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My name is Jawahar Swaminathan and I currently work for Illumina (company). Prior to this I was employed at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. I was previously employed by the European Bioinformatics Institute in the Protein Data Bank in Europe (PDBe) as the Coordinator for Depositions and Annotation of structures for the Protein Data Bank, The PDBe is a member of the wwPDB, the organization entrusted with the maintenance of the database of macromolecular structures.

I have previously been employed at the University of Bath in the Department of Biology and Biochemistry. I am a protein crystallographer by training, and have determined the 3-dimensional structures of many proteins of immune origin. These include the Eosinophil Major Basic Protein, Eosinophil-derived neurotoxin, Charcot-Leyden Crystal Protein and interferon-binding protein-10 (IP10)(CXCL10).

My interests in programming have led me to develop a bioinformatics toolbar for Firefox called biobar.
