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Dr. Ulrike E. Auga, 2018

Rev. Prof. Ulrike E. Auga, PhD, née Ernst (November 24, 1964 in East Berlin) is a German Protestant theologian, and a cultural and religious studies scholar, and a gender theorist and epistemologist.

She holds a PhD in Cultural Studies (summa cum laude) from Humboldt University of Berlin which she earned in 2005. In 2022, she achieved an “Habilitation,” or “Venia legendi”— an advanced and superior teaching credential equivalent to a second PhD—in Religious Studies, Intercultural Theology and Ecumenics for her book.An Epistemology of Religion and Gender: Biopolitics – Performativity – Agency.. She is Professor of Religious Studies, and Intercultural Theology and Ecumenism at Hamburg University. She is both a Fellow at the Center of Theological Inquiry (CTI) and a Princeton and Associated Researcher in an International Research Training Group (IRTG) entitled “Transformative Religion: Religion as Situated Knowledge in Processes of Social Knowledge Production” as well as a member of the Center of Transdisciplinary Gender Studies at Humboldt University of Berlin.

Dr. Auga is also an ordained minister in the Protestant Church of Berlin (EKBO).. Her pastoral and academic work has been shaped by her activist participation in the 1989 Peaceful Revolution in East-Germany. Furthermore, her life in Johannesburg (South Africa), Bamako (Mali) and Jerusalem, and she claims that her research on Mongolia, South Korea and Japan have been influential in the development of her own academic, theological and philosophical concepts.

Grant, awards, and nominations


Auga has become a visiting professor at several global universities, including:

  • Visiting professor,  International Bonhoeffer Society (ibg) Award, Bonhoeffer Endowed Chair for Religious and Gender Studies, Union Theological Seminary in New York at Columbia University.
  • Kaethe Leichter Award – Visiting professor, Institute for African Studies, Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies, at the University of Vienna, Austria.
  • Guest professor, United Nations University Postgraduate Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme (UNU-GEST), United Nations University, University of Iceland, Reykjavik.
  • 2020 - Mary Douglas Award – Visiting professor, Institute of Social Sciences of Religions, University of Lausanne,  Switzerland.

She has won other awards, grants, and nominations including:

  • 2019 Magnus Hirschfeld Award 2019 (nomination), Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) Berlin
  • 2016-17 Humboldt-Princeton Strategic Partnership Grant (with Prof. Dr. Regina Kunzel), Humboldt University of Berlin, Princeton University
  • 2017 Interdisciplinary University Professorship for Gender Studies (2nd list place), Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Science, Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies, University of Vienna
  • 2015-16 Research Fellowship, he John Templeton Foundation, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Centre of Theological Inquiry (CTI), Princeton University
  • 2014-15  Käthe Leichter Award in Gender Studies (2nd list place), University of Vienna  
  • 2013-14 Radboud Excellence Fellowship (3rd list place), Institute for Gender Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen
  • 2013 Leonore Siegele Wenschkewitz Award, Association for the Promotion of Feminist Research and Teaching e. V., Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN), Protestant Academy Frankfurt .Auga, Ulrike, “’Let the Rainbow Children Come’. Biomacht als Herausforderung kritischer politischer Theologie und Religionswissenschaft”, in: Schäfer-Bossert, Stefanie; Hartlieb, Elisabeth (eds.), Feministische Theologie. Political Theology. Entwicklungen und Perspektiven, Sulzbach / Taunus: Ulrike Helmer Verlag 2012, 167-183.
  • 2003 Excellence scholarship, Berlin Program for the Enhancement of Equality for Women in Research and Teaching
  • 1999-2002 PhD scholarship, Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES)
  • 1994-96 Women Leadership Training Programme Award, Lutheran World Federation, Geneva, Cape Town



Early life


Ulrike Ernst Auga was born in East-Berlin in 1964 during the Cold War when Germany was divided into East and West by the Berlin Wall.

During her childhood, she moved with her parents to the Northern region of East-Germany where she spent her youth. She developed a connection to Northern Germany's contextual history by learning the local Low-German dialect protected by the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. Low German finds no single modern literary standard, yet is the spoken language of the lowlands of northern Germany. It is a unique dialect that developed from Old Saxon and Middle Low German speech mainly by citizens of the Hanseatic League which is a local guild. This language supplied the Scandinavian languages with many loanwords.[1] The young Ulrike became fluent in this German dialect in which she still speaks and preaches.

