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User:Kwerty/Pingu Episodes Series 5

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No official episode title appears on screen, so the list is created from the titles used on various official DVD releases.

The episode titles from Series 1 to 4 are taken from the official Japanese DVD releases, the alternative titles are taken from the official European DVD releases. Episode titles for Series 5 are taken from the European DVD release. Spelling and grammatical errors have been left as per original.

Series 1 (1988 - 1991)[edit]

Series 2 (1991 - 1994)[edit]

Series 3 (1994 - 1996)[edit]

Series 4 (1998)[edit]

Series 5 (2004)[edit]

Pingu's Bouncy Fun[edit]

Alternative title - "Bouncy Fun"

The episode starts with Pingu jumping up and down on his bed. Mum comes in and tells him to stop and makes him sit on a chair. Pingu then jumps up and down on the chair, much to Pinga's fright, and is prompted again not to bounce. Pingu then jumps on a cushion, then on Pinga's toy rabbit, much to Pinga's dismay, prompting Mum to take the rabbit and give it to Pinga to comfort her. Dad comes home and he and Pingu build a makeshift trampoline which they jump up and down on, but Mum becomes aghast when she sees this after she comes back. Pingu and Dad then take the trampoline outside and then tidy up inside. Pingu and Dad then play on the trampoline outside, the two of them wearing crash helmets.

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu Finishes the Job[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu Digs a Hole[edit]

  • Produced in

Pingu's Valentine Card[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu Wants to Fly[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu's Windy Day[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu's Lost Rabbit[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu's Moon Adventure[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pinga Sleepwalks[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu the Snowboarder[edit]

Alternative title - "Robby the Snowboarder"

Pingu comes snowboarding with Robby at the slope. Unfortunately, when Pingu jumps a slope, he lands on his rear end, hurting it. Fortunately, Pingi is there and she puts plasters on Pingu's backside and gives him a safety cushion for protection. Pingi then teaches Pingu how to snowboard properly including the jump that he missed. When Pingu jumps the slope, he lands safely, but when Robby jumps the slope, he lands on his rear, hurting it like Pingu did earlier. We then see Pingu, Robby and Pingi all wearing safety cushions, and they snowboard once again.

  • Produced in 2004

Pinga Has Hiccups[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Like Father Like Pingu[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu's Ice Sculpture[edit]

Alternative title - "Pingu's Ice Sculptures"

Pingu comes across a sign with an ice sculptor on it, and when he comes across his parents, he sees Mum sitting on a block of ice (holding a vase and with puckered lips too, no doubt), and Dad doing some sculpting; Dad tells him that they're entering an ice sculpting competition, which Pinga is also taking part in with a (very crummy) snow scuplture of her toy rabbit. Pingu declines the choice of joining, until he comes across Robby who is doing a sculpture of himself. Pingu throws two snowballs at the sculpture and makes a moustache on it, wracking it. Pingu and Robby then make various sculptures (including ones of various penguin-seal hybrids). Meanwhile, Mum and Dad are having some argument about the finished sculpture; the beak is too long than intended. They and Pinga take their sculptures to the competition with them anyway, and as they move, they pass the various sculptures Pingu and Robby made earlier. They then come across the two of them doing one last sculpture. Pingu and Robby take the sculpture to the competition with them. At the competition, Mum and Dad's lose on their sculpture when the judge sees the beak tied together with rope (the bottom half of the beak broke off earlier). When the judge sees Pingu and Robby's sculpture, the duo win the competition and are awarded with the trophy.

  • Produced in 2004

Pinga's Balloon[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu and the Knitting Machine[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu's Balancing Act[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu Gets Lost[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu and Pinga Go Camping[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Stinky Pingu[edit]

Pingu and Pinga have breakfast, but the breakfast is fish porridge, which Pingu doesn't seem to like. Pinga eats hers and can therefore leave the table, but Pingu can't leave the table because he hasn't had his, much to his disgust. When Mum goes into another room, Pingu craftily puts the fish porridge into his backpack in order to fool Mum into thinking that he has eaten it. He then goes outside taking the backpack with him. He comes across Robby and tries to give him the fish porridge, but in some sort of scuffle, Pingu himself gets covered with the stuff. Pingu then proceeds home, becoming dirtier and smellier in the process. When he gets home he gets in the bath though Pinga is already in it. After getting himself clean, he and his family sit down for dinner, but dinner is, again, fish porridge. Fortunately, Mum gives him a roast fish instead.

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu and the Band[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu and the Snowball[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu's Stick Up[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu and the Doorbell[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

     Shit lurks at Pingu's house when Pingu accidentally destroies the doorbell. He uses tools,but it's just a pain. He gets a bell-recaller,but it is as crappy as a mule. He gets a better 1.

Pingu Plays Tag[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu's Pancakes[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Pingu's Bedtime Shadows[edit]

  • Produced in 2004

Series 6 (2004)[edit]

Special episode (1997)[edit]