Information and resources for using Wikidata
Visualising Wikidata
[edit]- Reasonator:
- Scholia
- (C. elegans)
- (Felidae)
Code for parents:
SELECT ?parent ?parentLabel (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?rank_label_; separator=", ") AS ?rankList) WHERE { wd:Q25265 wdt:P171+ ?parent . ?parent wdt:P105 ?rank . OPTIONAL { ?rank rdfs:label ?rank_label_ . FILTER (LANG(?rank_label_) = 'en') } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } } GROUP BY ?parent ?parentLabel
Code for graphic (parents+children):
#defaultView:Graph SELECT ?child ?childLabel ?rgb ?parent ?parentLabel WITH { SELECT ?child ?rgb ?parent WHERE { { # Parent taxons SELECT ?child ?rgb ?parent WHERE { SERVICE gas:service { gas:program gas:gasClass "" ; gas:in wd:Q25265 ; # We should not do undirected here because this could result # in very big graphs. gas:traversalDirection "Forward" ; gas:out ?child ; gas:out1 ?depth ; gas:out2 ?parent1 ; gas:linkType wdt:P171 ; } ?child wdt:P171 ?parent . BIND(IF(?child = wd:Q25265, "FF0000", "FFFFFF") AS ?rgb) } } UNION { # Child taxons SELECT ?child ?rgb ?parent WHERE { BIND(wd:Q25265 AS ?parent) ?child wdt:P171 ?parent . BIND("DDDDDD" AS ?rgb) } LIMIT 100 } } } AS %results WHERE { INCLUDE %results ?child rdfs:label ?child_label . FILTER(LANG(?child_label) = 'en') ?parent rdfs:label ?parent_label . FILTER(LANG(?parent_label) = 'en') OPTIONAL { ?child wdt:P105 / rdfs:label ?child_rank_label . FILTER (LANG(?child_rank_label) = 'en') } OPTIONAL { ?parent wdt:P105 / rdfs:label ?parent_rank_label . FILTER (LANG(?parent_rank_label) = 'en') } BIND(CONCAT(?child_label, " - ", COALESCE(?child_rank_label, "???")) AS ?childLabel) BIND(CONCAT(?parent_label, " - ", COALESCE(?parent_rank_label, "???")) AS ?parentLabel) }
Sparql searches
- Species of Felidae
# Species of cats SELECT ?item ?taxonname WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q16521 ; # taxon wdt:P105 wd:Q7432 ; # taxon rank = species wdt:P171* wd:Q25265 ; # parent taxon = Felidae wdt:P225 ?taxonname # taxon name }
- Taxa with parent Felidae
# Taxa with parent Felidae SELECT ?item ?taxonname WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q16521 ; # instance of taxon # wdt:P105 wd:Q7432 ; # taxon rank = species wdt:P171 wd:Q25265 ; # parent = Felidae wdt:P225 ?taxonname }
- Parents of Felidae (graphic)
#added before 2016-10 #defaultView:Graph SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?pic ?linkTo WHERE { wd:Q25265 wdt:P171* ?item OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P171 ?linkTo } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?pic } SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" } }
- Network of items below Felidae
#defaultView:Graph PREFIX gas: <> SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?pic ?linkTo WHERE { SERVICE gas:service { gas:program gas:gasClass "" ; gas:in wd:Q25265; gas:traversalDirection "Reverse" ; gas:out ?item ; gas:out1 ?depth ; gas:maxIterations 3 ; gas:linkType wdt:P171 . } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P171 ?linkTo } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?pic } SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" } }
- Taxa with two or three parents
Find taxa with two or three parents.
SELECT ?taxon WHERE { ?taxon wdt:P171 ?parent1, ?parent2 . FILTER (?parent1 != ?parent2) } LIMIT 10
SELECT ?taxon WHERE { ?taxon wdt:P171 ?parent1, ?parent2, ?parent3 . FILTER (?parent1 != ?parent2) FILTER (?parent1 != ?parent3) FILTER (?parent3 != ?parent2) } LIMIT 10