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My name is Jessica. I live in Pittsburgh, PA. I am originally from Ford City, PA. I am a student at the University of Pittsburgh. I spent my first year of college at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown and then transferred to the University of Pittsburgh. I participate in work study. I am a senior studying Sociology. I have created this account in part for an industrialization assignment corresponding with the class 'Social Change in the U.S'. I am studying Finland for my research. In past classes I have studied Japan and Argentina.

This is my second edit to my wikipedia page.

I agree with Sklair's Global Capitalism Model. I think that globalization is achieved by a global economy, then followed by a globalized culture. I agree that politics and social trends are not the main concern of globalization. I think it is evident that capitalism is the explanation for deindustrialization, along with technological advances in production.

Hegemony is the dominance of one social group over another or the leadership of one nation over another. Neoliberalism is the new form of liberalism that has superseded classical liberalism. Neoconservatism is the counter philosophy to social liberalism. Deglobalization is the deintegration of nation states. Deglobalization is the reduction in migration, capital, and goods and services. Deglobalization occurs because of antiglobalization opinions. Deglobalization occurs when the interconnectedness of 2 or more nation-states is not desired by the majority.

Moghadam uses a capitalist approach to understanding globalization. Globalization is accomplished through economic trade, production, and financial transactions. ‘Globalizers’ such as the WTO make capitalism and globalization easier. 4. With globalization, society has experienced a feminization of labor. More women are striving to participate in the labor force than ever, even in countries where women are expected to stay in the home. In highly industrialized countries that are gearing themselves towards globalization, women compose the largest growing union sector. 6. Transnational feminist networks are networks established by women internationally to face gender inequality. Transnational feminist networks have contributed to research and united women all over the world. Transnational feminist networks have fought to change global politics and make them more egalitarian rather than hegemonic.