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User:Kupirijo/Classification of slime molds

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Amoebozoan slime molds


In more strict terms, slime molds comprise the amoebozoan group of the mycetozoans. Mycetozoa, which includes the defunct phylum Myxomycota (now Myxogastria), includethe following three groups:

Even at this level of classification there are conflicts to be resolved. Recent molecular evidence shows that the first two groups are likely to be monophyletic and the protostelids however to be polyphyletic. For this reason, scientists are currently trying to understand the relationships among these three groups.

Slime mold (Physarum polycephalum)

The most commonly encountered are the Myxogastria. A common slime mold which forms tiny brown tufts on rotting logs is Stemonitis. Another form which lives in rotting logs and is often used in research is Physarum polycephalum. In logs it has the appearance of a slimy web-work of yellow threads, up to a few feet in size. Fuligo forms yellow crusts in mulch.

The Dictyosteliida, cellular slime molds, are distantly related to the plasmodial slime molds and have a very different lifestyle. Their amoebae do not form huge coenocytes, and remain individual. They live in similar habitats and feed on microorganisms. When food runs out and they are ready to form sporangia, they do something radically different. They release signal molecules into their environment, by which they find each other and create swarms. These amoeba then join up into a tiny multicellular slug-like coordinated creature, which crawls to an open lit place and grows into a fruiting body. Some of the amoebae become spores to begin the next generation, but some of the amoebae sacrifice themselves to become a dead stalk, lifting the spores up into the air.

The Protostelids have characters intermediate between the previous two groups, but they are much smaller, the fruiting bodies only forming one to a few spores.

Non-Amoebozoan slime molds

Grouping Genera Morphology
Amoebozoa > Conosa > Mycetozoa

Myxogastria: Cribraria, Lycogala, Tubifera, Echinostelium, Fuligo, Lepidoderma, Physarum, Comatricha, Stemonitis, Arcyria, Trichia

Syncytial or plasmodial slime molds

Dictyosteliida: Dictyostelium, Polysphondylium, Acytostelium

Cellular slime molds

Protostelida: Planoprotostelium, Protostelium

Intermediate between myxomycetes and dictyostelids, but they are much smaller, the fruiting bodies only forming one to a few spores.
Rhizaria > Cercozoa > Phytomyxea Lignieria, Membranosorus, Octomyxa, Phagomyxa, Plasmodiophora, Polymyxa, Sorodiscus, Sorosphaera, Spongospora, Tetramyxa, Woronina Parasitic protists which can cause cabbage club root disease and powdery scab tuber disease. They form coenocytes but are internal parasites of plants.
Excavata > Percolozoa > Heterolobosea > Acrasida Acrasis Cellular slime molds which have a similar life style to dictyostelids, but their amoebae behave differently, having eruptive pseudopodia.
Chromalveolate > Heterokontophyta > Labyrinthulida Labyrinthulids, Labyrinthula, Thraustochytrids, Aplanochytrium, Labyrinthuloides, Japonochytrium, Schizochytrium, Thraustochytrium, Ulkenia, Diplophryids, Diplophrys Slime nets which are marine and form labyrinthine networks of tubes in which amoeba without pseudopods can travel.
Fonticulida Fonticula Cellular slime mold which forms a fruiting body in a volcano shape.
  1. ^ Mary C. Deasey and Lindsay S. Olive (31 July 1981), "Role of Golgi Apparatus in Sorogenesis by the Cellular Slime Mold Fonticula alba", Science, 213 (4507): 561–563, doi:10.1126/science.213.4507.561
  2. ^ Ann C. Worley, Kenneth B. Raper and Marianne Hohl (Jul. - Aug., 1979), "Fonticula alba: A New Cellular Slime Mold (Acrasiomycetes)", Mycologia, 71 (4): 746–760, doi:10.2307/3759186 {{citation}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  3. ^ Matthew W. Brown, Frederick W. Spiegel and Jeffrey D. Silberman (2009), "Phylogeny of the "Forgotten" Cellular Slime Mold, Fonticula alba, Reveals a Key Evolutionary Branch within Opisthokonta", Molecular Biology and Evolution, 26 (12): 2699–2709, doi:10.1093/molbev/msp185, PMID 19692665