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Thrystia (Asso-Thrystian: Thùrâsty, IPA: [ˈtʰu˩.ɾastʲ˩˥]), officially the Kingdom of Thrystia (Asso-Thrystian: Cèkôtcidîyòm Thùrâsty, IPA: [t͡se˩ˈkoʔ˩˥.t͡si.di˩˥ˌjom˩ ˈtʰu˩.ɾasʲtʲ˩˥]) is a country located northwest of the microcontinent of Azollynea. At 450,000 km², Thrystia is the second largest country by land area on Azollynea. The vast majority of the country is inhabited by delphinid peoples, the Neo-Azollyneans, for the last nine centuries.

Politics and government


Thrystia operates a hybrid of direct democracy at a provincial level and absolute monarchy at a national level. The current monarch of Thrystia is King Balphacis IX (Rŭtbej Paalphàk), a member of the ruling House of Zoëacid (Tsóyáksee Pyôt) since 3128. The King of Thrystia holds extensive executive, religious, and military authority over his subjects and, in theory, is above the law by virtue of his intermediary status between the gods and the mortal world. While there is no written constitution, in practice, the government of Thrystia (as with other Azollynean states) functions under Azollynean Laws and Rites (Xasowlúúsiji kyu Khyôô Nẽphyu)."



List of monarchs of Thrystia

The monarch is the supreme ruler of the kingdom. He exercises sweeping executive powers, and has the authority to enact, amend or repeal laws, as well as declare war. The king, however, is constrained by the priestly class who exercise significant religious and sacred privileges the king cannot challenge. Likewise, the king is practically beholden to the nobility, which include the dukes and princes of the various states. Officially, the king is elected by an electoral college called the Pyũltyóóchyniõ (or electors) and is coronated on the same day (and his election is almost always unanimous). When the king dies or abdicates, his eldest son takes the throne.

The monarch of Thrystia can only be male, as is codified by Sychatic Law, which enforces strict male primogeniture. As such, no women has ever taken the throne as queen in Thrystian history (though queen regents have ruled in the past).

In rare instances, coregencies may happen, as in 3211-3215 when Balphacis IX ruled alongside his son, Phindas III.

Administrative divisions


The Kingdom of Thrystia is divided into 15 states (sg. kôt pl. kôto), comprising dukedoms, principalities, a march, and a special capital territory. Except for the Imperial Capital which is directly ruled by the king by imperial charter, all states operate under a feudal system within the kingdom, each in enfeoffment to the king. The states swear nominal fealty to the king, but largely govern themselves with various degrees of autonomy. Each state (except for the March of Nezeme) has their own legislators (jííkysyilo), known as ducal or principal diets, while executive power is held under the dukes or princes. The states are bond by the Oath of Pendrago, which requires each state to provide soldiers and financial support to the king in times of war.

The Imperial Capital of Thrystia City (and its surroundings), and the March of Nezene are the personal realms of the King, and therefore ruled under his direct jurisdiction. The territory of the Imperial Capital is also the territory of the Duchy of Chys (Ùùdociyòm Khís), which is held by the king.

States of Thrystia (since 3285)
State Official name Native name Official native name Capital Largest city Population (3330 census)
Adrason Duchy of Adrason Ánrasù Ùùdociyòm Ánrasù Thoròòmbyẽny Chyabóótsôrk 1,305,100
East Zidia Duchy of East Zidia Cidîîbóìky Ùùdociyòm Cidîîbóìky Nĭĭwãskóm 744,300
Oezoë Duchy of Oezoë Ẽjaìì Ùùdociyòm Ẽjaìì Nĕdonju 148,600
Zalcona Duchy of Zalcona Jálkòò Ùùdociyòm Jálkòò Pèndrââgpyôt 366,500
Lomacaza Duchy of Lomacaza Lõmákăăja Ùùdociyòm Lõmákăăja Tyôlpkón 410,600
Marlagate Duchy of Marlagate Maryĕlyaget Ùùdociyòm Maryĕlyaget Maryĕly 271,500
Nezeme March of Nezeme Nêjiim Kyilyirôkhciyaê Nêjiim Twalótyâ 71,900
Nysimbo Principality of Nysimbo Nùsyimpó Gõnixudegyciyòm Nùsyimpó Ìsykyâtkhyàrju 170,100
Oxecoutania Duchy of Oxecoutania Ôxiákutyan Ùùdociyòm Ôxiákutyan Seegasiláwŏ 219,800
Red River Principality of the Red River Séésõpyak Gõnixudegyciyòm Séésõpyak Seegõltbyẽny 106,700
Oepha Principality of Oepha Ùypha Gõnixudegyciyòm Ùypha Lyôlákẽc 183,500
Thethonia Principality of Thethonia Thĕthóny Gõnixudegyciyòm Thĕthóny Gósphyaòy Sapísju 503,400
Theogaelles Duchy of Theogaelles Thyogêly Ùùdociyòm Thyogêly Áxàlyju 2,078,900
Four Isles United Principalities of the Four Isles Tyăkánla Omunyàunĕsìo Kyilyirôkhciyaêo Tyăkánla Yirxóáchăăy 31,000
Imperial Capital Grand Imperial Capital of Thrystia City Syilwããkôt Thùrâstynááliget Syilwããkôt Thùrâstynááliget Thùrâstybyẽny 253,400
Kingdom of Thrystia Cèkôtcidîyòm Thùrâsty Thùrâstybyẽny 6,865,300