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Article Topic: African-American LGBT Community.

I would like to add more information about the "Ball" scene. I would like to make a correlation between african masquerades and the LGBT Ball scene to highlight the similarities between the two idolizing feminism. I would like to attempt to show how the african diaspora has a huge impact on the African-American LGBT community. I'd like to update and clarify the Health disparities section, and also add images to this page.


Topic: Center for Black Equity

I plan to add more content to the page in general it's lack a lot. This page is a mere summary of what the Center of Black Equity entails. I would like to add images to the page as well as video if granted permission from CBE. Also I'd like to emphasize on the importance of having a "Center for Black Equity. Often times the general public is unaware of sub minority groups within the Queer community. Even though, queer identifying people are a minority it is still heavily dominated by the white male and HIV/AIDS epidemic adversely affects the black queer community. ~~~~Jourdan Barnes Xavier University of Louisiana~~~~

Annotated Bibliography for CBE

Bell, Eboné. "LGBT Organizations Left Out of $15mil City Fund Grant - Tagg Magazine." Tagg Magazine. Tagg Communications, 19 Oct. 2014. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.

Note: This article gives an overview of how Center for Black Equity is partially funded.

CDC. "HIV Among African American Gay and Bisexual Men." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 26 Sept. 2016. Web. 21 Nov. 2016. <http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/group/msm/bmsm.html>.

Note: This only source provide statistics on how the African American gay and bisexual men are affected by HIV/AIDS

Charing, Steve. "Center for Black Equity Gets New Board Chair." Washington Blade: Gay News, Politics, LGBT Rights. Brown, Naff, Pitts Omnimedia, Inc., 02 Mar. 2016. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.

Note: This article is confirming the information about the new board chair for CBE. This is beneficial to the wiki page because knowing who is in leadership will help us understand more about the organization and how it’s ran.

"Children's Hour." Omeka RSS. Omeka, n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2016. <https://rainbowhistory.omeka.net/exhibits/show/clubhouse/events-at-clubhouse/childrens-hour>

Note: This article confirms the presence of a Black Gay Pride starting right after the "Children's Hour" an event that went on for 15 years to show queer pride, that had to end due to financial issues and the affects of HIV/AIDS on the queer community. The absence of this event created opportunity for Black Gay Pride in DC that still continues.

""International Federation Of Black Prides" Becomes "Center For Black Equity"" "International Federation Of Black Prides" Becomes "Center For Black Equity" | National Black Justice Coalition. The NBJC Blog, 13 Oct. 2012.

Note: This article describes the birth of “Center For Black Equity” and how it was formally another organization. This article gives a little history on the organization.

"International Federation of Black Prides." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011. Web. 21 Nov. 2016. <https://npin.cdc.gov/featured-partner/international-federation-black-prides>.

Note: This article. explains the IFBP and what work is does. It explains how the IFBP acts almost as a agent in finding HIV/AIDS resources for the Black LGBT community.

Norton, Eleanor Holmes. "Congressional Record." Congressional Record | Congress.gov | Library of Congress. Congressional Record, 3 May 2016. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.

Note: This presentation by Ms.Holmes gave an outline of the Black Pride events CBE host. She gives us a scope of what the celebration entails, how many there are and how many continents it’s held on. This article also lets up know the CBE was formally International Federation Of Black Prides.

Improvements to CBE:

-Add citations to page

-Add objective content to page. Information sounds like an advertisement

-Add History Information on page

-Fact check information on the page currently, there was a previous suggestion of some information not correct in the talk page.

-Expand on information added to the page

-Add points of relevancy to the page "Why is CBE important?" "Where did the idea come from?" "Why was there a switch in brands?"

-Add photos to the page. CBE formally IFBP has been hosting Black Pride events since 1991, there should be photo representation.

