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Implicit Bias


Implicit Bias, also known as unconscious bias are involuntary personal opinions and reactions towards other people. Stereotyping that blocks communication and interaction with others based on race, ethnicity, sex, age, disability and color. These subconscious perceptions are often negative and have developed according to each persons social exposure. [1]The associations people have emerged outside of their conscious awareness, hence most of the time what a person says or think they believe is not in alliance with the way they feel or behave with others.



Dovidio's experiment with white collar students revealed that while their explicit results showed sympathy on the way they interacted with a black interlocutor, their implicit biases was the best prediction of non-verbal discomfort and unfriendly behaviors. These unconscious bias or implicit attitudes were seen as conscious bias or explicit attitudes in the eyes of the black interlocutors. Dovidio's observation tried to explain the reason why blacks and whites look at the same thing differently. [2]

Cortina explains that women of color at the workplace, are more interpersonal incivility, because they are evidently often treated in uncivil ways. His findings show that implicit biases in the workplace can have serious negative effects. [2]

Researches have used many ways to collect explicit and implicit attitudes so that the creation of awareness of those implicit attitudes, will allow individuals to control their biases.

Implicit test IAT


Implicit social cognition studies measure automatic social perceptions indirectly. [3]Harvard's Project Implicit test IAT assess implicit associations about diverse topics related to unconscious bias by measuring the strength of associations between related items and concepts.[4]

Managing Unconscious Bias


Is a training program that Facebook created in 2015 to reduce inequalities at the workplace and increase diversity awareness. These 5 modules cover four type of biases:

  • performance bias
  • performance attributions bias
  • competence/likability trade off bias
  • maternal bias

Each of these are offered to all Facebook employees and management, as well as to other organizations. Facebook wants to encourage other companies to be aware of the negative impact of hidden bias, counteract and control those attitudes with the hope to create a more implicit work environment.[5]

Implicit Bias in Ethics


Researches have been interested on the study of implicit bias for ethics for two reasons, the first one is the harm that unconscious biases can represent to minorities and the negative effects these could represent in the eyes of social justice. Second, to help individuals be aware and assume moral responsibility for the behaviors implicit attitudes could cause. The degree of moral responsibility is directly linked to the state of justice, and should be measure by taking under consideration an individual's history, culture and social exposure. [6]


There has been reported unfair treatment to minority groups in legal courts. According to the National Center for Sate Courts, two-thirds of African Americans perceive unfair treatment in court. In California the participants of the study agreed that African Americans as wells as Latinos receive unfair judgement in court. Two thirds believe that non-English speakers also receive unequal treatment in the court. Such assumptions and perceptions derive a certain attitude towards the law system, that negatively impact law enforcement and reliability. These perceptions condition individual to act in ways that are unconsciously express by others. [7]

The Social Contact Hypothesis


Proposes diverse close interaction as a method to reduce the implicit bias. Because by the interaction with a different social group, will promote positive relations, friendships and allows individuals to have sympathy toward others. [7] Grutter v. Bollinger proposes diversity as a way to destroy perceived abilities and intellectual capacity that condition minorities and majorities professionally. [8]

Implicit Bias towards Latinos


Implicit Association test results have been used to determine the display of negative bias toward Hispanics from both Whites and Hispanics. Although, Hispanics Implicit Association test results are less obvious than White biases, there is not clear evidence. [9]

Conscious Bias


Also known as Explicit bias

  1. ^ "Understanding Implicit Bias". kirwaninstitute.osu.edu. Retrieved 2018-03-30.
  2. ^ a b Madva, Alex. "Implicit Bias, Moods, and Moral Responsibility" (PDF). alexmadva.com.
  3. ^ Brownstein, Michael (2017). Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2017 ed.). Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University.
  4. ^ "Project Implicit". implicit.harvard.edu. Retrieved 2018-04-06.
  5. ^ "Managing Bias". managingbias.fb.com. Retrieved 2018-04-09.
  6. ^ Gauthier, Jeffrey A. (2016-11-09). "Review of Implicit Bias and Philosophy, Volume 2: Moral Responsibility, Structural Injustice, and Ethics". Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews : NDPR. ISSN 1538-1617.
  7. ^ a b Negowetti, Nicole E. "Implicit Bias and the Legal Professions "Diversity Crisis": A Call For Self-Reflection". www.scholars.law.unlv.edu.
  8. ^ "Grutter v. Bollinger". Wikipedia. 2018-03-13.
  9. ^ "Download Limit Exceeded". citeseerx.ist.psu.edu. CiteSeerX Retrieved 2018-04-09.