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Hate Speech and Social media


The explosive growth of hate speech in the world can partly be explained by the usage of social media.[1] The inherent shortcomings in the way that social media self-propagates, by using advertising as funding, have created a space where there needs to be constant policing. The algorithms used do not differentiate between traffic to a hate-oriented page, website, etc., and a non-hate based page, which allows hate groups to spread hate speech while being supported by the system.[1] Hate speech continues to grow as long as it has a platform, and it is difficult to legislate against hate speech because of the fine line between protected 1A speech and hate speech with malicious intent.[2]

  1. ^ a b Jakubowicz, A (2017). "Alt_Right white lite:Trolling, hate speech, and cyber racism on social media".
  2. ^ Udoh-Oshin, Grace, "Hate Speech on the Internet: Crime or Free Speech?" (2017). Undergraduate Honors College Theses. 9. http://digitalcommons.liu.edu/post_honors_theses/9