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Jean-Marie Haessle (born September 12 1939) is an abstract painter who has exhibited his work in the US, Europe and Asia

Early Life


Jean-Marie Georges Haessle was born September 1939 to Georges Haessle and Marguerite Rosse. He was the third son of four boys.[1]He was brought up in Buhl, a small village of Alsace, France. After grammar school he was a mechanical apprentice in the Mines Domanial de Potasse d'Alsace France (Salt Mines) . He worked as a mechanic until he obtained his diploma as a technical draughtsman. He was drafted into the army in January 1960. He was stationed at the French headquarters in Baden Baden, Germany until Spring of 1961 where he was send to Algiers, during the French-Algerian war. Affected to the Army Headquarters in Algiers, he witnessed first hand the Putsch against then President De Gaulle. Demobilized in spring of 1962, he regained his job at the Salt Mines. Before his conscription, late 50's, he had discovered art through the lecture of art books, most notably Cézanne, Monet and Van Gogh, which had decided him that he will become an artist.





In 1964 he left for Paris. He met other artists, frequented Museums. Was influence by Cobra group artists, Asger Jorn, Karel Appel, as well as Dubuffet, Giacometti or Ger Lataster who was showing at the Fachetti Galerie. In 1967 he left Paris for New York



Haessle had his first one person show at the Panoras Gallery in New York. (Panoras gallery would give Donal Judd his first solo show) He moved into a new artists residence named Westbeth in 1969. He took up print making. Amy Backer, director of the Martha Jackson Gallery was showing his prints. He met Karel Appel at the gallery. In 1974 he moved to a loft on Spring street in Soho. He met Bernar Venet in 1975. Subsequently he met Arman, Christos, Alain Jacquet, Nam June Paik, Architect/designer Gaetano Pesce, or later generation artist; Louise Bourgeois, Dorothea Tanning. He participated in numerous group shows, including The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art in 1978.

1980's - 1990's


In the 1980's and 1990's Haessle continued to develop his work. Pursuing his abstract paintings with a overriding concern on color and their interaction on the canvas surface. These works are created in oil medium with intricate molten strokes in order to obtain an impasto surface. Other series are characterized by a broad and flat expressive brush work of contrasted colors in acrylic. He has numerous shows in New York and France where he had his first solo show at the Lucien Durand Galerie in 1987. Haessle worked in Mexico in 1997 where he had a solo show in Museo de Art in Queretaro and Gallery Yvonamor Palix, in Mexico 2000.

In 1994 Haessle was the recipient of "Hommage du CEAAC" (Centre Europeen d'Action Artistiques Contemporaines) Strasbourg, France.

Recent years,


Haessle's work has been shown in Kips gallery New York in 2007-2008-2001, DavidRichard contemporarary, Santa Fe, NM,USACite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page). He had a show at the Gallery Wooduk Seoul Korea in 2012,and the same year Haessle had a comprehensive show at the Hillwood Art Museum at L.I.University, NY USA. In 2013 he had a show at Keumsan Gallery, Seoul, Korea. In 2014 he had a show at Wada Garu Gallery in Tokyo, Japan[2] the same year Haessle had a show at the Korea University Museum, Seoul Korea.

Selected bibliography

  • 2014 Haessle Paintings 1983-2013, Korea University Museum, Seoul Korea Text Robert Morgan (English/Korean) Jonathan Goodman (English/Korean) Lee Ihnbum (English
  • 2012 Hillwood Art Museum, Long Island University, New York Text by Jonathan Goodman (English) and Bernard Zurcher (French)
  • 2008 Haessle, Selected works, M magazine, 15 pages all color reproductions
  • 1995 "HAESSLE 30 ans de peinture". Monography. Editions AU MEME TITRE France. Text by David Shaff, David Shapiro, Jean-Yves Bainier.
  • 1994 Chateau du Grand Jardin, Joinville France. Edition of 200 exemplary
  • 1989 Galerie Jade, Colmar France. "The primary paintings of Haessle" by Frederick Ted Castle. Introduction by Jean-Yves Bainier
  • 1985 Renold Kerr Gallery, New York, NY USA Text by David Shaff

==References 1 http://www.rogallery.com/Haessle_Jean-Marie/Haessle-biography.html 2 http://issuu.com/davidrichardcontemporary/docs/jeanmarie_hassle_exhibition 3 http://www.francetv.fr/culturebox/les-explosions-de-couleurs-de-jean-marie-haessle-a-strasbourg-72653

  1. ^ {cite web|title=Haessle Jean-Marie, Biography|url=http://www.rogallery.com/Haessle Jean-Marie/Haessle Jean-Marie_bio.htm}}
  2. ^ (cite|web title=http:/http://link.brightcove.cojp/services/player/bcpidd480439757002?bcey=AQ~~.AAAABUmis2E~.h569IdZ81bTUFOtkf8laWg2ZoHuPs06c&bctid=694998411002