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User:JuJube/List of major characters in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

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Here is a listing of major characters that appear in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX series (known in Japan as Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX).

All seasons[edit]

Jaden Yuki[edit]

Syrus Truesdale[edit]

Alexis Rhodes[edit]

Alexis Rhodes, known in Japanese as Asuka Tenjouin (天上院明日香, Tenjōin Asuka), is the primary female protagonist of the series. Known as the queen of the high-ranking Obelisk Blue, she is portrayed as a strong-willed and feared duelist with a sense of honor that many of the elitist Obelisk Blues lack. After meeting Jaden Yuki, Alexis is often shown with him and his friends at the Slifer Red dorm, and has even volunteered to defend its existence on numerous occasions.

In the anime, she spends a good deal of the first season trying to find her lost brother, Atticus Rhodes. She is helped in this by their mutual friend Zane Truesdale. Eventually, Atticus is discovered to have been hosting the spirit of the first Shadow Rider, Nightshroud. At first relieved at the safe return of her brother, she becomes annoyed at his attempts to direct the course of her life, at first by fixing her up with Chazz Princeton and then by trying to get her to become a pop idol singing team with him.

Her role in future seasons is somewhat reduced; she becomes part of the Society of Light after losing a duel to Chazz Princeton, and eventually comes under the complete control of Sartorius before being defeated by Jaden Yuki and rescued. In the third season, she is sacrificed by the King of the Dark World in order to complete a card, although she later turns up alive and the card is never made. When Jaden merges with Yubel, it takes time for Alexis to adjust to his new personality.

In the manga, her character is largely the same, although her brother Atticus was never missing and her deck theme is different. She is currently competing in a Duel Academy-hosted tournament.

Alexis' deck revolves around the use of her Cyber Girls, two of which can fuse into Cyber Blader, who has different effects depending on how many monsters the opponent controls. She also uses the related Cyber Angel Ritual Monsters. When a part of the Society of Light, her deck theme changes to a White Night deck to reflect the Society's white obsession, her ace card being the White Night Dragon. In the manga, she runs a Cyber Ice deck revolving around distributing Ice Counters that immobilize the opponent's cards and prevent their Spells and Traps from activating.

In the anime, she is voiced by Priscilla Everett in the English version and by Sanae Kobayashi in the original Japanese.

Zane Truesdale[edit]

Chazz Princeton[edit]

Chazz Princeton, known as Jun Manjoume (万丈目準, Manjōme Jun) in the original Japanese language version, is first shown as an antagonist but eventually serves as one of Jaden Yuki's rivals throughout the series. However, it is revealed early is the first season of the series that his elitism stems from his older brothers who urge him to become a great duelist in order to have their family reign over the dueling world. After becoming estranged with his brothers, Chazz decides to pursue a career in dueling without their help.

He is initially shown to be in the Obelisk Blue dorms, having the same snobby attitude that characterizes those students. After losing to Jaden multiple times, he is demoted to Ra Yellow. Indignant at this, Chazz instead leaves Duel Academy and travels to North Academy, where he quickly becomes the top student and gains an unwanted spirit partner in the form of "Ojama Yellow". He returns to Duel Academy to duel Jaden for the interschool duel, but loses again. He is then invited to return to Duel Academy, but in the Slifer Red dorm, something that bothers him intensely.

His role is reduced somewhat after the first season. He becomes a fanatic of the Society of Light after losing to Sartorius, and defeats Alexis Rhodes in a duel, converting her to their side as well, but when he returns to his senses after losing to Jaden in the GenEx tournament, he has no memory of his actions while under Sartorius' control. In the third season, he becomes a zombie in the alternate dimension, is one of the sacrifices in the Dark World, and is the one who tells Syrus that they are in fact alive, and after Jaden merges with Yubel, he returns in the fourth season, pursuing a path to be a pro duelist after graduation under the tutelage of Aster Phoenix. After he defeats Aster in a broadcast duel, Chazz becomes a sought-after celebrity.

The manga version of Chazz has a somewhat different backstory, leaving his personality somewhat intact while giving him different motivations for dueling. He is still shown as Jaden's rival, but fights to disprove the rumors that he gained entrance into Duel Academy only because of his family's wealth. His spirit partner in the manga is Light & Darkness Dragon.

Chazz's first deck was a Chthonian-themed deck featuring mainly Fire-attribute monsters. He gained V-to-Z Union Monsters from Dr. Crowler to duel Jaden, cards which had been previously heavily used by Seto Kaiba. After he leaves Duel Academy, Chazz sports an Armed Dragon deck which stresses leveling up the Armed Dragon monsters and using their abilities to destroy the opponent's monsters without battling, a facet of his deck which survives his switch to the Society of Light. He also uses the Ojama cards as trump cards, focusing on gathering all three Ojamas on the field to use Ojama Delta Hurricane!!, which destroys all of the opponent's cards. In the manga, his Dragon deck focuses on power and, later, on preventing the opponent from using their effects with Light & Darkness Dragon.

In the anime, Chazz is voiced by Anthony Salerno, while Taiki Matsuno takes the role in the Japanese version.

Bastion Misawa[edit]

Atticus Rhodes[edit]

The older brother of Alexis Rhodes who mysteriously disappeard in the old abandoned dorm.He is later reveld to be a member of one of the seven shodow riders Nightshroud he returns back to normal after jaden defeats him . Like Alexis he is also a very skilled and a strong duelist unlike Alexis he is very cheerful and energtic similar to Jaden but can be serious at times.His decks are mainly based on dragon he uses a Red-Eyes deck

Dr. Vellian Crowler[edit]

Chancellor Sheppard[edit]

First season[edit]

Chumley Huffington[edit]

Second season[edit]

Aster Phoenix[edit]

Tyranno Hassleberry[edit]

Blair Flannigan[edit]

Vice-Chancellor Napoleon[edit]


Third season[edit]

Jesse Anderson[edit]

Axel Brodie[edit]

Jim Crocodile Cook[edit]

Marcel Bonaparte[edit]

Adrian Gecko[edit]

Fourth season[edit]

Trueman (Mr. T)[edit]

Yusuke Fujiwara[edit]