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The Monarch Vs. The Dinosaur


The similarities between the monarch and the Dinosaur are striking. Neither of them appear to have ears. These both have white-ish spots on their backs. And both have color patterns. They probably both have eyes and mouths too. And they both like to eat.

In contrast, there are also a few differences between the two. While the dinosaur weighs over three tons, the butterfly is virtually weightless. The dinosaur has four legs, while the butterfly has six. The butterfly doesn't own a tail, but clearly the dinosaur has a large tail. And the biggest difference between the two is probably the orange color of the butterfly which is the opposite of the green of the dinosaur. One could argue that a larger difference is the time period of which each respective animal lived, but I would beg to differ because if Jurassic Park could happen, we'd have both dinosaurs and butterflies at the same time.

The Lemming Vs. The Black Squirrel


At first glance, you may wonder what the lemming could possibly have in common with the black squirrel. They would appear to be nothing alike. So I will enlighten you to some very similar similarities between these two. First of all, they are both relatively small critters. Each of them weighs less than half a pound. A second property that they have in common is that they both have very beady eyes. The most important thing they have in common is that they live in Canadia. (In fact, both of them are currently running for "National Animal" of Canadia. The squirrel's in the lead, but barely so.) And the final similarity of these animals is that they both like to hide. Notice how the squirrel is practically camouflaged from the human eye, blending in with his surroundings in the native brush. Just as is the lemming, in his own way, blending in to the very same brush (look closely at top left photo if unable to spot the lemming.)

And now for their differences. Besides their coloring and markings, there is relatively little difference between these two creatures. The main thing I observed was that the lemming is lacking a tail, which you will notice the squirrel has a very prominent one. The squirrel also has ears, while the lemming may also have ears they are usually covered up behind his hair. Another thing is that the lemming can carry tools, and is extremely handy around the house, while the black squirrel cannot carry much more than an acorn or two. The final and most important difference between these creatures is that the lemming prefers to be clothed in bright, exciting clothing. He is often seen wearing shades of bright blue, red, yellow, and as exhibited above, purple. This is in contrast with the black squirrel, who is invariably always seen wearing, well, black.

The Horse Of A Different Color Vs. The Brown Frogtoad


The most notable thing that one will note when comparing these two, is that they are both highly textured animals. Even to the untrained eye, you can very apparently tell that they both would be lumpy and/or non-smooth to touch. The other thing they have in common is their rather rounded shape. You may also notice that they each are very good at blending in with their surroundings. The frogtoad nearly looks like a rock among the leaves, while the Horse would appear from a distance away, to just be a shrub in a garden. Viewed from the air, in a hot air balloon or a small home-built plane, for example, neither of these creatures would even be able to be seen, even if they were in plain view. That is just how good they are at blending in. And finally, the most important thing these two have in common is that they are both natural.

On the contrasting side, the horse of a different color is a different color. It is also is rather large, in comparison with the frogtoad. The horse is 17hands tall, while the frogtoad is less than 1hand. Secondly, the frogtoad likes to sleep and be near the ground, while the horse doesn't have that option because he must constantly stand. The only other thing that they differ on is the fact that the horse has a bushy tail. The frogtoad has no tail... but he used to, as a child. So perhaps that doesn't even count. In summary, the two really aren't that different after all.

The Closed Magnolia Flower vs. The Open Magnolia Flower


When you look at these two plants, the first thing you notice is that they are exactly the same. They have the same leaves, the same flowers, and even come from the same tree. They both are the color green and growing up towards the sky. The two plants are so similar that they even have the same weeds growing underneath them! They both have a single flower in the center. If you zoom in really close, you can see that they both have a branches, a trunk, and roots.

In contrast, they are extremely different, so different that it's hard to believe they are of the same species or even both plants. They both exist in totally different time dimensions, even though both pictures were taken at the same time. This difference is very hard to spot, but if you live in a time zone three hours different from another time zone, then you can truly understand how this works. If you do not, you can't possibly understand it, so don't even try. Just take my word for it. The most obvious difference barely worth mentioning is that the plant on the left is growing towards the right and the plant on the right is growing towards the left. If you can count, you'll notice that the plant on the right suddenly has more leaves than the one of the left. The most difficult difference to spot is the plant on the left has an closed flower and the one on the right has an open flower. You probably missed that.

The Lemon Vs. Lemon


This edition of Compare and Contrast is an anomaly. The above pictures are identical. They have everything in common, and in no way do they differ.

