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Trench warfare was most famously used in WWI in 1914, but some documents record this tactic being used in more "modern" day wars around the 1860s. Trench warfare is a tactic that involves troops fighting from dug out trenches and holes in order to gain a advantage over the enemies. This tactic provided cover from incoming gun fire and partial fire from incoming artillery fire.

The typical trench system was at least one mile long and consisted of trenches that were parallel with each other. Trenches were dug in a type of zig zag formation so that no one enemy could fire more than a few yards down its length.

In the front of each trench, gunners used machine guns behind barbed wire. The trenches main line of defense included a parallel series of four lines, each with barbed wire around it. The middle of the trenches included the artillery area. The middle also had a dugout area for resting, eating and smoking. The rear of the trench included the communications center, forward supply dumps, first aid stations, kitchens and bathrooms. Another dug out was used to shelter large number of troops from the enemy bombardment. Some of the advanced trenches had pill boxes and concrete reinforced walls.

Trench warfare was a necessary event in history. The creation of trench warfare resulted in so many of modern inventions that military's around the world use today. Some of the items invented include: tanks, poisonous gas, flamethrowers, tracer bullets, air traffic control, air craft carriers, hydrophones, pilotless drones. WW1 was a turning point in history, due to all of the inventions from trench warfare.

Citations: http://www.britannica.com/topic/trench-warfare http://www.warmuseum.ca/firstworldwar/history/going-to-war/origins-and-early-phases/trench-warfare-starts/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trench_warfare http://m.mentalfloss.com/article.php?id=31882