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User:KateWSI/Peaceful Settlement of Disputes in International Law

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The peaceful settlement of disputes is one of the central functions of international law.

The Charter of the United Nations

The Hague Convention on the Pacific Settlement of Disputes of 1907

Diplomatic Methods of Dispute Settlement


Notification, Consultation and Negotiation


Lac Lanoux

Good Offices, Mediation


Beagle Channel Dispute

Examples of Good Offices and Mediation
The United Nations Secretary-General in Congo
Norways's Role in the Oslo Accords
The US Role in the 1979 Camp David Agreement between Israel and Egypt
The General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina, better known as the Dayton Agreement

Investigation, Fact-Finding and Conciliation


The Red Crusader Incident
The Korean Airlines Flight 007 Incident

Conciliation Commissions
Italy-US Conciliation Commission
Independent Commission for the Location of Victims' Remains (Northern Ireland)


The International Law Commission's Model Rules of Arbitral Procedure


Other ad hoc Arbitral Tribunals


Important Arbitral Decisions


Trail Smelter Arbitration
Rainbow Warrior

Island of Palmas

KATE: Government of Sudan and Sudanese Peoples Liberation Army (SPLM/A) Arbitration Concerning Abyei


Main article: International Court of Justice

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the central judicial organ of the United Nations. Its predecessor, the Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ)

Statute of the ICJ
ICJ Rules of Procedure




Chorzów Factory


Pulp mill dispute
Gabčíkovo – Nagymaros Dams
Corfu Channel
Legality of the Use of Force Nottebohm Armed Activities Congo

Advisory Opinions


Reparations for Injuries
Certain Expenses
Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons


International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)


The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

Activities in the Area The MOX Plant case

WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanisms


Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) The Shrimp-Turtle case

Dispute Settlement between States and Individuals


Non-Court Mechanisms for Human Rights Protection


Court Mechanisms for Human Rights Protection


The European Court of Human Rights

Investment Protection


The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)



Merrills, John Graham (2011) International Dispute Settlement, 5th ed. Cambridge University Press.


International Court of Justice [1]
Permanent Court of Arbirtration [2]