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The Research and Development for the systems and its organization ----- Wednesday, 06th April 2011

The question/s and issue/s pertaining to the seasonal cropping systems - production systems and the environment impact

- The scientific info for the conservation and the risk management for the diverse types of seasonal production systems in the specific geographical locis - The commodity markets or the stock markets for the types of seasonal production systems in the climatic regions/zones - The capital markets for the seasonal production system/s KM

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The commodity markets - Monday, 30th May 2011

The commodities and the commodity markets -

The produce of an agricultural cropping system is the element of a commodity. The produce are from seasonal agricultural cropping systems and from perennial agricultural cropping systems. The types of cropping systems or production systems are also defined as the source of production in this address of the commodity markets.

The commodity markets are in the transactions pertaining to the buying and selling produce from the seasonal agricultural cropping systems and the perennial cropping systems during the calendar year.

The transactions in the commodity markets @ buying and the transactions in the commodity markets @ selling are varied due to the pricing @ the buying which comprises of the cost of production in the seasonal agricultural system or the perennial agricultural system and then the costs or the expenses incurred in the transport of the produce from the source of production to the commodity markets.

The pricing @ selling therefore entails the components pertaining to the cost of production and the costs or expenses incurred @ the terminals in the transport of the produce from the source of production. The terms for the mark up for the sale of the produce considered as a commodity in a market context is in most instances agreed upon in the context of a commodity market in a given geographical loci.

The time periods in the calendar year could have an impact on the pricing both @ the terms for buying and @ the terms for selling due to the limitations in the produce @ the source of production. This extension to the pricing of a commodity in a commodity market is then addressed in addition to the produce that would be @ the regular term for pricing @ buying and the term for the pricing @ selling in the context of commodity market in a specific geographical loci during the calendar year.

The source of production in the instances could be extended in the number of pickings even in the context of the seasonal agricultural systems providing the eco parameters were conducive to realise the extensions to the specific type of production system.

The contents are to be addressed by LJ/JdeSD. Thank you Kalaranji Maheswaran


The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) - Tuesday, 19th April 2011 The functions of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) are the functions extended from the financial functions and the IT functions. Further to these two functions the Customer Relations Management (CRM) is also sited as a function/parameter to realise the Business solutions for the defined types of business systems @ the given points in time. The questions and the issues pertaining to the agricultural systems / agri business systems / agri ventures are yet to be sited for the ERP which is also to be extended from the content to be accessed and rationalised as scientific info to be applied for the risks and risk management in the context of conservation of the slots in the seasonal cropping systems and the perennial cropping and the pasture and the livestock keeping prevalent in the climatic regions - the tropics, the subtropics and the subantarctic region of the australian country and in the southen hemisphere and in this context the sustainability of the food networks first in the australian country.

The sources for the references for the content relevant to Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) are to be sited. Continued on Wednesday, 27th April 2011

The undulated terrain and the crop water requiements for either of the types of crop/s in the seasonal cropping systems.

The parameters for ERM -

The legislature for the land use @ the given points in time - The land registration act as @ 2002 - Land tax - ? - The land administration act as @ 1992 - Land rate - ?

The government organizations or the local government organizations @ the provisions to sustain land use for seasonal cropping

The legislature for water use @ the given points in time - The water entitlement act for the water use for the seasonal cropping

The legislature for the capital expenditure for the on farm infrastructure - The provisions for the disbursements for the capital expenditure @ the local government organization - The provisions / approvals for the disbusement for the capital expenditure for the individual on farm holdings

The legislature for the transitions in the land use practices in the holdings held by agreement for on farm ventures or seasonal cropping - The transitions in the leases/agreements from on farm to mining - The Land - Thursday - 3rd week of April 2011 - The leases and agreements for dairy cattle and beef cattle

The parameters for the feasibility of the application of the currency extending from the parameters for ERM

The leases/agreements @ a time and the access to the terms and provisions to be extended from the government organizations and the local government organizations @ a time The sources for the scientific info and the organizations to be accessed for the scientific info to be adopted for the conservation and the risk management as per the risks realised @ a time The sources for raw material required for the operation and maintenance of the on farm ventures in the specific geographical locis ie the agricultural merchandise The facilities to access the nurseries and the then the replanting of the plant species required for the on farm maintenance including the requirements for fuel wood in the specific on farm ventures - The adoptation of the Tree Planting Order / Hornsby Shire Council 2010/2011.... ? The land taxes and the land rates as per the agreements to the holdings for the on farm ventures @ a time and in the transitions in the uses to the holdings as per the renewed agreements.

