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User:John Cummings/Documentation/Surveying sources

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Surveying sources

Many references sources have a large number of facts which can be used in Wikipedia, this page provides:
  1. A place for people with knowledge on a topic to recommend reference sources for Wikipedia to use (simply complete step 1).
  2. A structured way to systematically survey sources for information that could be included in Wikipedia.

This resource provides an opportunity to highlight the most useful sources available in a subject area and add the facts from them into Wikipedia. A wide range of materials can be used as reference sources on Wikipedia, the source could be a single document like a book, news article or a video it can also be a group of materials like a website, a blog or a journal.

If a source is available under a Wikipedia compatible open license text can be copied into Wikipedia (using this guidance) and images and other media can be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.


  1. Describe the source using the form below, if you'd like to recommend a source for Wikipedia to use you only need to complete this step.
  2. Survey the source: Work on your own or with others to survey the source, when working with other people you can use a list of tasks to keep track of what is being worked on.
  3. Add the facts into Wikipedia: Add the facts into Wikipedia with references.
  4. Record where these facts have been added in Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects e.g Wikidata.



1. Describe the source


Fill out the form to record some basic information about the source, if you'd like to recommend that Wikipedia use a source of information simply complete this step. Completing this form will add it to the list of sources below and will allow people to work together to find useful information in the source.

Add FormWizard form here

2. Survey the source


Work on your own or with others to identify facts in the source that can be used in Wikipedia. You can find sources to survey using the list of topics below. You can annotate the source and keep a record of what has and hasn't been surveyed. Because of copyright restrictions and lack of features it is difficult to annotate a source on Wikimedia projects. You can use whichever platform you want to e.g Google Docs. If you have an issue that you cannot resolve explain it on the page and move the page from 'In progress' to 'Help needed'.

3. Add the facts into Wikipedia  


Rewrite the facts and add them to Wikipedia, you have to rewrite the facts in your own words so you don’t break copyright. Use additional references from other sources where possible (ideally at least others) to show the notability of the topic. If you identify a topic which should be included in Wikipedia which isn’t you can add it to Wikidata, request the article is created or create it yourself.

Additionally if a source is available under a Wikipedia compatible open license text can be copied into Wikipedia (using this guidance) and images and other media can be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.

4. Record where these facts have been added


Add the rewritten text and where the text was added to the annotated document. Once the document has been assessed and all facts have been added please move the page to the 'Complete' category (??add instructions in here??). If the source is available under a Wikipedia open license please record where you have uploaded the content.



Notes (to be deleted)

