User:Jochim Schiller
This user:
- was raised on a farm,
- was schooled in the beautiful provicial town of Lübeck in the north of Germany,
- studied in the equally beautiful and even more provincial town of Konstanz in the very south,
- has played drums in rock bands since the 1980s,
- has practiced law in Berlin since the 1990s,
- was a vegetarian for 40 years,
- had no phone für 5 years,
- considers himself a right-wing-libertarian,
- is considered a smart ... a wisenheimer.
Anyway, I try to contribute carefully worded edits. I am into history, rock music, films, painting and language cultivation. Books that I have read more than once include:
- Camille Paglia - "Sexual Personae",
- Karl Marx - "Das Kapital",
- J.E.Berendt - "The Jazz Book",
- Grant/Hazel - "Gods and Mortals in Classical Mythology",
- Harro von Senger - "The Book of Stratagems",
- Ayn Rand - "Atlas Shrugged",
- Heath/Potter - "The Rebel Sell".