The structural adjustment programme and the adoptation/s for the feasibility of the application of SLRs in the Gal Oya irrigation scheme - A

The sources for the scientific info for the river based irrigation systems and the infrastructure for seasonal cropping The provisions and the rationale for the sustainability of the catchments/watersheds, the slots in the seasonal cropping and the operation and the maintenance of the infrastructure The availability of the scientific info as content for the risk management pertaining to the dams/reservoirs in the down stream and the catchments/watersheds in the down stream. The availability of the scientific info as content for the geostructures @ the up stream catchments/watersheds and the land use practices including forestry in the terrain The variations in the climate as per the climatic zones prevalent in the up stream catchment/watershed and the down stream catchment and the water requirements to sustain each of the type of catchment/watershed.

The Enterprise Risk Management per small holding in the seasonal cropping in the Gal Oya irrigation scheme as @ April 2011

The distribution of the rainfall as per the north east monsoon and the extent accessed in the season or per calendar year in the far end of the south east of the island The terms and the conditions adopted to realise the lowland rice cultures in the seasons through seasonal cropping and the possible options to combine the crops,crop water requirement and the seasonal cropping systems during the north east monsoon in the calendar year The questions and the issues pertaining to the uses of the alluvial gley soils in the dry zone in the seasonal cropping or in the seasonal cropping for the lowland rice cultures The comparison to the water use for the seasonal cropping systems including the seasonal cropping systems for the rice cultures in the village systems of the dry zone of the south east of the island - to the water use in the seasonal cropping systems including the lowland rice cultures in the Gal Oya irrigation scheme in the dry zone of the south east of the island.

Arable land - The discusssions on Arable land The discussions on arable land in the web Link me with Land use planning - GOSL on Monday, 30th May 2011

The communications to DAFF on Friday, 03rd June 2011 via facebook Dear Sir / Madam, I am keen to promote arable land relevant to each of the types of crops including the grain cultures considered for the seasonal cropping - summer cropping in the subtropics of the australian country which is addressed for the major focus in the food networks of the southern hemisphere. I am interested in the aspects relevant to sustain the arable land, seasonal cropping and the food networks linked to these land use practices incuding the address for the sources of irrigation and the irrigation practices prevalent in the specific geographical locis or village systems. The issues and the questions are to be sorted with the types of agri ventures, organizations in the collectives or the village systems and the local government organizations addressing the types of on farm ventures in the village systems. The links to the government organizations as DAFF could also be a vital question. The government extension services are also with the links and the content to address the sustainability of the on farm ventures in the village systems either through the local government organizations or in direct contact through the data base @ the discretion of the government organization @ a time. Kalaranji Maheswaran for Freelance Research and Development for the systems and its organization dated Friday, 03rd June 2011

A time and a term for Siddhartha Gauthama for the administration in the field services and the updates for the content @ a time - *

Today it is the term to address for Siddhartha Gauthama and the updates for the content. The terms for tomorrow are then addressed as per the content applied for the tasks and the inputs. The content is as per the questions and the issues and are then addressed for the updates. The tasks are adjusted as per the statistics and the economics. The tasks are also addressed as per the ecology and the impact.

The address to the capital for the goals, output and the payback. The address to the resources for regeneration, rationalisation of the uses for time again and the conservation for the renewability.

Kalaranji Maheswaran signed in the skills for management consultancy on Thursday, 23rd June 2011

Monaragala district for the generations - genecode of the generations of the Veera Puran Appu as @ July 2011 Green green grass of home Tuesday, 19th July 2011

Questions to Sir General Lanka - Research and Development for the Systems and its organization

The content to be reconciled for the info for the seasonal cropping systems - ? The crops to be adopted for the seasonal cropping in the geographical locis of the current Monaragala district - ? The village systems in the seasonal cropping - ? The village systems in the seasonal cropping for the Maha season - ? The village systems in the seasonal cropping for the Yala season - ? K signed on Tuesday, 19th July 2011