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User:KumaleFufa/LGBT in Islam: Death Penalty

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The article I chose to edit is LGBT in Islam, specifically under the "Death penalty" subheading.

- "Homosexuality in the Muslim world today is punished in a harsher way than all the others states, both under religious and state laws." [1] (Rehman & Polymenopoulou)

- "The most brutal punishments, including lashes and public stoning, as well as arbitrary executions, also occur in Muslim-majority states (namely, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Qatar, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Malaysia).11 Some of the Islamic states that impose life imprisonment do so on the basis of the Sharia injunctions (for example, Maldives).12 Even the most “tolerant” states still punish the offense of “unnatural intercourse” (Bangladesh). 13 Furthermore, the Muslim-majority states that criminalize same sex relationships have also proved to have the highest levels of homophobia and intolerance towards sexual diversity.14" (Rehman & Polymenopoulou)

- "Regarding the punishment for homosexuality, there is a consensus among the four leading Sunni schools of thought and most Islamic scholars that homosexual acts are a major sin (fahicha) and may be punishable by death." (Rehman & Polymenopoulou)

Death penalty


Islamic counties that practice strict Sharia law rule the death penalty appropriate for certain crimes such as rape, treason, adultery, etc. This list of crimes subject to the death penalty includes homosexual activity. It has been ruled a crime that threatens to undermine authority as well as Islamic law. The concurrence of the four prominent schools of Islamic law regards homosexual relationships and acts as major sins that may be subject to the death penalty.

In 2016, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) released its most recent State Sponsored Homophobia Report. The report found that thirteen countries (or parts of them) impose the death penalty for "Same-sex sexual acts". These countries comprise 6% of the countries in the United Nations. Of these thirteen countries, four are in Africa: Sudan, Nigeria, Somalia, and Mauritania. Nine are in Asia: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar, UAE, Iraq, and Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) territories. None are in the Americas, Europe, or Oceania.[2] The full report with details about countries imposing the death penalty can be read at State Sponsored Homophobia 2016.[3] This report omits that Brunei also punishes homosexuals with death[4] and that Brunei tolerates anti-gay vigilante attacks.


  1. ^ Rehman & Polymenopoulou, Javaid & Eleni (2013). "Is Green a Part of the Rainbow? Sharia, Homosexuality and LGBT Rights in the Muslim World". Fordham International Law Journal.
  2. ^ "State Sponsored Homophobia 2016 (ILGA, May 2016), 37" (PDF). ILGA.org. Retrieved 5 April 2017.
  3. ^ "State Sponsored Homophobia 2016 (ILGA, May 2016)" (PDF). ILGA.org. Retrieved 5 April 2017.
  4. ^ "Brunei Adopts Penal Code Provision Calling for Death by Stoning for Same-Sex Acts". HumanRightsFirst.org. Retrieved 5 April 2017.