___ I did my first ever edit in 2003, and basically have now retired from WP, but only for a while. I plan to make many more edits later this year (2007). Since about 2005 I have edited heavily under a different name, and maybe have made about 2000 edits. I am very proud of many of my edits, and most of them still stand to this day. All in all I have been reverted about 40 times. Not bad considering that I chiefly edited on historical and cultural articles. I remember once being involved in a debate that sparked several newspapers to take up the issue, but can only remember one of the newspapers now, that was the Irish Times. But secondary mentions were made in a house of parliament. No, I'm not going to say the topic, because that is in the past, and I got a right bruising from that debate, and so did everyone else involved, including three Admins, two of whom have now since departed WP.
___ If one wants a long life as a Wikipedian, then stay away from contentious issues that might induce the wrath of other editors.
___ That's me and my advice,
___ Happy editing.
AndthenonedayIfellinlovewithanotherWikipedian.Sheknockedmeflatonmyface,andmademelaugh,allatthesametime.Itwasn'taloveIpursuedofchoose.Itriedtoavoidit,Istayedaway,butIencounteredhertwomoretimes,andeachtimeIlovedhermore.What'slovebutafeeling,oneknowsitwhenitappears.Ineverevenmetthislady,butIlovedher,andwhetherthatlovewasgoodorbad,onlythegodscantell.Ithurts,anditstillhurts,formanyreasons.AndonlyGodandmeknowwhy.Sendmyloveoutthroughtheinternetandletittouchtheworldoutthere.Allmylove.~~~~ It wasn't my fault, I promise.
Today's featured picture
Ctenosaura similis, commonly known as the black iguana or the black spiny-tailed iguana, is a species of iguanid lizard native to Mexico and Central America. It has been reported in some Colombian islands in the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean, and has been introduced to the United States in the state of Florida. The largest species in the genus Ctenosaura, it is commonly found in areas such as grasslands and forests. This C. similis lizard was photographed on a tree branch near the Macal River, in Cayo District, western Belize.