Activism and early studies


Coming from a Protestant family, Auga took a dissenting position towards the German Democratic Republic (GDR) (1949-1990). As a consequence of her stance, she was initially banned from studying at state universities and underwent professional agricultural training. As a result, she decided to study Protestant theology at a church college because their social, political and theological orientation appealed to her as she recognized it as a place of resistance to the GDR. At this church college, she studied theology and took a language course in Berlin. She became involved in the Liberation Theology movement and eventually took part in postcolonial projects, and, ultimately, was active in the Peaceful Revolution in 1989 which resulted in East Germany’s reunification with West Germany.

Her mother, Ursula Ernst, née König, was the first freely elected mayor in their community after the Peaceful Revolution which liberated East Germany.

From 1991-92, she continued her studies in Theology, Religion and Philosophy at the Faculty of Divinity at the Federation of Theological Colleges at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. She graduated with the degree of Magistra in Protestant Theology from Humboldt University of Berlin (HU Berlin). Her thesis was titled: “The Image of the Church in the III Vision and the IX Parable of the Shepherd of Hermas" (Graded: 1.0/A).  From 1994-97, she participated in the international Women’s Leadership Training Programme at the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Geneva, Switzerland, and served as its youth delegate at the church in Pomerania.

Early career


Ulrike E. Auga studied theology, religion and philosophy in Berlin, Cambridge (UK) and Geneva This was followed by several years of international research fellowship projects:

  • ·        1999-2001 - "Gender, Race and Nation in South Africa's Political Transition" in Johannesburg, South Africa;
  • ·        2001-02 - "Gender, Culture, Islam and Indigenous Religion in West Africa" in Bamako, Mali,
  • ·        2002-04 - "Gender in Conflicts" and "Jerusalem Berlin Forum. Divided Cities in Transition" in Jerusalem.
  • ·        2005 - she was awarded a summa cum laude doctorate in Cultural Studies from Humboldt University in Berlin. Her thesis was titled:  “Dissidence and Legitimation - A Critique of Intellectuals and National Cultural Discourses in the Context of South Africa's Transition.”

Current career


From 2008-16, Auga taught as an Assistant Professor for Religious and Gender Studies at Humboldt-Universität in Berlin and completed the habilitation-equivalent achievements in this field. She participated as a co-applicant in the German Research Foundation (DFG) Research Training Group "Gender as a Category of Knowledge", at the same university from 2009-13. She also served as a member of the senate at Humboldt University.

In 2012-15, she was named a member of the research project "Postcolonial, Post-Secular and Queer Research on Gender and Religion" at the Netherlands Scientific Research Foundation.  For the period 2013-2014, Auga received the Bonhoeffer Foundation Award and taught as a visiting professor at Columbia University, New York, USA.[2]

In 2015-16, she received a Templeton Foundation and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Research Award and conducted research on the project "Social Implications of Extraterrestrial Life. Gender, Race, Religion, and Visuality in Space Images" at CTI Princeton.

In 2016-17, she won the Humboldt-Princeton Strategic Partnership Award in Gender and Sexuality Studies with Regina Kunzel of Princeton University. The title of their project was "Gender, Sexuality, Race, Class, and Religion in Political Transitions in Europe and the USA."  During the same period, she was appointed to a Visiting Professorship in Gender, Diversity and Cultural Studies at Humboldt University in Berlin.

In 2017, during the summer semester, she was awarded the Käthe Leichter Award Visiting Professorship in Women's and Gender Studies at the University of Vienna, Austria.[3]

In 2019, she conducted research as the Mary Douglas Visiting Professor at the Institut de sciences sociales des religions (ISSR) at the Faculté de théologie et de sciences des religions at the Université de Lausanne, Switzerland.

In 2022 she achieved the traditional Habilitation degree resulting in receiving the Venia legendi.

She is the president of the International Association for the Study of Religion and Gender (IARG) and co-editor of the “Routledge Critical Studies in Religion, Gender and Sexuality” series, the series “African Connections in Postcolonial Theory and Literatures” as well as of the peer reviewed Journal “Religion & Gender”.

