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User:John Z/drafts/Khmer Rouge

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The term Khmer Rouge, which means "Red Khmer" in French, was coined by the francophone king and later prime minister of Cambodia Norodom Sihanouk, and adopted in English.

(killing an estimated 600,000), instead of (killing an estimated 50,000 by U.S. military sources, 300,000 by anti-war groups)


as the movement was forced and Cambodians were not allowed to consider if they wanted to go back to their farms or not.

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CPNLAF fighters, most of whom

In 1970 Cambodia's neutralist ruler, Prince Norodom Sihanouk, was deposed while out of the country by a coup d'état, widely believed to have been organized by the United States, which brought General Lon Nol to power.

Cambodian People's National Liberation Armed Forces. These fronts included some neutralist and other non-Communist politicians, as well as the Khmer Rouge. clearly superior

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When the U.S. Congress suspended funds for bombing Khmer Rouge positions and limited aid to Cambodia in 1973, the Khmer Rouge made sweeping gains in the country. By 1975, with the Lon Nol government running out of ammunition, it was clear that it was only a matter of time before the government collapsed.

ruy better: n o Thai Army and funded by smuggled diamonds and timber. In 1985 Khieu Samphan officially succeeded Pol Pot as head of the Khmer Rouge.

think about ruy:

China launched a punitive invasion of northern Vietnam. The U.S. channelled some support to the Khmer Rouge resistance in western Cambodia via surrogates in Thailand, while the Thai military provided them with intelligence