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User:KevinAbbondanza/Naima Jillal

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Namia Jillal


Naima Jillal, also known as Aunt, is a Dutch cocaine trafficker who works for Mustapha El Fechtali's Mocro Maffia group. She was born on January 4, 1967 in Nador, Morocco. It is headquartered in Marbella, Spain, and operates in Malaga and the Port of Rotterdam. She is one of the few women in Europe who works in the drug industry on a major scale. It imports tons of cocaine from Costa Rica to the Netherlands on a regular basis. She joined herself with Mustapha El Fechtali during the assassination of Samir Bouyakhrichan in 2014 and succeeded to gain control of the Port of Rotterdam by serving and distributing hundreds of drug traffickers around Europe. Naima Jillal was mostly utilized to establish connections with Europe's most powerful criminals. In the month of October,She was kidnapped by three to four people a few blocks from her flat, while traveling from Marbella to Amsterdam. Her remains were never discovered. In the year 2020, Dutch officials crack the EncroChat server, allowing them to decrypt Naima Jillal's PGP messages sent before her kidnapping. Since the encrypted messages, Naimas kidnappers name has been added to the Europol agency's most sought criminals list.

World Today News. “Possibly Clothing of Missing Naima Jillal Found in the Port of Antwerp: Now.” World Today News, 16 Mar. 2021, https://www.world-today-news.com/possibly-clothing-of-missing-naima-jillal-found-in-the-port-of-antwerp-now/.

Newsy Today. “Portrait. the 'Godmother of Coke', Naima Jillal: She Did Not Have Stuporbolides or Blingbling, but She Did Have a Stomach Reduction and Many Enemies - Het Laatste Nieuws.” Newsy Today, 18 Mar. 2021, https://newsy-today.com/portrait-the-godmother-of-coke-naima-jillal-she-did-not-have-stuporbolides-or-blingbling-but-she-did-have-a-stomach-reduction-and-many-enemies-het-laatste-nieuws/?amp.

Admin. “Reports of Suspicious Kidnapping by Naima Jillal: Interior.” NewsBeezer, 5 Nov. 2019, https://newsbeezer.com/netherlandseng/reports-of-suspicious-kidnapping-by-naima-jillal-interior/.

This image displays a picture of drugs that were being trafficked. This picture aligns with the topic of our assignment.

Criminal Career


In the 2010s, Samir Bouyakhrichan's network approached Naima Jillal. Mustapha El Fechtali seized control of the group after Samir was assassinated, and Naima Jillal was promoted to logistician. Because she speaks Spanish, Naima Jillal is able to manage cocaine orders from South American cartels. To get cargo through the Port of Rotterdam, Naima Jillal is known to pay substantial sums of money to customs officers. Naima is a multi-millionaire who works with Mustapha El Fechtali and Piet Costa on a regular basis.

On May 30, 2016, Naima Jillal lost 4,000 kilos of cocaine in a container of pineapples from Costa Rica at the Rotterdam Port.

Ridouan Taghi's organization shot and killed Hakim Changachi in Utrecht on January 12, 2017. It was a poor choice of a target. Nabil Bakkali had been dispatched by Ridouan Taghi to assassinate Khalid H. When the Dutch police intercepted Khalid H.'s BlackBerry, they discovered that he was in regular contact with a "Aunt" from Utrecht known as Naima Jillal.

“The Moroccan Naima, originally from Utrecht, has been active in the cocaine trade for several years. Naima has contacts to make connections in the importation of cocaine in large quantities.

— Statement from Dutch special units, 28 November 2017.

The Dutch secret services acquired critical information on June 13, 2018. Naima Jillal utilizes an EncroChat server to find new companies to import cocaine into the Netherlands. Investigators in the Netherlands begin their investigation by decrypting PGP messages transmitted to EncroChat's servers. Naima Jillal was looking for a place to store the money and narcotics, according to anonymous witnesses who spoke to the Dutch police.

Naima Jillal had gastric banding in October 2019. She had surgery in a Spanish hospital before flying to Amsterdam-Schiphol on October 20, 2019. Around 9:30 p.m., two persons abducted Naima Jillal from her luxury condominium on the Gustav Mahlerlaan in the Zuidas neighborhood by putting her in a dark colored Volkswagen Polo. She was never found.



Where is she now?

According to the newspaper, a photo on the discovered Blackberry depicts a naked woman taped to a chair. Another image depicts the woman's midsection, complete with a cut-off finger and toe. A third image shows the woman lying naked on the floor on her stomach. The photographs were taken on the night of October 20 to 21, 2019, the same night Jilal went missing, according to the metadata.

According to NOS and Het Parool, investigators feared Jilal had been kidnapped, tortured, and murdered since her abduction.

The combination of data supports a long-held belief in the criminal world that Naima Jillal's disappearance is linked to a cocaine shipment from Jillal captured in Colombia in 2019.

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The most recent change to this page was made at 9:22 p.m. on April 16, 2022.

The Dutch police uploaded images of numerous criminals on social media in November 2019, a few blocks away from the location of the kidnapping in October 2019, in order to track them down through witnesses. The culprits show up at the police station the next day, claiming to be members of a different organization unrelated to Naima Jillal's[17]. Naima Jillal was kidnapped by two different parties, according to Dutch justice.

Naima Jillal was confirmed deceased.