Auga works as the American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature’s (AAR/SBL) co-chair of the International Section of the Women’s Caucus. She serves as academic reviewer for the German Research Foundation (DFG), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and several academic journals.

Auga is also a professor at the Sinclètica Monastic College in Barcelona, Spain, founded by Sr. Dr. Teresa Forcades e Vila (Montserrat).[4]

Scientific and epistemic work and research interests


In 2012, Auga created the category of “Religion as Intersectional” and defined it as a “Discursive, Intersectional Performative Category” (DIP) at the intersection of ‘Gender’, ‘Culture’, ‘Nation’, ‘Class’, ‘Race’, ‘Ability’, and ‘Species’. In her book, An Epistemology of Religion and Gender: Biopolitics – Performativity – Agency (London & New York: Routledge 2020), In 2015, she elaborated on the idea of “Religion as Situated Knowledge”, creating another category which gave its name of the International Research Training Group (IRTG), ultimately entitled: “Transformative Religion: Religion as Situated Knowledge in Processes of Social Knowledge Production” at Humboldt University in Berlin .

Auga evolved her discourse analysis further as “Extended Epistemological Analysis” (EEA) that has become a practical tool for the analytic critique of ‘religion’ in a globalized, diverse context that functions in religion and other belief systems by aiding in its understanding for both faith-based and non-faith-based communities within the post-secular society.

Her academic interests include: postcolonialism, post-secularism, gender and queer studies, posthuman epistemology, ethics and religion; transition processes in gender and religion; religion and visual culture, religions in general, the space age and artificial intelligence (AI). Her current priority interest is in the study of global culture, religion, and super-diversity in political transformation processes in the 20th and 21st Centuries primarily in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and East Asia.




  • Auga, Ulrike E., An Epistemology of Religion and Gender: Biopolitics – Performativity – Agency, London & New York: Routledge 2020 [paperback 2021].ISBN 9781032237008[5]
  • Auga, Ulrike, Intellektuelle – zwischen Dissidenz und Legitimierung. Eine kulturkritische Theorie im Kontext Südafrikas, Berlin, Münster, Vienna, Zürich, and London: LIT 2007. ISBN: 978-3-8258-0927-0
  • Ernst, Ulrike, From Anti-Apartheid to African Renaissance. Interviews with South African Writers and Critics on Cultural Politics Beyond the Cultural Struggle, Berlin, Münster, Vienna, Zürich, and London: LIT 2002. ISBN: 978-3-8258-5804-9

Edited publications


Aleksander, Karin; Auga, Ulrike E.; Dvorakk, Elisaveta; Heft, Kathleen; Jähnert, Gabriele; Schimkat, Heike (eds.), Feministische Visionen vor und nach 1989. Beiträge zu Geschlechter-, Medien- und Aktivismusforschung in der DDR / BRD und Osteuropa, Barbara Budrich: Leverkusen 2022.

Auga Ulrike; Guðmarsdóttir, Sigríður; Knauss, Stefanie; Martínez Cano, Silvia (eds.), Resistance and Visions – Postcolonial, Post-secular and Queer Contributions to Theology and the Study of Religions. Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR), Vol. 22, Leuven: Peeters 2014.

Auga, Ulrike; Braun, Christina von; Bruns, Claudia; Husmann, Jana (eds.), Fundamentalism and Gender: Scripture – Body – Community, Eugene: Wipf and Stock 2013.

Auga, Ulrike; Bruns, Claudia; Dornhof, Dorothea; Jähnert, Gabriele (eds.), Dämonen, Vamps und HysterikerInnen. Geschlechter- und Rassenfigurationen in Wissen, Medien und Alltag. Festschrift für Christina von Braun, Bielefeld: transcript publishers 2011.

Auga, Ulrike; Bruns, Claudia; Harders, Levke; Jähnert, Gabriele (eds.), Das Geschlecht der Wissenschaften. Zur Geschichte von Akademikerinnen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt a. M. / New York: Campus 2010.[6]                    

Auga, Ulrike; Klein, Tobias Robert; Prüschenk, Viola (eds.), Texts, Tasks and Theories. Versions and Subversions in African Literatures, Humboldt Contributions, Vol. 3, Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi & Matatu, 2008.

