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User:Joseph A. Spadaro/Sandbox/Page43

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Change the Gregg reference to Furman, possibly? or discuss impact of both
  • Make the moratorium issue more clear
  • Add some info about female death row -- York CI, etc.
  • Current Death Row Superlatives - oldest / youngest / longest served time - etc.
  • More narratives about all the crimes
  • Add that New Hampshire = other New England state
  • Add recent vote (May / June 2009 ) = Pass / Veto Etc. details
  • Color codes
  • Fix succession boxes
  • last female = Hannah Ocuish? ... check and add this into this article and her article
  • Gerald Chapman - deal with him
  • Photographs of Connecticut Death Row Inmates - more recent pix


  • chart or prose?
  • total number
  • age - juvenile versus adult
  • race
  • sex
  • offense
  • method
  • county
  • notes
  • date: colony versus state; decades / periods; pre-/post-Furman
  • average age; old/young


  • Change name from Superlatives to "Notable executions"
  • Add: Raymond Lewie - as last person executed for crime committed as a juvenile (he was age 17 at crime; age 19 at execution)
  • Add: Last person executed when still a juvenile
  • Add: Oldest person executed - age 79 / Youngest
  • Add: Year with most executions; multiple executions; widest gap ("drought") of executions
  • Add these into "List" article ... possible transfer into "Cap Pun" article also
  • first/last person
  • first/last female
  • first/last hang / chair / lethal
  • first/last juvenile
  • pre-/post-Furman
  • non murder
  • Current / PAST Death Row Superlatives - oldest / youngest / longest served time - etc.
  • last female = Hannah Ocuish?

To do

  • clean up consistency with all articles (cites, references, succession boxes, categories, colors, see also, re-directs, links, sources, external links, last name first name, etc.)
  • contact State CT Library
  • contact prosecutor of website in Indiana; he listed Ross as electrocution (not lethal injection); and ask him "what happened between 1967 and 1972?"
  • deal with ref label / note label or ref / note issue

New articles

  • Donna Lee Bakery
  • Cheshire home invasion
  • The Year 2009 in USA Executions etc (other years) ... or List of executions in USA 1990-1999 (etc)

Old version


Connecticut has executed one person since the U.S. Supreme Court allowed capital punishment to resume in 1976. The execution of Michael Ross in 2005 was the first execution anywhere in New England since the 1960 execution of Joseph "Mad Dog" Taborsky, also in Connecticut.

The Espy file, perhaps the most comprehensive source, lists 126 executions in Connecticut between 1639 and 1960. These include seven executions for witchcraft in the 17th century. Connecticut carried out 12 executions in the 17th century, 16 executions in the 18th century, 33 executions in the 19th century, 65 executions in the 20th century. The last execution for a crime other than murder was in 1817. All executions were by hanging until 1937 when electrocution became the only method. Eighteen prisoners were executed by electrocution.

List of executions since 1976

Executed person Date of execution Victims Under Governor
1 Michael Ross 13 May 2005 Robin Stavinsky, April Brunais, Wendy Baribeault and Leslie Shelley. M. Jodi Rell

List of earlier executions




* Connecticut