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Although the Bahá'í Faith originated in Iran, it recognises and venerates the Buddha and Krishna.[a]


Name Prophet Messenger Notes
Adam Yes Yes Beginning of the successive human authority of God in Earth.[9]
אָדָם‎ in Hebrew.
Idris Yes[10] No Islamic tradition has unanimously identified Idris with the Enoch (חֲנוֹךְ in Hebrew). However, many Muslim scholars identified Idris as Hermes Trismegistus.
Noah Yes[11] Yes[12] Sent to people of Noah.[b]
נֹחַ‎ in Hebrew.
Hud Yes Yes[13]

Sent to ʿĀd[14] in Arabian Peninsula.
Sometimes been identified with Eber (עֵבֶר in Hebrew).

Salih Yes Yes[15] Sent to Thamud[16] in Arabian Penisula.
Abraham Yes[17] Yes[15] Sent to people of Abraham.[c]
אַבְרָהָם‎ in Hebrew.
Lot Yes Yes[18] Sent to people of Lot.[d]
Nephew of Abraham.
לוֹט in Hebrew.
Ishmael Yes[19] Yes[19] Son of Abraham.
יִשְׁמָעֵאל in Hebrew.
Isaac Yes[20] No Son of Abraham.
יִצְחָק‎ in Hebrew.
Jacob Yes[21] No Son of Isaac.
Forefather of Israelites.
יַעֲקֹב in Hebrew.
Joseph Yes Yes Son of Jacob.
יוֹסֵף in Hebrew.
Job Yes No אִיּוֹב in Hebrew.
Shuaib Yes Yes[22] Sent to people of Midian[23] in Arabian Penisula.
Identified with Jethro (יִתְרוֹ in Hebrew).
Moses Yes[24] Yes[24] Sent to Pharaoh and his chiefs.[25]
Associated with Tawrat.
מֹשֶׁה in Hebrew.


  1. ^ The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 346.
  2. ^ Paris Talks, p. 137.
  3. ^ The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 197–198.
  4. ^ Paris Talks, p. 35.
  5. ^ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in London, p. 63.
  6. ^ Some Answered Questions, p. 165.
  7. ^ Letters from the Guardian to Australia and New Zealand, p. 41.
  8. ^ Dawn of a New Day, p. 199–200.
  9. ^ Quran 2:30–31
  10. ^ Quran 19:56, the word "Idris" translated as Enoch
  11. ^ Quran 11:25, 23:23, 71:1, 29:14
  12. ^ Quran 26:107, 9:70
  13. ^ Quran 26:125, 9:70
  14. ^ Quran 7:65, 11:50
  15. ^ a b Quran 9:70
  16. ^ Quran 7:73, 11:61, 27:45
  17. ^ Quran 19:41
  18. ^ Quran 37:133, 9:70
  19. ^ a b Quran 19:54–55
  20. ^ Quran 19:49, 37:112
  21. ^ Quran 19:49
  22. ^ Quran 26:178
  23. ^ Quran 7:85
  24. ^ a b Quran 19:51
  25. ^ Quran 43:46, 51:38


  1. ^ from ʻAbdu'l-Bahá:
    • Blessed souls—whether Moses, Jesus, Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha, Confucius or Muḥammad—were the cause of the illumination of the world of humanity. How can we deny such irrefutable proof? How can we be blind to such light? How can we dispute the validity of Christ? This is injustice. This is a denial of reality. Man must be just. We must set aside bias and prejudice. We must abandon the imitations of ancestors and forefathers. We ourselves must investigate reality and be fair in judgment. The old nation of Persia denied all these facts, harboring the utmost hatred and enmity toward other religious beliefs besides their own. We have investigated reality and found that these holy souls were all sent of God. All of them have sacrificed life, endured ordeals and tribulations in order that They might educate us. How can such love be forgotten? The light of Christ is evident. The candle of Buddha is shining. The star of Moses is sparkling. The flame ignited by Zoroaster is still burning. How can we deny Them? It is injustice. It is a denial of complete evidence. If we forsake imitations, all will become united, and no differences will remain to separate us.[1]
    • Science must be accepted. No one truth can contradict another truth. Light is good in whatsoever lamp it is burning! A rose is beautiful in whatsoever garden it may bloom! A star has the same radiance if it shines from the East or from the West. Be free from prejudice, so will you love the Sun of Truth from whatsoever point in the horizon it may arise! You will realize that if the Divine light of truth shone in Jesus Christ it also shone in Moses and in Buddha. The earnest seeker will arrive at this truth. This is what is meant by the ‘Search after Truth’.[2]
    • The holy Manifestations Who have been the Sources or Founders of the various religious systems were united and agreed in purpose and teaching. Abraham, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, Muḥammad, the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh are one in spirit and reality. Moreover, each Prophet fulfilled the promise of the One Who came before Him and, likewise, Each announced the One Who would follow. Consider how Abraham foretold the coming of Moses, and Moses embodied the Abrahamic statement. Moses prophesied the Messianic cycle, and Christ fulfilled the law of Moses.[3]
    • The Message of Krishna is the message of love. All God’s prophets have brought the message of love. None has ever thought that war and hate are good. Every one agrees in saying that love and kindness are best.[4]
    • The real teaching of Buddha is the same as the teaching of Jesus Christ. The teachings of all the Prophets are the same in character. Now men have changed the teaching. If you look at the present practice of the Buddhist religion, you will see that there is little of the Reality left. Many worship idols although their teaching forbids it.[5]
    • Buddha also established a new religion, and Confucius renewed morals and ancient virtues, but their institutions have been entirely destroyed. The beliefs and rites of the Buddhists and Confucianists have not continued in accordance with their fundamental teachings. The founder of Buddhism was a wonderful soul. He established the Oneness of God, but later the original principles of His doctrines gradually disappeared, and ignorant customs and ceremonials arose and increased until they finally ended in the worship of statues and images.[6]
    from Shoghi Effendi, on her behalf:
    • The Buddha was a Manifestation of God, like Christ, but his followers do not possess his authentic writings.[7]
    • He was also delighted to hear that the Message was given to such large crowds of people in a spot associated with the enlightenment of the Manifestation of God, Buddha. Buddhists to the Faith as well as Hindus, and he urges your Assembly to do everything in your power to attract the members of these Faiths and convert them.[8]
  2. ^ "people of Noah"
    Quran 51:46, 50:12, 26:105, 22:42
  3. ^ "people of Abraham"
    Quran 9:70, 22:43
  4. ^ "people of Lot"
    Quran 22:43, 26:160, 54:33