Auga, Ulrike; Braun, Christina von (eds.), Gender in Conflicts. Palestine – Israel – Germany, Berlin, Münster, Vienna, Zürich, and London: LIT Publications Ltd., 2006.

Auga, Ulrike E., van Klinken, Adriaan, Korte, Anne-Marie, and Jouili, Jeanette S., eds. Routledge Critical Studies in Religion, Gender and Sexuality. Book Series. UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

Auga, Ulrike E., Ulrike Kistner, Rita Schäfer, and David Attwell (eds.) African Connections in Postcolonial Theory and Literatures, LIT Publishers Ltd., Berlin, Münster, Vienna, Zürich, and London.

Auga, Ulrike, Intellektuelle – zwischen Dissidenz und Legitimierung. Eine kulturkritische Theorie im Kontext Südafrikas, Berlin, Münster, Vienna, Zürich, and London: LIT 2007.                          

Articles and book chapters


Auga, Ulrike E., “Laudatio für Leela Gandhi anlässlich der Verleihung des Alfons Auer-Ethik-Preises 2022. Zur Grundlegung einer radikalen postkolonialen und postsäkularen Theorie und Ethik“, Theologische Quartalsschrift Tübingen ThQ 203, 2/2023, 110-126.[7]

Auga, Ulrike E., “Religion als diskursive, intersektionale und performative Kategorie (DIP) der Wissensproduktion. Intersektionalität im Kontext von Postkolonialität und Postsäkularität”, in: Tworuschka, Udo; Klöcker, Michael (eds.), Handbuch der Religionen, Hohenwarsleben: Westarp Science 2023, 1-24.

Auga, Ulrike E., “Geschlecht und Religion angesichts von (Post-) Säkularitäten. Herausforderungen für das Religionsverfassungsrecht in Deutschland”, in: Nicoubin, Mahyar; Rau, Vanessa (eds.), A Century of Constitutional Law on Religion: Secularity and Society in Transition, Berlin: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung – bpb 2023, 49-73.

Auga, Ulrike E.; Plöckinger, Ursula, “The ‘Four Principles’ of Western Medical Bioethics and the Bioethics of Shīʿī Islam in Iran. Is the Claim of Universality by Both Justified?”, in: Religions 13(11), 2022, 1-28.

Auga Ulrike E., “Gender Studies”, in: Weyel, Birgit; Gräb, Wilhelm; Lartey, Emmanuel; Wepener, Cas (eds.), International Handbook of Practical Theology, Berlin / Boston: de Gruyter 2022, 615-631.

Auga, Ulrike E., “Contextual Theologies and the Conciliar Process”, in: Dejonge, Michael; Tietz, Christiane (eds.), Oxford History of Modern German Theology, Vol. III, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2022.

Auga, Ulrike E., “Wissenschaftliche Konstruktionen des Hinduismus, des Buddhismus und der Weltreligionen. Ein Beitrag zur Dekolonisierung und Desidentifizierung der Religionswissenschaft”, in: Jäger, Sarah; Pausch, Eberhard (eds.), Kampf der Kulturen. Kultur, Religion und Identität, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2022, 141-158.

Auga, Ulrike E., “Religion und Geschlecht als diskursive, intersektionale, performative Kategorien der Wissensproduktion. Zum epistemischen Bruch von Religionskonzepten unter postsäkularen Bedingungen”, in: Paragrana 31(2022) 1, 1-15.

Auga Ulrike E., “Statement zur Situation der Gender Studies in Ungarn im Kontext der Entwicklung weiterer Länder inklusive Deutschland – Anhörung zur Lage der Gender Studies in Ungarn beim Ausschuss für die Rechte der Frau und die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter im Europäisches Parlament, Brüssel vom 8. November 2018”, in: Aleksander, Karin; Auga, Ulrike E.; Dvorakk, Elisaveta; Heft, Kathleen; Jähnert, Gabriele; Schimkat, Heike (eds.), Feministische Visionen vor und nach 1989. Beiträge zu Geschlechter-, Medien- und Aktivismusforschung in der DDR / BRD und Osteuropa, Barbara Budrich: Leverkusen 2022, 413-421.

Auga, Ulrike E., “Postcolonial Studies, Religion und Postsäkularität. (Miss-)Verständnisse von Identitätspolitik und ihre Folgen”, in: Heimbach-Steins, Marianne (ed.), Jahrbuch für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften, Vol. 61, Postkoloniale Theorien und Sozialethik, Münster: Aschendorff Verlag 2020, 85-114.

