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User:Kdnyq/Young Evangelicals for Climate Action

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Hey Wikipedia Community --

I'm Kaleb Nyquist, the Campaigns Assistant for Young Evangelicals for Climate Action. We are young evangelicals (under 30) who are coming together to overcome the climate crisis as part of our Christian discipleship and witness. We feel like our movement has garnered enough significance to warrant a Wikipedia article, but of course I do not want to get us involved in any sort of Conflict of Interest dispute. So, following Wikipedia community guidelines as best we are able, we are reaching out to you all and our support community to see if you would be interested in creating a page for our movement.

Because we are not merely about stewarding God's creation but also about advocating for the poor and the marginalized who have the most to lose in a climate crisis scenario, we do not quite fit under the Evangelical environmentalism page (quite frankly - that's a page that could use some re-tooling of its own!).

Please ask if you have any questions, concerns or ideas.

Our website is www.yecaction.org. Our sponsor organization is the Evangelical Environmental Network.

Below is our index of Y.E.C.A. news hits. If you want to legitimize our movement by providing us a Wikipedia page, we hope you will use this resource responsibly and fairly. A suggested outline put together by Danika Foster, a member of our steering committee, is at the end of this page.

Link to the page we hope you'll create: Young Evangelicals for Climate Action.

Thanks for the work that you do.

