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My Mid-Term Quiz for LIBY 1210-09 Winter 2016

My Research Topic is: Cultural Oppression in the Civil Rights Movement

Key words related to my Research Topic are: Civil Rights; Oppression

Part 1:

I chose to read and evaluate the article titled: Martin Luther King Jr.

Article: Martin Luther King Jr.

1. Is there a warning banner at the top of the article? Yes or No

- No, there is no warning banner at the top of the article.

If there is a warning banner, copy and paste the warning banner here.

-(There is no warning banner/ N.A.)

Write an brief explanation of the reason the issues mentioned in the warning banner are important. For example, if the issue is “needs additional citations for verification,” why does that matter?

-Warning banners are important because it informs the author that there may be errors on the article that may result in serious repercussions from the website itself or the general public. If the warning banner said "needs additional citations for verification," it would be important because if the article lacked citations, it could appear that an individual would simply be adding information from his/her own personal beliefs instead of getting them from a reliable source.

Please note: If the article you are evaluating does not have a warning banner, choose a warning banner from a different article and explain the warning that is in that banner.

- Care Bears: This article has a warning banner that states that the article requires additional citations for verification and that the lead section of the article needs to be rewritten.

2. Is the lead section of the article easy to understand? Does it summarize the key points of the article?

-The lead section of the article is very easy to understand. It lists the accomplishments that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has achieved in his lifetime as well as described the important historical figure that he is.

3. Is the structure of the article clear? “Are there several headings and subheadings, images and diagrams at appropriate places, and appendices and foonotes at the end?”

- Yes, the structure of the article is outstandingly clear. There are headings that cover his early life, family, and movements that he has lead/partaken in. There are also headings that are more in depth, such as: Assassination and Aftermath or FBI and King's Personal Life. I feel as if, because Dr Martin luther King Jr. is such an important and revered figure, his Wikipedia page is often corrected and updated in order to make it as accurate as possible.

4. Are “the various aspects of the topic balanced well”? That is does it seem to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic?

- When searching figures that were important to my research topic, I did not expect the results to be as detailed as they were. The article discusses King's political views as well as the legacy that he has left on the United States of America, which for me, was unexpected. When I typed Dr. King's name into the search engine, I expected to find a list of his awards and a brief overview of his achievements, yet the article delved deep into his personal life and his ideology and influence on the masses.

5. Does the article provide a “neutral point of view”? Does it read like an encyclopedia article instead of a persuasive essay?

- Yes, the article does provide a neutral point of view. The article is compacted with evidence, which allows it to be read as an encyclopedia article rather than a persuasive essay. While I do stand by my statement that the article does indeed provide a neutral point of view on the topic, I feel as if leaders that have changed the world for what the majority of the population considers, "better," it is hard to not add words such as "great" which I did note that the article said about Dr. King. The article states, "There, he established his reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history." Even though the author(s) of this article did write that Dr. King was one of the greatest orators in American History, I feel as if it is safe to say that the article still remains unbiased due to the fact that the majority of the American population agrees with what King stood for.

6. Are the references and footnotes citing reliable sources? Do they point to scholarly and trustworthy information? Beware of references to blogs; look for references to books, scholarly journal articles, government sources, etc.

- There is a total of 332 citations that are used in the Wikipedia page of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which, to me, was a staggering amount. This article also contained a total of 16 sources, which are more than reliable and trustworthy. I searched one of the sources of information for this article which was David Garrow's, Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. This book has been awarded the Pulitzer Prize and has been based on approximately 700 interviews with those that have work alongside Dr. King as well as countless FBI documents.

7. Look for these signs of bad quality and comment on their presence or absence from the article you are evaluating:

a. is the lead section well-written, in clear, correct English?

- Yes, the lead section of the article that I have chosen is in concise English and is extremely well-informed.

b. are there “unsourced opinions” and/or “value statements which are not neutral”?

-No, fortunately, there are no unsourced opinions.

c. does the article refer “to ‘some,’ ‘many,’ or other unnamed groups of people,” instead of specific organizations or authors or facts?

- No, the article consistently refers to important, valid political organizations and figures. Most of which, have their own Wikipedia pages.

d. does the article seem to omit aspects of the topic?

- It does not seem as if the article is attempting to hide any aspect of Dr. King's life. Even though he is a respected figure in American History, the article still lists the "negative" aspects of him that some have brought to light, such as: Allegations of Communism and adultery.

e. are some sections overly long compared to other sections of similar importance to the topic?

-Yes, there are portions of the article that are substaintially longer than others. For example, the header, "Doctoral Studies," is not as in depth as the header of the section that describes King's March on Washington.

f. does the article lack sufficient references or footnotes?

- No, the article does not lack sufficient references or footnotes. As previously stated, there is a total of 332 citations in Dr. King's Wikipedia page.

g. Look at the “View History” for the article. As you read the conversation there, do you see hostile dialogue or other evidence of lack of respectful treatment among the editors?

-As I browsed through the "View History," section for this particular article, nearly everyone that I observed was engaging in a mature, eloquent manner.


Part 2:

Evaluate the Wikipedia article you selected using the CARDIO method. Write your answers following each word below:

Currency: The last update on this article was on October 17, 2016 at 9:01.

Authority: Some evidence that I have found that solidifies the authors' credentials are in that I have looked at their contributions to not only Dr. King's article, but others that they have participated in. Upon this research, I found that the majority of said authors have been focused on the accuracy of the articles of historical figures for a significant amount of time. Some others, such as User:Malik Shabazz have their own pages that shows their contributions to the Wikipedia community along with their current projects and interests.

Relevance: This article is very relevant to my research topic. Dr. King was one of the most influential figures/leaders in the Civil Rights Movement, which directly correlates to my topic.

Depth: This article, as stated above, goes into depth in a myriad of aspects in Dr. King's life, listing his achievements as well as allegations against him.

Information Format: This is a Wikipedia article about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ( A website that is intended for the general public)

Object: The purpose for creating this article is to inform the general public about who Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is and how he has influenced the Civil Rights Movement and the lives of Black Americans.