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User:Kandjabanga (212010557)

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The factor that lead to high rate of HIV/AIDS in Namibia are:.

  1. lack of education concerning HIV/AIDS transmissions.
  2. Ignorance of the use of contraceptives.
  3. Religious and cultural believes.
  4. higher tendency of having more than one sexual partner.

lack of education concerning HIV/AIDS transmissions.


The lack of education concerning the HIV/ADIS transmissions is said to be the number one factor that contribute to the high rate of HIV in Namibia. Citizens are not well informed about how the virus can be transmitted. Actually there are some measures taken onto place to provide information about how the virus can be transmitted like the establishment of the social welfare programs such as:

  • Total Control of the Epidemic (TCE)

TCE is an organisation that is responsible for educating people about how HIV can be prevented. TCE provide Counselling services to citizens that are found with HIV virus at testing centres. For more information follow the link.

The Window of hope as a program is basically intended for pupils (lower grades) to prepare the young generation for the rapid changes of HIV virus transmissions. Window of hope also give information about how to protect your from the virus and the ways one can get infected. For more information follow the link.

My future is my choice as a program also exists in Namibian schools and it mostly target students at secondary level but everyone can receive help from any of the MFMC volunteers. For more information follow the link

  • http://www.unicef.org/evaluation/files/My_future_is_my_choice_Namibia.pdf and many more programmes that i did not mention. Even though these programmes are put into use the people giving the information are not well educated and they are not equipped with appropriate information. Poorly educated information providers can lead to poor and irrelevant information being passed to the citizens. These leads to a very high rate of HIV virus due to fact that citizens are being misled in the first place.
  • .voluntary HIV/AIDS teachers.

Ignorance of the use of contraceptives.


Most of the Namibian citizens tend to be ignorant when it comes to the use of contraceptives. This tendency is mostly among the youth. Contraceptives are available but citizens are not making use them during their sexual intercourses.They are intentionally doing so because it is becoming a habit among the Namibian youth not to use contraceptives (lack of understanding). Poor family planning is also one of the major causes of the high rate of HIV virus transmission. According to my opinions, i think having an intercourse at an early age contribute the tendency of not using contraceptives. This is mainly practised in the northern part of the where availability of contraceptives such as condoms are limited or hardly to get. Some of the citizen refuses to use contraceptives if they come to realise that they are infected with the virus. They start losing hope for an optimistic future as a result they will decide not to care about themselves and the nation at large. This leads to a very high rate of HIV virus transmission in the country.

Religious and cultural believes.


Religious and cultural believes are also said to be the most annoying factor when it come to the transmission of the HIV virus in Namibia and in the entire Africa. Citizens believe that they have to respect their cultuers and they do not have to care about themselves being infected with HIV. They also believe that being a christian ,a Hindu , a Moslem or of any other religious believe will serve you from being infected with the virus. This is not 100% correct and the propability for someone to be infected is 2/3 which is very high. Read the article mwanza .

Higher tendency of having more than one sexual partner


Having more than one sexual partiner is one of the divastatingg factor in Namibia when in comes to the transmission of the virus. This is commonly found among the youth who believe that having more than one sexual partinerr is the enjoyment that they have to enjoy while they are still fresh.Nowadays the number of mem and women having multiple partiner is increasing in Namibia. This increases the spread of the virus very rapidly.

