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The Wikipedia page I chose to edit for this project is the Silicon Valley page, due to Silicon Valley's largely known reputation for having high tech corporations. The majority of the article is relevant to the topic I'm going for, but of course since this is also a region there is background on the land itself and the community itself that was not deemed useful to me which in it's own did wind up slightly distracting me. Silicon Valley also has a reputation for being terrible to women, which is in fact mentioned in the Demographics section under "Occupational inequality and Sexism in the technology industry". There are claims here that have background and are factual information, and some statistics that show the gender occupation inequality in Silicon Valley. They also reference racial inequality in this section. This area does not appear to be heavily biased, due to all of the supporting facts and statistics behind their claims. There is not a ton of viewpoints from the men who work in Silicon Valley on the inequality and sexual harassment/sexism in their workplace; majority was from women. I wouldn't say these viewpoints were overrepresented, because it was justified for this topic, but I suppose the men in this workforce could have their viewpoints represented as well.I checked a handful of the citations and links on this page, and every single one I clicked on out of the ninety two worked. All of the sources I clicked did in fact support the claims mentioned in the Wikipedia article. Each fact I saw was references with a reliable reference that was also supported and cited. Not all of these sources appeared to be neutral, while others appeared to be biased. Some appeared biased in favor of men in this work force, and other sources appeared to be in favor of women in this work force. Although they were all factual it is obvious certain aspects were left out to create a bias in a few of the articles. All of the sources I clicked appeared to be up to date or were in reference to some historical background on the page that was there for background on this region. I am not yet sure what could be added to this page, maybe more accounts of personal experiences that have been noted from working in this region. The only time I saw women really mentioned on this page was when they were talking about issues revolving around them and their jobs. I would like to also see positive remarks about the women in this region working rather than solely the controversial issues that are happening, because their accomplishments are also important. When finding the talk page it looked really strange, as if no one was talking on there anymore. It appeared that the last comments were left is 2014 which I found really surprising. I did see some arguments, but it mainly looked to be about if Silicon Valley was spelled Silicon Valley or Sillicone Valley, which was honestly just confusing to me on why this was a subject. This article was not yet rated.