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Poachingis the unlawful killing of wild animals and its violations of hunting laws and regulations are normally punishable by law and such violations are known as poaching.poacher does not own the land he is poaching on and does not have permission from the owner or goverment to hunt on that land, they illegally sells the animals or animal parts such as horns for a profit.[1]

History of Poaching


Poaching has been illegal for hundreds of years, but it was during the Late Middle Ages that poaching became a punishable offense. During this time, the right to hunt was limited to landowners only it was for those who was having farmers only. during these time people they usually did not have weapons to hunt with, so in order to provide food for their families they devised another way to feed their family with meat and snare. there were ather way that was used to kill animals, people were using some natural herbs to poisen water so that whenever the animals dring they will die. but they were using water sources that was far enough to avoid people to dring in.[2]

main body


Turning poachers into protectors of species, It’s to make people who live by hunting stop hunting and start to take care of animals and the species[3]. There is a better way to see this relationship between people and environment.As i grown up in the northern part of the country animals were not protected as they are nowadays, we used to go haunt without any fear unlike now that we are no more hunting because now we have realized that we need to conserve animals and during that time whenever you go hunt there was no need to confirmed or checking whether the animal are female or male not either that they are a lot enough to keep their species from being extinct and as a young kid I saw my father put food on the table by killing a springbok or Oryx (he never thought of it as poaching. Then his relatives started going off to prison for shooting wild animals, even if it was a leopard or hyena that had destroyed livestock. Like the rest of his village he learned to disliked and hate government conservationists and even the animals themselves.[4]poaching has been illegal for hundreds of years, but it was during the Late Middle Ages that poaching became a punishable offense. During this time, the right to hunt was restricted to landowners. Peasants usually did not have weapons, skills or the extra time to hunt, so in order to provide food for their families they devised another way to bring meat to their tables.[5]



1.http://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Poaching 2.http://www.ted.com/speakers/john kasaona.html 3.Tjikume kasaona