- Kaleb

Media Hits
Title Date Author Source Link
It's More than Pro Life or Pro Choice 3/13/2012 Danika Foster The Swinging Bridge, Messiah College http://www.messiahsb.com/it-s-more-than-pro-life-or-pro-choice-1.2818265#.UIWuxxhgsQU
Where Are the Candidates on Climate Change? 7/9/2012 Ben Lowe Relevant Mag Online http://www.relevantmagazine.com/current/nation/where-are-candidates-climate-change
Young Evangelicals for Climate Action 7/10/2012 Ben Lowe (republish) Evangelicals for Social Action http://www.evangelicalsforsocialaction.org/tag/young-evangelicals-for-climate-action/
Young Evangelicals for Climate Action 7/24/2012 Alexei Laushkin EEN http://creationcare.org/view.php?id=667
Young Evangelicals in the US Stepping Up on Climate Action 7/24/2013 Ben Lowe 350.org http://350.org/en/about/blogs/young-evangelicals-us-stepping-climate-action
Young Evangelicals Stepping Up on Climate Action 7/25/2013 Ben Lowe Sojourners http://sojo.net/blogs/2012/07/25/young-evangelicals-stepping-climate-action
Recruiting Young Evangelicals for Climate Activism 7/26/2012 Mark D. Tooley FrontPageMag http://frontpagemag.com/2012/mark-d-tooley/recruiting-young-evangelicals-for-climate-activism/
Hope on Climate Change: Young Evangelicals for Climate Action 7/27/2013 Jim Ball Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rev-jim-ball/hope-on-climate-change-young-evangelicals-for-climate-action_b_1699946.html
Three Numbers that Predict the Future of the Planet 7/31/2012 Ben Lowe Relevant Mag Online http://www.relevantmagazine.com/current/global/three-numbers-predict-future-planet
The Next Great Moral Movement 8/15/2012 Ben Lowe Relevant Mag Online http://www.relevantmagazine.com/reject-apathy/creation-care/next-great-moral-movement
Climate Alarmists on the Left Seek to Capture Young Evangelicals 8/15/2012 Cal Beisner (republish) Wanliss Dot Com (blog) http://www.wanliss.com/2012/08/climate-alarmists-on-the-left-seek-to-capture-young-evangelicals/
Column: On a mission to address climate crises 8/28/2012 Elizabeth Eisenstadt-Evans Lancester Online http://lancasteronline.com/article/local/729982_Column--On-a-mission-to-address-climate-crises.html
When the Ugliness Gets Personal 8/29/2012 Ben Lowe Relevant Mag Online http://www.relevantmagazine.com/current/op-ed/when-ugliness-gets-personal
Talking with the Leaders of Young Evangelicals for Climate Action 9/14/2012 Alexei Laushkin EEN http://creationcare.org/view.php?id=693
Despite Little Mention Of Climate Change From Candidates, Faith Groups Pledge To Make It An Election Issue 9/21/2012 Catherine Woodiwiss Think Progress/ Climate Progress http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2012/09/21/888691/despite-little-talk-from-candidates-on-climate-change-faith-groups-pledge-to-make-it-an-election-issue/?mobile=nc
The New Values Voters: Climate Change 10/2/2012 Catherine Woodiwiss Center for American Progress http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/religion/news/2012/10/02/40301/the-new-values-voters-climate-change/
The Next Great Moral Movement 10/4/2012 Ben Lowe Sojourners:God's Politics Blog http://sojo.net/blogs/2012/10/04/next-great-moral-movement
Young Evangelicals Take On Global Warming With Prayer 10/10/2012 Laura Michelle Burns Moms Clean Air Force http://www.momscleanairforce.org/2012/10/10/young-evangelicals-take-on-global-warming-with-prayer/
Young Evangelicals for Climate Action 10/12/2012 Dr. Robert Brinkmann, Hofstra University On the Brink http://bobbrinkmann.blogspot.com/2012/10/young-evangelicals-for-climate-action.html;
Young Evangelicals Hold Climate Action Prayer Rally at 2nd Presidential Debate 10/15/2012 (press release) Southeast Green http://www.southeastgreen.com/index.php/seg-features/green-lifestyle/the-greener-life/7362-young-evangelicals-hold-climate-action-prayer-rally-at-2nd-presidential-debate
Sojourners Releases New Study on Shifting Political Priorities of Young Evangelicals 10/16/2012 Carrie Adams (press release) Sojourners http://sojo.net/press/sojourners-releases-new-study-shifting-political-priorities-young-evangelicals
Young Evangelicals, Election 2012, and Common Ground 10/16/2012 Sandi Villarreal Sojourners:God's Politics Blog http://sojo.net/blogs/2012/10/16/young-evangelicals-election-2012-and-common-ground
Evangelicals On Common Ground 10/17/2012 Eric Teetsel Patheos http://www.patheos.com/blogs/manhattanproject/2012/10/evangelicals-on-common-ground/
The Climate Crisis: It's Beyond Debate 10/17/2012 J. Elwood The Clothesline Report http://clotheslinereport.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-climate-crisis-its-beyond-debate.html
Debate: Climate Change Ignored Again 10/17/2012 Manuel Quinones Energy and Environment Greenwire http://www.eenews.net/public/Greenwire/2012/10/17/1
