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  • Encarta
    • dis·be·lief noun,
      • feeling of not believing: the feeling of not believing or of not being able to believe somebody or something

  • Ask Oxford
    • dis·be·lief noun
      • 1 inability or refusal to accept that something is true or real.
      • 2 lack of faith.

  • Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, 10th Edition
    • dis·be·lief
      • noun - the act of disbelieving : mental rejection of something as untrue
    • dis·be·lieve
      • transitive verb : to hold not worthy of belief : not believe
      • intransitive verb : to withhold or reject belief

  • Cambridge International Dictionary of English
    • disbelief
      • noun [U] the refusal to believe that something is true:
        • His response was one of complete disbelief.
        • She shook her head in disbelief.
    • disbelieve
      • verb [I or T] FORMAL
        • Do you disbelieve (= not believe) me?
        • They said that they disbelieved the evidence

  • Wiktionary
    • Noun disbelief (plural: disbeliefs)
      • the difficulty, inability, or refusal to believe something
        • My sister cried out in disbelief when she heard that terrorists had crashed an airplane into the World Trade Center in New York City.
    • See also unbelief n

  • The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
    • disbelief
      • noun 1. a lack of belief; refusal or unwillingness to believe.
        • Synonyms incredulity , denial (3) , skepticism (1,3)
        • Crossref. Syn. discredit
        • Similar Words distrust , unbelief , doubt , agnosticism {agnostic (n)} , repudiation {repudiate} , dubiety , nihilism
        • Related Words amazement

  • Infoplease Dictionary
    • disbelief n.
      • 1. the inability or refusal to believe or to accept something as true.
      • 2. amazement; astonishment: We stared at the Taj Mahal in disbelief.

  • Dictionary.com
    • disbelief noun
      • 1. the inability or refusal to believe or to accept something as true.
      • 2. amazement; astonishment: We stared at the Taj Mahal in disbelief.
        • Origin: 1665–75; dis + belief
  • UltraLingua English Dictionary
    • disbelief n.
      • The act of disbelieving; a state of the mind in which one is fully persuaded that an opinion, assertion, or doctrine is not true; refusal of assent, credit, or credence; denial of belief.
    • disbelieve v. disbelieved ◊ disbelieving ◊ disbelieves
      • To reject as false; refuse to accept;
    • disbeliever n. disbelievers
      • One who refuses to believe (as in a divinity);
    • disbelieving adj.
      • Denying or questioning the tenets of especially a religion;

  • Online Plain Text English Dictionary
    • dis·be·lief (n.)
      • The act of disbelieving;; a state of the mind in which one is fully persuaded that an opinion, assertion, or doctrine is not true; refusal of assent, credit, or credence; denial of belief.

  • Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition
    • Dis*be*lief" (?), n.
      • The act of disbelieving;; a state of the mind in which one is fully persuaded that an opinion, assertion, or doctrine is not true; refusal of assent, credit, or credence; denial of belief.
        • Our belief or disbelief of a thing does not alter the nature of the thing. Tillotson.
        • No sadder proof can be given by a man of his own littleness that disbelief in great men. Carlyle.
        • Syn. -- Distrust; unbelief; incredulity; doubt; skepticism. -- Disbelief, Unbelief.
          • Unbelief is a mere failure to admit; disbelief is a positive rejection. One may be an unbeliever in Christianity from ignorance or want of inquiry; a unbeliever has the proofs before him, and incurs the guilt of setting them aside. Unbelief is usually open to conviction; disbelief is already convinced as to the falsity of that which it rejects. Men often tell a story in such a manner that we regard everything they say with unbelief. Familiarity with the worst parts of human nature often leads us into a disbelief in many good qualities which really exist among men.

