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User:Jim.belk/Draft:Linear span

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In linear algebra, the linear span (or span) of a collection of vectors is the set of all linear combinations of those vectors. The span of vectors is a Euclidean subspace of Rn, such a line or plane through the origin. More generally, the span of vectors from a vector space is a linear subspace.



A linear combination of vectors v1, ..., vk is any vector of the form

where c1, ..., ck are scalars. The span of v1, ..., vk is the set of all possible linear combinations:


This definition can be generalized to allow for infinite sets of vectors (see below).


This will be an illustration
This will be an illustration
  • The span of the vectors (1, 0) and (0, 1) is all of R2. Every vector in R2 can be expressed as a linear combination of these two:
    This is the smallest More generally, the standard basis vectors e1, ..., en span Rn
  • The vectors (1, 0) and (1, 1) also span R2:
    (See the picture at the top of the article.) However, the vectors (1, 1) and (–2, –2) span a one-dimensional subspace. In general, a set of n vectors in Rn span all of Rn if and only if they are linearly independent.
  • The vectors (0, 1, 0) and (0, 0, 1) span the yz-plane in R3.

Span of infinitely many vectors


Given a vector space V over a field K, the span of a set S (not necessarily finite) is defined to be the intersection W of all subspaces of V which contain S. When S is a finite set, then W is referred to as the subspace spanned by the vectors in S.

Let . The span of the set of these vectors is



The span of S may also be defined as the collection of all (finite) linear combinations of the elements of S.

If the span of S is V, then S is said to be a spanning set of V. A spanning set of V is not necessarily a basis for V, as it need not be linearly independent. However, a minimal spanning set for a given vector space is necessarily a basis. In other words, a spanning set is a basis for V if and only if every vector in V can be written as a unique linear combination of elements in the spanning set.



The real vector space R3 has {(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)} as a spanning set. This spanning set is actually a basis.

Another spanning set for the same space is given by {(1,2,3), (0,1,2), (−1,1/2,3), (1,1,1)}, but this set is not a basis, because it is linearly dependent.

The set {(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (1,1,0)} is not a spanning set of R3; instead its span is the space of all vectors in R3 whose last component is zero.



Theorem 1: The subspace spanned by a non-empty subset S of a vector space V is the set of all linear combinations of vectors in S.

This theorem is so well known that at times it is referred to as the definition of span of a set.

Theorem 2: Let V be a finite dimensional vector space. Any set of vectors that spans V can be reduced to a basis by discarding vectors if necessary.

This also indicates that a basis is a minimal spanning set when V is finite dimensional.

  • M.I. Voitsekhovskii (2001) [1994], "Linear hull", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS Press
  1. ^ This equation uses set-builder notation.