Auga, Ulrike E., “Geschlecht und Religion als kritische intersektionale Kategorien. Deessentialisieren und Disidentifizieren als Aufgaben”, in: Krannich, Laura-Christin; Reichel, Hanna; Evers, Dirk (eds.), Menschenbilder und Gottesbilder. Geschlecht in theologischer Reflexion, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2019, 43-72.

Auga, Ulrike E., Statement on the Situation of Gender Studies and Interference with Academic Freedom in Hungary and Other Countries. The Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality – Exchange of Views on Gender Studies in Hungary, in: Digital Archive of the European Parliament (Brussels), 8 November 2018.[8]

Auga, Ulrike E., “Annemarie Schönherr. Visionärin einer gerechten Weltgesellschaft”, in: Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv, Dachverband deutschsprachiger Lesben- / Frauenarchive, -bibliotheken und -dokumen-tationsstellen i.d.a. 2018. 8Auga, Prof Dr Ulrike E. “Feministische und Geschlechterbewusste Arbeitskreise und Theologien in der DDR.” Text. Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv, March 6, 2019.[9]

Auga, Ulrike E., “Dekolonisierung des öffentlichen Raumes. Eine Herausforderung von Bonhoeffers und Spivaks Konzepten von Widerstand, Religion und Geschlecht”, in: Nehring, Andreas, Wiesgickl (eds.), Postkoloniale Theologien II. Perspektiven aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2018, 92-115.

Auga, Ulrike E., “Geschlecht, Sexualität und Religion. Untersuchungen zum biopolitischen, performativen und Handlungsmacht-Charakter”, in: Gender Studies. Zeitschrift des Zentrums für Gender Studies und Frauenförderung der Universität Salzburg, Nr. 36, April 2018, 8-10.

Auga, Ulrike; Hawthorne, Sian Melvill, “Homonationalism and the Challenge of Queer Theology”, in: Hawthorne, Sian Melvill (ed.), Gender: God, Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks. Gender Series, Farmington Hills: Macmillan Reference USA 2017, 367-383.            

Auga, Ulrike, “Menschenrechte und Geschlecht. Zum religiösen, kulturellen, politischen und sozialen Diskurs in nationalstaatlicher und globaler Perspektive”, in: Strahm, Doris; Hangartner, Li; Hafner-Al Jabaji, Amira (eds.), Menschenrechte auf dem Prüfstand. Frauenrechte zwischen Religion, Kultur und Politik, Luzern: Romero Haus 2017, 9-34.

Auga, Ulrike, “’Lasst die Regenbogenkinder kommen’. Biomacht als Herausforderung kritischer politischer Theologie und Religionswissenschaft”, in: Appelt, Erna; Grabner-Niel, Elisabeth; Jarosch, Marion; Rasler; Michaela (eds.), Identitäten verhandeln – Identitäten de/konstruieren. Innsbrucker Gender Lectures III, Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press 2015, 191-210.

Auga, Ulrike, “Decolonizing Public Space: A Challenge of Bonhoeffer’s and Spivak’s Concepts of Resistance, Religion and Gender”, in: Feminist Theology 24/1, SAGE Publications 2015, 49-68.

Auga, Ulrike, “Resistance and the Radical Social Imaginary: A Genealogy from Eastern European Dissidence to New Social Movements: Connecting the Debates between Activism and Postcolonial, Post-secular and Queer Epistemology”, in: Auga Ulrike; Guðmarsdóttir, Sigríður; Knauss, Stefanie; Martínez Cano, Silvia (eds.), Resistance and Visions – Postcolonial, Post-secular and Queer Contributions to Theology and the Study of Religions. Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR), Vol. 22, Leuven: Peeters 2014, 5-30.

Auga, Ulrike; Schirr, Bertram, “‘Do not Conform the Patterns of this World’: A Postcolonial Investigation of Performativity, Metamorphoses, and Bodily Materiality in Romans 12”, in: Feminist Theology, Vol. 23(1), SAGE Publications 2014, 37-54.

