goes in to detail as to how an entity or employer can bypass reporting or abiding by the laws of the government performance and results act. Giving specific managerial instruction is the thing I find most useful. The people at the top are held the most accountable for insuring the act is followed properly. The guidelines included show this as being trued under the accountability of management section.  [1].

The Performance.Gov website shows the need for the government performance and results act in cross agency priority goals. In a more precise sense it highlights the importance of the GRPA and tells you what makes it unique and great. It lists points the website sees as key points to the GRPA and how they work within the entity using the GRPA. The most importance from this website and its coverage of the GRPA is the coverage of President Obama signing the modernization of the GRPA in 2010 and what it did to help further the act and how it modernized the Government Performance Results Act. From what I read into the modernization from this website it shows data and empirical evidence are used more heavily than when the act was originally adopted. Switching to a more analytical approach of how to show performance in the government workplace. [2]

The Government and Performance Results Act annual report of 2010 published by the Board of Governors of the Federal reserve system can serve as the basis of change for when President Obama signed the modernization of the Government performance and results act in 2010. It gives detailed account of how the Act worked that year and the revamped changes to the Government Performance and Results Act influenced positive change within the workplace. It includes mission statements and strategic goals for every facet of the Government Performance and Results Act. It could fit nicely into our edit of the current page in the way that it shows the transition to the modern standards for the Government Performance and Result Act. One thing this particular publication brought to light for me was the fact the Federal Reserve Board controls and monitors the act itself. [3]

The substance abuse and mental health services administration published an article on their page as to how to measure the effectiveness of the Government Performance and Results Act within the workplace. This is particularly interesting to our page in that it answers a question I raised in my article evaluation about how the success of this act would be measured how to get a sense of its failures and its achievements. The great thing about this is it shows the differences between the 1993 act and the 2010 act. With that said it also is interesting that it is published after two thousand and ten because it shows how to measure the success of the act in its current state. It also provides several useful links to government mandated requirements through the act for SAMHSA to follow. [4]

The United States Postal Service uses the Government performance results Act on its website to show its expectations but to also include its plans for five years into the future. This benefits our page from the standpoint of actually seeing the policy implemented at this grass roots level if you will. Seeing how a company uses and projects itself through the act is crucial to the research we are doing over the Government Performance and Results Act. Showing the strategic planning and innovations of the Postal Service or any government entity shows the employees and the public at large what is coming and what is to be expected. This incentivizes goals to be met and followed through with. When companies comply with the Government Performance and Results act as the postal service has you tend to see great accomplishment.  [5]

Article evaluation


The Government Performance and Results Act or the GRPA is a great law that was enacted in 1993. I was fascinated when reading this article for the first time. I had no idea such a law existed; I was a bit discouraged with the state of the current article on the GPRA because of the lack of information on the law and how it has been implemented since 1993. It brings up the points of the law such as government agencies having to develop a five year plan for the long term goals of the organization. The article is very shallow, it does not go beyond the description of the GPRA. I would love to examine how the companies come up with and implement the five year plans. Another thing I would like the article to include is how the law has actually impacted government agencies and performance management. Rather than just describe it I would like to include how the law has worked for the better or worse. Another thing the article speaks to is the law requiring the agencies to prepare annual performance plans and then reports. I believe there is a tremendous amount of strategy and thought that goes into this process that my group and I can dissect to make this article more informative. The president and the OMB actually have control over the GRPA and are responsible for reporting it in the presidents’ annual budget request. This is too dry for me, I would like to know why and how and feel like the article could be much more informative in this area. Overall my first impression of the article assigned is the topic will be very interesting and I feel there is a tremendous amount of research to do. The article as a whole is currently very short but has the structure to be built upon and made great. I am very excited to dive in and make the GRPA article more cogent and sound.

Peer Review


The "Layoff" article is very informative and well written. Today, sadly it is one of the most talked about things in economies and job markets worldwide. A significant reduction in force; this article has been revised well for the most part. I think expanding on a history section for this article could be key considering it is very relevant in the lives of many. Covering not only the history and statistics of layoff's in the U.S. but world wide. Specifically, the terminology section was very interesting and substantial. It read very well and increased the knowledge I have on why the term "Layoff" is used. Also the common abbreviations section helps in the case I ever see them in the future I will now know what it is referring to. Moving on to the Unemployment compensation section; this section reads well and is also very informative in my opinion. It is the most thoroughly written part of this article, good job. Unemployment compensation in Australia is interesting; However, I think this article could potentially be changed to "Unemployment Compensation Throughout the World" this would give a chance to show the differences between countries and compensation. Besides a few minor changes this is a good article!