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To add to University of Florida taser page


Taser incident sparks more protest
Moseley will appoint four students to a review panel
UPD cleans up Taser policy
After Taser incident, committee recommends new public-forum guidelines
Machen accepts recommendations from Taser committee
Committee discusses speech conduct, UPD protocol
Meyer's attorney will fight for dismissal of charges
UF making changes one year after Taser incident
Shock Value: Happy Anniversary, Tasergate

Articles for research


Stag Hunt



Passages like: "Each business process has inputs, method and outputs. The inputs are a pre-requisite that must be in place before the method can be put into practice" strike me as excessively abstract and tautological; I'm not sure anyone knows any more after being told this. -Talk:Business process

Positivism is the view that serious scientific inquiry should not search for ultimate causes deriving from some outside source but must confine itself to the study of relations existing between facts which are directly accessible to observation. —Sociological positivism

In Popper's view, any hypothesis that does not make testable predictions is simply not science. Such a hypothesis may be useful or valuable, but it cannot be said to be science. —Scientific method

The Mathematics are either pure or mixed... And as for the mixed mathematics, I may only make this prediction, that there cannot fail to be more kinds of them as nature grows further disclosed. —Francis Bacon

My current favorite articles are


My current favorite article is Argumentation Theory.

I recently read articles on


Monotonicity in linguistic theory


Boolean logic

The Search For Animal Chin

Combinatorial game theory- For thesis

John Archibald Wheeler

Monotonicity- For class

Strong programme- For class

Psychological statistics

Social statistics

Economic statistics


Mathematical economics

Behavioral finance

Obsolete scientific theory

Logical positivism

Sociological positivism

The Scientific method

Charles Peirce. It is interesting that Josiah Royce admired him.

List of my contributions


There aren't too many!