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User:Kamila Pineiro/Black is beautiful

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Black is beautiful.

Throughout history, skin color has been denominated as a cofactor of your personality, and the role you are going to take in society. For example, when we look at our ancestor's past, we can clearly see that if you were of a darker skin color, you would not have your complete rights and were considered a minority. Not only the African American men were oppressed, but African American women also suffered from this specific type of oppression, and most of the privileged women in that era used to envy African American woman because of their powerful beauty. Here is where we see that women with dark skin tone are equally as important and beautiful as women with light skin tone. Throughout the years, African American woman have developed a movement called Black is Beautiful, which is a culture movement that started in the United States in the 1960s by African Americans. Those involved in the Black is Beautiful movement wanted black women and men to feel empowered both inside and out; it did not matter if you were oppressed by the "superior race" the purpose of this movement was to make African Americans feel unique. The meaning of "Black is Beautiful" referred to the broad embrace of black culture and identity; to not be afraid to show your true colors and embrace your culture as much as you possibly could.

African Americans have always been rejected because of their skin color but at the end of the day they have the same rights as everybody because, they have always struggled with racism and it is hard because it is not fair that just because they have dark skin color, they "have to be different". I could not possibly imagine how truly difficult it must be to walk around the streets being afraid for your life just because of your skin color. How just because you have a different color you cannot embrace it because you will either end up killed or being called horrible slurs. How just by walking on the street or going for a run (Rest in Peace Ahmaud Arbery) is a crime and you can get murdered with no absolute reason whatsoever. Just because someone is a different skin color does not mean they are part of a gang, drug dealing, or crimes. We need to stop judging people based on their color, someone's skin tone does not determine the intellectual capacity of an individual.

Black History Month

Black History Month

African Americans have a Black History Month, its annual celebrations of achievements by Africans Americans. This movement was founded in February 1915 by Carter G. Woodson and Jesse E. Moorland. This month is to hold accountability for all of the achievements and goals that African Americans have celebrated in their life and how they have gained a major role in our modern society. This is a movement that has inspired millions around the world to always be proud of your origin and color no matter how many ignorant people try to bring you down. To always rise above the ordinary, because there is no such thing as a common aspect in society. What makes the world such a beautiful place to live in, it's because of its adversity, whether it can be skin colors, cultures, languages, religion, etc.

Black Lives Matter


We can state that the peak of the iceberg was the unfortunate death of George Floyd; where he was brutally murdered by a police officer that put his knee on his neck until he couldn't breath anymore. This brutality was recorded and has been the major news in 2020. From all of the anger that this particular event created, a movement rose that has inspired everyone around the world, not only that but has raised awareness of the issue that has been going on the world for way to long. This movement is called Black Lives Matter, a movement that will forever be remembered by the next generations that learn our history. Thanks to our generation, we can now hold those responsible for the murders of innocent African American lives, and bring justice back to the system. Like Martin Luther King Jr. once stated "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Justice has to be done everywhere, we cant let the superior race take control of what is and what is not justice, it is time for the people to respond against these actions that can and will affect future generations. We say we aspire to make the world a better place, well we need to start now; make the murderers of innocent victims pay for making several families suffer because of the loss of a loved one who didn't do anything. Justice must prevail always in order to make this a safe arena for future generations.

Black Lives Matter