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I have lived on both the West and East coast, but prefer the East coast. Born in Washington 1999, I have been playing ice hockey for the last 15 year and coaching for 5 years. I work retail and in a tax/accounting office. My priorities are family, friends, sports and having a good time. Football, softball, soccer, basketball, wrestling and ice hockey are my go to events. On the weekends I listen to country music and workout. Type One Diabetes has been apart of my life since 2001 when I was initially diagnosed.

I'm interested in the areas of criminal justice and law, as well as psychology and forensic psychology on Wikipedia. I can see my self potentially writing about professional women in sports and pro women's leagues. I can also see my self writing about important court cases and procedural information. If i become more involved with Wikipedia, I can see myself becoming more involved with the sections pertaining to sports, music and criminal justice.

Article Critique


I visited the Church of God by Faith page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: it's lack of citation, references, and organization.

While the site seems to be well put together there is a lack of citations, meaning that there is no way of knowing whether or not the information is true. While there is a link to the original website, there is no way to directly fact check the information provided. There have been multiple comments on the article concerning this dating back to August of 2016 which have not been addressed and are still unresolved. Under references there is a section titled "Notes" which gives more references, but still does not correctly format them based on Wikipedia's requirements on source citation. While it claims to be a small group of only 180 people there is no citation for that information, meaning it can be an educated guess or a legitimate number but without any citation that information there is no way to truly know.

The fact that there is only one reference, and that reference is to the original website for the Church it leads me to believe that this was created by a leader of the group in an attempt to advertise the Church. While there is a passive bias encouraging the church, by not including alternative views on the church which gives a biased non universal view to the churches plans and actions.

The article is not organized correctly to fit the Wikipedia guidelines, which a comment was left regarding this in October of 2017. the organization is very close but needs some adjustment for example moving the Notes section of references into the main section of references. Or adding citations to the claims in order to support the claims being made in order to make them reliable.

At first glance the article seems to be well organized but after looking at it more in-depth it shows a lack of citation, reference, and organization. With more fine tuning I believe this could be a very well thought out and presented topic and article.