  • Rhymezone
    • dis·be·lief
      • noun: doubt about the truth of something
      • noun: a rejection of belief
  • AllWords.com Multi-Lingual DictionaryWebster's 1828 Dictionary
    • dis·be·lief (noun)
      • 1. Inability or refusal to believe something.
        • Example: They looked at us in disbelief
        • Thesaurus: skepticism, distrust, rejection, incredulity, suspicion, mistrust, doubt, dubiety; Antonym: belief.
        • Etymology: 17c.
  • Webster's 1828 Dictionary
    • dis·be·lief (n)
      • [dis and belief.] Refusal of credit or faith; denial of belief.
        • Our belief or disbelief of a thing does not alter the nature of the thing.
  • WordNet 1.7 Vocabulary Helper
    • The noun disbelief has 2 senses
      • 1. (3) incredulity, disbelief, skepticism, mental rejection -- (doubt about the truth of something)
      • 2. unbelief, disbelief -- (a rejection of belief)
        • Hyponyms of noun disbelief
          • Sense 2
            • unbelief, disbelief -- (a rejection of belief)
              • agnosticism, skepticism, scepticism -- (the disbelief in any claims of ultimate knowledge)
              • atheism -- (a lack of belief in the existence of God or gods)
        • Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun disbelief
          • 2 senses of disbelief
          • Sense 1
            • incredulity, disbelief, skepticism, mental rejection -- (doubt about the truth of something)
              • doubt, uncertainty, incertitude, dubiety, doubtfulness, dubiousness -- (the state of being unsure of something)
          • Sense 2
            • unbelief, disbelief -- (a rejection of belief)
              • content, cognitive content, mental object -- (the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned)
        • Coordinate Terms (sisters) of noun disbelief
          • 2 senses of disbelief
          • Sense 1
            • incredulity, disbelief, skepticism, mental rejection -- (doubt about the truth of something)
              • doubt, uncertainty, incertitude, dubiety, doubtfulness, dubiousness -- (the state of being unsure of something)
              • mental reservation, reservation, arriere pensee -- (an unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly)
              • misgiving, mistrust, distrust, suspicion -- (doubt about someone's honesty)
              • incredulity, disbelief, skepticism, mental rejection -- (doubt about the truth of something)
              • indecision, indecisiveness, irresolution -- (doubt concerning two or more possible alternatives or courses of action; ``his indecision was only momentary but the opportunity was lost )
              • peradventure -- (doubt or uncertainty as to whether something is the case; ``this proves beyond peradventure that he is innocent )
              • suspense -- (an uncertain cognitive state; ``the matter remained in suspense for several years )
          • Sense 2
            • unbelief, disbelief -- (a rejection of belief)
              • content, cognitive content, mental object -- (the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned)
              • tradition -- (an inherited pattern of thought or action)
              • object -- (the focus of cognitions or feelings; ``objects of thought"; "the object of my affection )
              • food, food for thought, intellectual nourishment -- (anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking)
              • noumenon, thing-in-itself -- (the intellectual conception of a thing as it is in itself, not as it is known through perception)
              • universe, universe of discourse -- (everything stated or assumed in a given discussion)
              • topic, subject, issue, matter -- (some situation or event that is thought about; ``he kept drifting off the topic"; "he had been thinking about the subject for several years"; "it is a matter for the police )
              • issue -- (an important question that is in dispute and must be settled; ``the issue could be settled by requiring public education for everyone"; "politicians never discuss the real issues )
              • idea, thought -- (the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; ``it was not a good idea"; "the thought never entered my mind )
              • kernel, substance, core, center, centre, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, marrow, meat, nub, pith, sum, nitty-gritty -- (the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience; ``the gist of the prosecutor's argument"; "the heart and soul of the Republican Party"; "the nub of the story )
              • wisdom -- (accumulated knowledge or erudition or enlightenment)
              • representation, mental representation, internal representation -- (a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image)
              • belief -- (any cognitive content held as true)
              • unbelief, disbelief -- (a rejection of belief)
              • heresy, unorthodoxy -- (a belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion)
              • goal, end -- (the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it; ``the ends justify the means )
              • education -- (knowledge acquired by learning and instruction; ``it was clear that he had a very broad education )
              • experience -- (the content of direct observation or participation in an event; ``he had a religious experience"; "he recalled the experience vividly )
              • acculturation, culture -- (all the knowledge and values shared by a society)
              • lore, traditional knowledge -- (knowledge gained through tradition or anecdote; ``early peoples passed on plant and animal lore through legend )
              • ignorance -- (the lack of knowledge or education)
              • knowledge domain, knowledge base, domain -- (the content of a particular field of knowledge)
              • metaknowledge -- (knowledge about knowledge)

  • LookWAYup Translating Dictionary/Thesaurus
    • dis·be·lief (n.)
      • 1.[n] doubt about the truth of something.
        • Synonyms skepticism incredulity mental_rejection
        • Related terms Type of doubt
      • 2.[n] a rejection of belief.
        • Synonyms unbelief
        • Opposite belief
        • Example: agnosticism atheism heresy