Auga, Ulrike, “’No Other Means’? Fundamentalisms, Religion, Survival, and Biopolitical Counterdiscourses”, in: Auga, Ulrike; Braun, Christina von; Bruns, Claudia; Husmann, Jana (eds.), Fundamentalism and Gender: Scripture – Body – Community, Eugene: Wipf and Stock 2013, 264-288.

Auga, Ulrike, “Fundamentalism and Gender: Introduction”, in: Auga, Ulrike; Braun, Christina von; Bruns, Claudia; Husmann, Jana (eds.), Fundamentalism and Gender: Scripture – Body – Community, Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers 2013, 1-30.

Auga, Ulrike, “Geschlecht und Religion als interdependente Kategorien des Wissens. Dekonstruktion, Diskursanalyse und Intersektionalitätsdebatte und die Kritik antiker Texte”, in: Eisen, Ute; Gerber; Christine; Standhartinger, Angela (eds.), Doing Gender – Doing Religion. Zur Wechselwirkung von Geschlechterkonzepten und religiöser Identitätsbildung in Antike und frühem Islam, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2013, 37-74.

Auga, Ulrike, “Imagine the Future! A Critical Transreligious Bio-Theology of ‘the 99 Percent’”, in: Feminist Theology 22/1, SAGE Publications 2013, 20-37.

Auga, Ulrike; Schrirr, Bertram, “Paulus gegen Paulus? Eine postkoloniale und diskursanalytische Lektüre von Römer 12”, in: Breytenbach, Cilliers Breytenbach (ed.), Der Römerbrief als Vermächtnis an die Kirche. Rezeptionsgeschichten aus zwei Jahrtausenden, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2012, 237-266.

Auga, Ulrike, “Shepherd of Hermas: Being Enticed into Conversion in the Erotic Church of Sophia”, in: Schottroff, Luise; Wacker, Marie-Theres (eds.), Feminist Biblical Interpretation: A Compendium of Critical Commentary on the Books of the Bible and Related Literature, Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans 2012, 970-982.

Auga, Ulrike, “Gewalt und die politisch-performative Kraft der Sprache. Wissen, Translationskulturen und die ‘Bibel in gerechter Sprache’”, in: Berner, Knut; Lange, Sebastian; Röcke, Werner (eds.), Gewalt – Faszination und Ordnung, Villigst: Studienwerk Villigst 2012, 111-133.

Auga, Ulrike, “’Lasst die Regenbogenkinder kommen’. Biomacht als Herausforderung kritischer politischer Theologie und Religionswissenschaft”, in: Schäfer-Bossert, Stefanie; Hartlieb, Elisabeth (eds.), Feministische Theologie. Politische Theologie. Entwicklungen und Perspektiven, Sulzbach and Taunus: Ulrike Helmer Verlag 2012, 167-183.

Auga, Ulrike, “Religion, Biomacht und Human Flourishing. Formen der Solidarität und die gesellschaftliche Imagination einer transreligiösen kritischen Biotheologie”, in: Blohm, Uta; Forcano, Neus; Guðmarsdóttir, Sigríður; Knauss, Stefanie; Papacek, Ruth (eds.), Listening to, Understanding, and Responding to a Secular and Plural World. Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR), Vol. 20, Leuven: Peeters 2012, 87-112.

Auga, Ulrike, “Truth and Reconciliation or Masculine Redemption at the Cape of Good Hope? Religious Legitimation of National Gender Construction”, in: Heinicke, Julius; Heister, Hilmar; Klein, Tobias Robert (eds.), Kuvaka Ukama – Building Bridges: A Tribute to Flora Veit-Wild, Heidelberg: Bettina Weiss Verlag and Kalliope 2012, 257-273.

Auga, Ulrike, “’Mit dem Fluss durch die Wand’ – Widerstand, Körper und Geschlecht im Zeitalter der Globalisierung”, in: Auga, Ulrike; Bruns, Claudia; Dornhof, Dorothea; Jähnert, Gabriele (eds.), Dämonen, Vamps und HysterikerInnen. Geschlechter- und Rassenfigurationen in Wissen, Medien und Alltag. Festschrift für Christina von Braun, Bielefeld: transcript publishers 2011, 197-213.