Climate Change a No-Show at Presidential Debate, but Candidates Clash on Energy 10/17/2012 Evan Lehmann and ClimateWire Scientific American http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=climate-change-a-no-show-at-presidential-debate
Pics & Quips: Hofstra Debate Protests Short On Guidos, Full of LaRouchebags, Obama Fluffers & Hippie Evangelicals 10/17/2012 Chris Faraone Boston Phoenix: The PHlog http://blog.thephoenix.com/BLOGS/phlog/archive/2012/10/17/pics-amp-quips-hofstra-debate-protests-short-on-guidos-full-of-larouchebags-obama-fluffers-amp-hippie-evangelicals.aspx
Sojourners Discusses Young Evangelicals and Voting 10/19/2012 Bart Gingerich Institute on Religion and Democracy (blog) http://juicyecumenism.com/tag/young-evangelicals-for-climate-action/
Is Climate Change a Christian Responsibility? Evangelicals Call Obama and Romney to Action 10/19/2012 Stoyan Zaimov The Christian Post http://global.christianpost.com/news/is-climate-change-a-christian-responsibility-evangelicals-call-obama-and-romney-to-action-83613/
The Second Debate: Our Country Is Better Than That 10/19/2012 Rev. Jim Ball Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rev-jim-ball/the-second-debate-our-country-is-better-than-that_b_1982785.html
Changing the Debate on Climate Action 10/19/2012 Knox Robinson Sojourners:God's Politics Blog http://sojo.net/blogs/2012/10/19/changing-debate-climate-action
Jesus and Climate Change: Why Christians Must Care for God's Creation 10/25/2012 Stoyan Zaimov The Christian Post http://global.christianpost.com/news/jesus-and-climate-change-why-christians-must-care-for-gods-creation-83953/
Frankenstorms and Climate Change: How the 1% Created a Monster 10/30/2012 Chris Williams Dissident Voice http://dissidentvoice.org/2012/10/frankenstorms-and-climate-change-how-the-1-created-a-monster/
SEGMENT 6 / HOUR 23 11/15/2012 24 Hours of Reality The Cliamte Reality Project http://climaterealityproject.org/24hours2012/live-broadcast/hour-23-northeast-canada-south-america/
Young Evangelicals Are Taking the Lead on Faith-Based Climate Action 11/16/2012 Rachel Lamb Good http://www.good.is/posts/young-evangelicals-are-taking-the-lead-on-faith-based-climate-action/
Young Evangelicals Advocate for Climate Change Action (GOOD) 11/18/2012 (repost) Bowdoin Daily Sun, Bowdoin College http://www.bowdoindailysun.com/2012/11/young-evangelicals-advocate-for-climate-change-action-good/
Are religious groups finally gaining momentum on climate change? 11/21/2012 Andrew McLemore Fort Worth Weekly http://www.fwweekly.com/2012/11/21/creation-care/
Faith in Values: Are We Finally Nearing the Tipping Point on Climate Change? 11/28/2012 Sally Steenland Center for American Progress http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/religion/news/2012/11/28/45819/faith-in-values-are-we-finally-nearing-the-tipping-point-on-climate-change/
Are We Nearing a Tipping Point on Climate Change? 11/30/2012 Sally Steenland (repost) Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sally-steenland/are-we-nearing-a-tipping-point-on-climate-change_b_2217883.html
Why We Need to Wake Up to Global Warming—Now 12/4/2012 Ben Lowe Relevant Mag Online http://www.relevantmagazine.com/current/op-ed/why-we-need-wake-global-warming%E2%80%94now
Religion and the Reality of Climate Change 12/5/2012 Dr. Peter M. J. Hess Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-m-j-hess-phd/religion-and-the-reality-of-climate-change_b_2244881.html
On Climate Change, Some Arguments Shift 1/25/2013 Keith Johnson The Wall Street Journal http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323854904578264233733676680.html?mod=googlenews_wsj
A new perspective on climate change 2/8/2013 David Adams The Echo, Taylor University http://theechonews.com/?p=2402
Knox Robinson: Back from D.C. 2/11/2013 La Grange College La Grange College Admissions Profiles http://www.lagrange.edu/admission/profiles/knox-robinson.html
Going green: CCA guest speaker talks policies 2/13/2013 Samantha Bresnahan The Sojourn, Indiana Wesleyan University http://www.iwusojourn.com/2013/02/13/going-green-cca-guest-speaker-talks-policies/
More than Going Green: Creation Stewardship Club Speaker Ben Lowe on Climate CHange as Social Justice 2/16/2013 Leah MacDonald The Geneva Cabinet, Geneva College http://www.genevavoice.com/more-than-going-green/
Keystone Pipeline Will Be Stopped By A Miracle 2/18/2013 n/a Sojourners:God's Politics Blog http://sojo.net/blogs/2013/02/18/keystone-pipeline-will-be-stopped-miracle
Washington Climate Rally: Reflections of a Lonely Evangelical 2/18/2013 J. Elwood The Clothesline Report http://clotheslinereport.blogspot.com/2013/02/washington-climate-rally-reflections-of.html
Student Organization Calls for Climate Stewardship: IWU students discuss the social and theological importance of climate action 2/19/2013 IWU IWU Spectrum http://www.iwuspectrum.com/student-organization-calls-for-climate-stewardship/
