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Man as the highest form of animal


When you read my title what do you feel ? we all know that it bit self serving to the ego of mankind . Its not acceptable in our part . especially if there's no given explanation if why? and researchers argued for they have their own beliefs and opinion hope you can understand my grammar All I want is to make an article about this given topic.

In religion people do believe in God's creation , everything we see its God's will even in a smallest thing in this world even dust . and we human he created us . were the most high in all his creation , in Genesis 1:25-26 God said " Let us make man in our image ,according to our likeness ; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth , and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth " but according to scientific explanation human being is the highest form of animal human or human being are bipedal primates belonging to mammalian species homo sapiens comes from the latin word "wise man" the human and chimpanzee DNA is 96% identical to each other. and they say they found some fossil that show how we became a human and it was a Charles darwin Theory of evolution from australopitecus up to homo sapiens sapiens ,Man is the prime family of Homonidae , and the only living species of henus of homo . In all that theory or beliefs were still lucky because in Gods creation we are the highest form , we have rational thinking, we can make art , we know abstract , we had a culture solving mathematical problem and especially we can cook different foods. we know the right and wrong we had laws and unity and all God's creation we had a power to experience everything. we all know that human being is not perfect and never will be but in Gods eye we are special and unique . and the most important is we have life after death .

By: ==Mary kris Bautista==