Auga, Ulrike, “Die Universität als Raum transdisziplinären Überlebenswissens im 21. Jahrhundert – ein gesellschaftlicher Mehrwert jenseits von Marktorientierung”, in: Bartoldus, Beate; John-Ohnesorg, Marei (eds.), Bildungsgerechtigkeit in der Begabtenförderung. Ein Widerspruch in sich? Berlin and Bonn: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 2010, 91-97.

Auga, Ulrike, “’Stiefschwestern’ – Zum Verhältnis feministisch-theologischer Ansätze in Ost- und Westdeutschland”, in: Auga, Ulrike; Bruns, Claudia; Harders, Levke; Jähnert, Gabriele (eds.), Das Geschlecht der Wissenschaften. Zur Geschichte von Akademikerinnen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt a. M. and New York: Campus 2010, 303-326.

Auga, Ulrike, “Einleitung”, in: Auga, Ulrike; Bruns, Claudia; Harders, Levke; Jähnert, Gabriele (eds.), Das Geschlecht der Wissenschaften. Zur Geschichte von Akademikerinnen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt a. M. and New York: Campus 2010, 9-21.

Auga, Ulrike, “Ausschluss oder Anschlüsse? Theologie – Geschlechtertheorie – Religionswissenschaft”, in: Lanwerd, Susanne; Moser, Marcía (eds.), Frau – Gender – Queer. Gendertheoretische Ansätze in der Religionswissenschaft, Würzburg: Könighausen und Neumann 2010, 229-249.

Auga, Ulrike, “Sexuelle Rechte und Menschenrechte. Probleme der interkulturellen Debatte”, in: Zeitschrift für Germanistik. Neue Folge, Vol. XVII (2), Bern 2008, 357-369.

Auga, Ulrike, “Intellectuals between Resistance and Legitimation: The Cases of Nadine Gordimer and Christa Wolf”, in: Auga, Ulrike; Klein, Tobias Robert; Prüschenk, Viola (eds.), Texts, Tasks and Theories. Versions and Subversions in African Literatures, Humboldt Contributions, Vol. 3, Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi and Matatu 2008, 141-212.

Auga, Ulrike, “Wahrheit und Versöhnung oder maskuline Versöhnung am Kap? Religiöse Legitimierung nationaler Geschlechterformation”, in Glawion, Sven; Haschemi Yekani, Elahe; Husmann-Kastein, Jana (eds.), Erlöser: Fantasmen und Figurationen männlicher Herrschaft, Bielefeld: transcript publishers 2007, 197-210.

Auga, Ulrike, “Undoing Gender: Nationalisms, Emerging Communities and Gender in View of Globalization. A Gender Based Reading of the Palestinian Declaration of Independence and the Charter of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)”, in: Auga, Ulrike; Braun, Christina von (eds.), Gender in Conflicts. Palestine – Israel – Germany, Berlin, Münster, Vienna, Zürich and London: LIT 2006, 37-59.

Auga, Ulrike, “Gender und die globalisierungskritische Bewegung. Die weiblichen Ikonen der Globalisierungskritik als transnationale Intellektuelle”, in: Ruberta, 1/2005, 17-22.

Auga, Ulrike, “Die Intellektuelle und die Mandarine”, in: Deuber-Mankowsky, Astrid; Konnertz, Ursula (eds.), Die Philosophin. Forum für Feministische Theorie und Philosophie, Hommage an Christina von Braun. Schönheit und Schwindel. Geschlecht und Geschichte, Vol. 15 (30) 2004, 57-72.

Auga, Ulrike, “Cultural Politics in South Africa in Transition. Or, Multiculturalism and the Logic of Economic Policy”, in: von Maltzan, Carlotta (ed.), Africa and Europe: En/Countering Myths. Essays on Literature and Cultural Politics, Bern: Peter Lang 2003, 215-225.

Auga, Ulrike, “Intellectuals between Resistance and Legitimation: The Cases of Nadine Gordimer and Christa Wolf”, in: Chapman, Michael (ed.), Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa, Durban: University of Natal Press 2003, 91-97.

Auga, Ulrike, “Kulturelle Globalisierung. Was tun?”, in: Noyes, John (ed.), Acta Germanica, German Studies in Africa. Jahrbuch des Germanistenverbandes im südlichen Afrika, 29/2003, 17-28.

