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User:Kailasher/H.P. Kanoria

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H.P. Kanoria (known as Dr. Hari Prasad Kanoria) is an industrialist, banker, journalist, educationist, philanthropist, social awakener with the mission and vision for enhancing spiritual value service to humanity and taking up the cause for women awakening. He gets his inspiration from the teachings of Paramhansa Shri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Paramhansa Yogonandaji, holy scriptures and other great personalities. His father was a famous businessman and social worker. He completed his education from Presidency & St. Xavier’s College and Bachelor of Law from Calcutta University and became an Advocate at the Calcutta High Court. He also held a legal assignment as the Judge of Lok-Adalat, Calcutta High Court.


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