-Possibly statements from the organization itself, words from the CEO

-Check grammar

-Add information from CBE website onto the their wiki page

Article Draft:

The Birth of Center of Black Equity:

The Center of Black Equity is a organization birthed from a history of pride in the LGBT community. Before it's time there were celebration of LGBT pride in DC hosted by the Club House a LGBT club that was occupied main by the Black LGBT community. The Club House started hosting what was called "Children's Hour" a themed party celebrated on Memorial Day. The "Children's Hour" brought members of the LGBT community together in celebration and awareness for each other. The Club House hosted this event for fifteen years before being forced to stop in 1990. Unfortunately, the Club House had to cease business due to financial problems and key members of the staff being affected by AIDS. After the Club House closed down there was a void left. Children's hour had been a unifying celebration for the LGBT community and all of sudden it was gone. This absence inspired a group of Black queer men and women to join together and carry out the legacy of "Children's Hour" and from there became Black Pride. This continuation of Black Pride events went on for eight years, expanding to multiple cites, states, and continents. In 1999 Welmore Cook, Theodore Kirkland and Ernest Hopkins, the founders of Black Pride, decided to create a more inclusive organization that would serve as a network that would connect all Black Prides together to have unifying message that would increase their chances of visibility, outreach to prevent and educate the Black LGBT community on HIV/AIDS, and funding opportunities. They would title this organization as the International Federation of Black Pride (IFBP). This network of encompassed Black Prides from all over the world ; Albany, NY; Buffalo, NY; Rochester, NY; Boston; New York City; Newark, NJ; Philadelphia; Pittsburgh; Baltimore; Washington, DC; Raleigh-Durham, NC; Charlotte; Columbia, SC; Atlanta; Jacksonville; Central Florida (Tampa); Jackson, MS; Memphis; Nashville; New Orleans; St. Louis; Indianapolis; Chicago; Detroit; Twin Cities (Minneapolis); Little Rock; Dallas; Austin; Portland; Los Angeles; San Diego; Toronto, Canada; London, UK and Johannesburg, South Africa. The following Black Prides are in the IFBP membership pipeline: Columbus, OH; Oakland, CA; Gainesville, FL; Orlando; Virginia Beach and Greensboro, NC. Also, Latino Prides in New York; Boston; Portland, OR; Chicago and Washington, DC. The IFBP organization decided that their brand wasn't aligning with their mission and services that had and is still growing today. On July 28th 2012, the board of IFBP decided to change there brand from International Federation of Black Pride to Center of Black Equity (CBE). This strategic move made by the IFBP allowed for more programs to be included underneath the Center of Black Equity umbrella. The organization was no longer a committee dedicated to one event during the year, the organization had began year round advocacy for social justice, HIV/AIDS awareness, and Black LGBT consiousness. Redefining IFBP to Center of Black Equity allow for all the work and programs to be included under this one organization.

Importance of Center of Black Equity

The Center of Black Equity serves as a beneficial tool for Black LGBT persons who deal with the duality of being black and LGBT. CBE is the only organization in the world strictly focused on the Black LGBT experience. The disproportionate affect of HIV/AIDS on the black LGBT community compared to their white counter parts serves as a driving force within CBE. The Black LGBT community also face work discrimination, issues in housing opportunity, and lack of medical access more than White LGBT persons. The Center of Black Equity intentionally networks with CBOs (Community Based Organizations) to reach to the Black LGBT community to do health screenings, and they assist in connecting them to care and making sure they stay in care. This support system is a integral part in the Black LGBT community that is disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS, Black gay and bisexual men account for the highest number of HIV/AIDS cases in the United States. Black LGBT diagnoses of HIV is the highest for multiple reasons socioeconomic factors, smaller exclusive networks, and lack of awareness of HIV status are three major reasons that directly affect the Black community. The Black LGBT community needs an exclusive group that puts their needs at the forefront. The Center of Black Equity strives to meet the needs of the Black LGBT community not only by supporting the community, but having an organization with members who reflect the population being served.