The Dual-Yolked Egg Vs. The NY Pizza


First of all, you’ll notice that these photos are both edible. Well not actually edible, please don’t attempt to eat your computer monitor. What I mean is that they are both photographs taken of edible objects. Another similarity is that both of these food items are on a cooking-pan and each is made of some kind of metal, at least in part. The similarities of these two ends here.

The differences between the pizza and the egg are vast. For instance, there is a full pepper shaker in the lower right corner of the pizza photo, while there is an empty salt shaker in the top right corner of the egg picture. An even more prominent differentiation in these photographs is the fact that the pizza is already cooked and ready to eat, in fact you might be able to tell that it has even been eaten some already -- while the egg is very apparently uncooked and raw, (and nobody should ever eat an egg that way.) The biggest and most important dissimilarity between these two is that the pizza is uber-normal, being something you could expect to see on any given Friday night in almost any home in America, while clearly, clearly, the egg is abnormal… having two yolks, this is not a sight that most people ever get to see, except for scientists who try to grow two chickens in one shell (but don’t try that at home – they’ve already disproved the theory.)

Angelina Vs. BigLips


I would first like to post a disclaimer, that I have nothing against Angelina Jolie, and I actually find her quite beautiful and don't want to offend her. However, for humoring purposes, this is necessary.

There are some things in this world hat just aren't natural. Like lime green and pink goldfish, tupperware, and tanning beds. And such it is with these two examples pictured above: they both have very unnaturally large lips. The lips on each of these are very unnatural. And they are not natural - one cannot expect to have lips that naturally look like this. This is the main thing that Angelina and BigLips have in common. Both also require food and water to survive. They both like to have fun, and neither one is a marsupial. Both also share the nickname "biglips" - although only one of them goes by that as an official name, so perhaps that is a difference and not a similarity. Both enjoy Africa, and children, and both probably enjoy bananas. Not to mention they both have eyes, ears, and mouths with very unnaturally large lips, which are also both ironically a natural shade of red.

Now in contrast, the most noticeable difference between the two is that they are not the same color. Angelina is clearly a flesh-toned color, while BigLips appears to be a teal-blue-green assortment. Another thing would be their age. Angelina is at least three or four decades old, while BigLips is just a baby, not even a month old. The only other thing I can find that they differ on would be that Angelina has hair, while BigLips is seemingly bald.

The Standard Keyboard Vs. The Wireless Keyboard


Brand names have been stamped out to protect the innocent.

This is a tricky comparison to make. At first glance, you might just think that these are simply two keyboards. They are both black plastic, with silver markings. They are both American Standard QWERTY keyboards. They both function entirely the same and serve the same purpose. They are virtually identical, except for slight variation on size and brand, (which is inconsequential to their performance and therefore an insignificant difference, so by default it’s actually a similarity.)

But further investigation will show that one of these actually has a small wire attached to it (top right of the keyboard), while the other appears to have no wires attached. To the layman this may not be at all surprising, and one might just assume that is because the one is plugged in on a desk, while it appears the other is not plugged in (as it is on carpet) and that would explain the lack of wire. But I am here to assure you that it in fact does not use wires at all. Phenomenal, you say? Perhaps. However this sort of technology is said to be emerging all over the world. They even have phones, yes phones now, that don’t require wires for operation. Someday the world will actually be rid of wires entirely, and be completely wireless. Until then, dogs and cats everywhere will continually pull on the wires and cords hanging from unsuspecting keyboards.

Male Lion vs. Female Lion


These two lions are similar in that they are both lions. They both live happily together in a zoo. They are totally in love. They both love making new little lions, but they can't agree on how often to make little lions or how many they would like to have, much to the dismay of the lion keepers. Naming them is a beast. This may really be a difference. Their favorite time of year is winter, because they love the snow. They love the snow so much, that they both like to sit on a heated fake rock. Neither the male nor the female lion likes to cook, do dishes, do the laundry, clean the bathroom, or most surprisingly change the oil in the car. If you look really close, you can see, they have the EXACT SAME NOSE!

There are many differences. The male lion has a very distinct beard, even though the female lion thinks the male lions on TV without beards are much better looking (and points it out nearly every day). As you can see in the picture, the lions are not seeing eye-to-eye. The male lion is also bigger and stronger, although not nearly as pretty. The male lion does not look good in skirts and likes to eat little dogs wearing skirts. The two lions also have some key differences that are not easy to spot, most of them are, umm, just off to the right of the picture. The biggest difference between the male and female lion is their stance on religion, but it would be largely inappropriate to discuss it in this forum.