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KOBELLA Is the name given to Stella. Kobella meaning girl in greek. Stella kobella ryhme, so does 'stell girl' ironically soo thats why Stella currently has the nick name of 'KOBELLA'. Her name in greek is written as follows 'Στελλα'. And she said that she wishes she had a penny for everytime someone mantioned her name in conjunction with a beer!!

Kobella is very upset at the moment as she is in the learning centre of her college as her lesson was cancelled. She gets very upset when this happpens as she treks (makes a long journey) to get to college only to find out there is no lesson.


Stella Kobella was born on 26/10/1988 in whipps cross hospital in Leyton. She lives in a house with her family in Walthamstow. She does not like Walthamstow very much but she reckons that her yard ('house' is the best one in the whole area. She spends most of her time in Northe endz (areas) as all of her friends live their, therfore spends the majority of her life either waiting for or travelling on the 34 bus.

Kobella is currently studying History, Spanish and Psycholoy at College and does Greek at greek school, all of which are AS level. Kobella finds thsi very stressfull and often gets in to arguments with her teachers when the moan at her to revise as she has no 'orex' (orexi= cant be botherd/ patience).

Stella enjoys going to dance classes and loves to perfrom, and is a total drama queen at times. Togethor with her best friend Christina, kobella loves to engange in 'belares' (madness, stupid thing) when she is on road, as they both dont 'give a s**t about what passers by think of them. Many people may find their antics verg crazy but that is them they are 'Cypriot crak hedz'.

Stella Kobella would like to go to Cyprus in the summer time with her friends, but her father is not letting her, as he had a word with his sister and she cahnged his mind. Why? I don't no, but do not fear, kobella and her sister TIGGYY are currently working on it, with constant moans every day.

She is also taking driving lessons at the moment. In the future she would like a Pergout 206, in either Black or an electric blue colour, we can only hope. However, she said to her parents 'for my firt car i'll drive absolutely anything! even if its an old banger'! yes thats right she doesn't care so lets hope her parents will buy her one soon.

Kobella loves her friends very much even though some of the are A*s lickers and are like sheep, but there is nothing she can do about that, thats the way that they are, and she has to deal with it. She has many freinds however only has a handful of close friends that she knows will always be there for her, she does not like to engage with 'Waste heds' as they waste her time and life is too short for time wasters. If they can't be botherd for her, she can not be botherd for them.


Kobella reckons that everyone should have aims in life, one of hers is to be happy. Ok of course nearly everyone would like money in order to purcahse such things like garms (items of clothing) and kreps (trainers) and other things but why have a skata (s**t) job that you do not enjoy to do so. Therefore whatever she does she wants to have fun and not woryy about doin mindless tasks.


from the 2001-2005 stella attended Rushcroft school. She attended Aveling park school fro one term b4 hand and left as it was a total WASTEE! the students were idiots. She enjoyed her 1st couple of years at Rushcroft but then that to turned into a waste therefore was glad to leave. The teachers where tramps and they should go f**k themselves sometimes.

Her best freinds at this school were, Christina, Gag, Ersul, Enis, Erol and Adam. They were known as the 'Foreign crew'. They spent most of their time in the schools danmce studio ot 'cotching' (staying/spening time) outside the drama studio which is what schol life was all about. They liked to cause madness and watch the idiots walk by all was very eventfull.