Faith Groups Add Their Voices To The ‘Forward on Climate’ Chorus 2/19/2013 Catherine Woodiwiss Think Progress/ Climate Progress http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2013/02/19/1611521/faith-groups-add-their-voices-to-the-forward-on-climate-chorus/?mobile=nc
Tree Huggers & Grace College 2/20/2013 Ashley Brewster The Sounding Board, Grace College http://gcsbnews.com/2013/02/20/tree-huggers-grace-college/
Environmentalists reach out to the faithful to talk climate change 2/25/2013 Lois K. Solomon Sun Sentinel http://www.sun-sentinel.com/health/fl-climate-change-20130224,0,4332199.story
Ben Lowe to speak on earth stewardship at Campbellsville University KHIPP, chapel 2/25/2013 Rebekah Southwood readMedia, Campbelsville University http://readme.readmedia.com/Ben-Lowe-to-speak-on-earth-stewardship-at-Campbellsville-University-KHIPP-chapel/5781073
13 Progressive Faith Leaders to Watch in 2013 2/27/2013 Jack Jenkins, Eleni Towns, and Catherine Woodiwiss Center for American Progress http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/religion/news/2013/02/27/54730/13-progressive-faith-leaders-to-watch-in-2013/
Panel Discusses Christian Responsibility to Sustain God's Creation 2/28/2013 Lucas Diethorn The Yellow Jacket, Waynesburg Uniersity http://issuu.com/wuyellowjacket/docs/2.28.13/3
Young Evangelicals Speak Out On Climate Change 3/1/2013 Alexei Laushkin Patheos http://www.patheos.com/blogs/foolsconfidence/2013/03/young-evangelicals-speak-out-on-climate-change/
Evangelical Environment Network’s Ben Lowe will talk earth stewardship at Campbellsville 3/7/2013 n/a KYForward http://www.kyforward.com/our-faith-and-values/2013/03/07/evangelical-environment-networks-ben-lowe-will-talk-earth-stewardship-at-campbellsville/
Ask Umbra: Is there hope in this world? 3/11/2013 Ask Umbra Grist http://grist.org/living/ask-umbra-is-there-hope-in-this-world/
Christians and the Climate Crisis 3/19/2013 Ben Lowe Campbellsville U Chapel (WCLU Archive) http://cuvsvideo.campbellsville.edu/archives/2013-03-20-13-59-59-581.html
Dialogue on Public Issues Series, Interview with Ben Lowe 3/19/2013 Rev. John Chowning WLCU-TV (Campbellsville University TV) http://cuvsvideo.campbellsville.edu/archives/2013-03-21-18-24-49-721.html
Introducing Holy Week's Dangerous Jesus 3/22/2013 Charles Redfern Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/charles-redfern/introducing-holy-weeks-dangerous-jesus_b_2928684.html
Climate issue expert coming to Hardin-Simmons University 3/28/2013 Loretta Fulton Reporter News (Abilene) http://www.reporternews.com/news/2013/mar/28/climate-issue-expert-coming-to-hardin-simmons/
Churches need to be more involved in protecting environment 4/2/2013 Loretta Fulton Reporter News (Abilene) http://www.reporternews.com/news/2013/apr/02/churches-need-to-be-more-involved-in-protecting/
Local News Segment 4/2/2013 ?
Local Christian college campuses address social justice 4/4/2013 Loretta Fulton Reporter News (Abilene) http://www.reporternews.com/news/2013/apr/04/local-christian-college-campuses-address/
Green Thursdays: Is there hope for the climate? 4/11/2013 A Thousand Guitars (Repost from Grist) athousandguitars.com http://www.athousandguitars.com/2013/04/green-thursdays-is-there-hope-for-the-climate.html
Christians called to protect Earth, environmentalist tells students 4/11/2013 Janlyn Thaxton/ Hardin-Simmons University The Baptist Standard http://www.baptiststandard.com/news/faith-culture/14948-christians-called-to-protect-earth-environmentalist-tells-students
Ben Lowe speaks on 'Christians and Climate Crisis' today at Samford University 4/22/2013 Greg Garrison AL.com http://www.al.com/living/index.ssf/2013/04/ben_lowe_speaks_on_christians.html
Christians need to care for creation, fight global warming, activist tells college students 4/23/2013 Greg Garrison AL.com http://www.al.com/living/index.ssf/2013/04/christians_need_to_care_for_cr.html

Thank you for agreeing to help us write an article about YECA for Wikipedia! To make sure it's a well-rounded article, We've drafted this outline for you.

1) Introduction

Include pertinent information from our websiteaboutsection, including mission, strategy, etc.

2) History and Origins

Include founding, parent organization

Visions and Values

Call to Action

3) Leadership

National Spokesperson

Steering Committee

4) Major Events/ Timeline (See our website blog section)

Start here

Be sure to include:

Katie’s testimony at the EPA Hearingalso this article

Rick Warren

Senate Hearing

National Day of Prayer and DC Day (presentations to Enviro Orgs & CEQ)

Romney Petition Delivery

1st Presidential Debate

Prayer Rally at Hofstra University(first major event), publicity

hours of reality

Forward on Climate Rally

5)Christians and the Climate Crisis Speaking tour

Stops, reflections, etc.

6) Current/ ongoing projects* Ask Kaleb for information on this section

Climate Testimonies


6) Controversy