Ernst, Ulrike, “Der Hirt des Hermas. Verführung zum Umdenken in der erotischen Sophiakirche”, in: Schottroff, Luise; Wacker, Marie-Theres (eds.), Kompendium Feministische Bibelauslegung, Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus 1998, 778-788.

Public outreach and broader audience publications


Auga, Ulrike E., “Kann Gott ’queer’ sein?”, in: die Kirche – Evangelische Wochenzeitung für Berlin, Brandenburg und die schlesische Oberlausitz, 07.10.2020.[10]

“’Das Wissen um die Vielfalt von Geschlecht stellt die Sprache im Gottesdienst vor neue Herausforderungen’. Interview zur Webseite ekbo.de/gottesdienstgeschlechtergerecht” in: Evangelische Kirche Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz, 24.09.2020.

Auga, Ulrike E, “Die Ordnung der Geschlechter. Gender Studies in Ungarn”, in: Neues Deutschland, 09.03.2019, 18.

Auga, Ulrike E, “Das größte Opfer der deutschen Wiedervereinigung ist die DDR-Frau?”, Interview with Pressian, Südkorea, 17.10.2018.

Auga, Ulrike, “Nützen die Menschenrechte wirklich allen?”, in: Aufbruch. Unabhängige Zeitschrift für Religion und Gesellschaft. Nr. 224, Jahrgang 30 (2), 2017, 5.

Auga, Ulrike, “Homosexualität_en: Leben, Kunst und Religion”, in: Feinschwarz.net, 09.02.2017, 1-5.

Auga, Ulrike, “Widerstand für eine solidarischere Gesellschaft”, in: Neue Wege. Beiträge zu Religion und Sozialismus, 2 (2015), 57-62.

Auga, Ulrike, “DDR var mere ateistisk end andre lande i østblokken”, in: Kristeligt Dagblad, 04.11.2014.

Auga, Ulrike, “Erfindungen von Sünde und Geschlecht”, in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschehen APuZ, Sünde und Laster, Jahrgang 64., 52 (2014), 22.12.2014, 13-20.

Auga, Ulrike, “’Teologia per al 99%’. La bioteologia com una crítica de la producció de coneixement”, in: Paraules I Fets de Dones, Barcelona, Jahrgang 64., 1 (2012), 3-4.

Auga, Ulrike, “Queere Lebensformen. Regenbogenkinder und die Kirchen”, in: Schlangenbrut. Zeitschrift für feministisch und religiös interessierte Frauen, 30 (2012), 16-18.

Auga, Ulrike, “’Die Anderen’ definieren. Geschlechterordnungen als Grenzziehung”, in: FAMA. Interreligiös. Die feministisch-theologische Zeitschrift der Schweiz, 25/1 (2009), 8-9.

Auga, Ulrike, “Scheinbare Widersprüche und getrennte Erfahrungen. Anmerkungen zur hierarchischen Geschlechterordnung in der DDR und ihren Gegendiskursen”, in: Schlangenbrut. Zeitschrift für feministisch und religiös interessierte Frauen, 11 (2009), 5-8.

Auga, Ulrike, “Am Anfang war die Geschlechterordnung”, in: Der Inquisitor. Studentisches Journal für Religion und Kultur 1 Berlin, Humboldt-Universität (2009), 2-3.

Video, audio, and theatrical productions


Auga, Ulrike E., “Queer Feminist Life and Futurity. Tools for Queer Political Imaginary and Activism from Killjoy to Cyborg,” Digital Lecture Series – Programme Year of Women* 2018, Schwules Museum Berlin, launch on 06 October 2022.

Auga, Ulrike E., Gottesdienst geschlechter*gerecht feiern. Praxishilfen und Materialien für die Vorbereitung. Eine digitale Plattform der Evangelischen Kirche Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz (EKBO), [Celebrating Worship in a Gender*Just Way. Practical Aids and Materials for Preparation. A Digital Platform of the EKBO], launched on 26.09.2021

Auga, Ulrike E., “Körper und Leib. Kult und Kultur“ in collaboration with Klaus M. Beier, in: Brücken statt Bauen – Kultur und Nachhaltigkeit, Podcastreihe der Guardini Stiftung, 10.08.2021.

Auga, Ulrike, E. Future School Workshop “Scattered Demarcation Line – Unification after Reunification” in collaboration with Young Choo, and Aram Lee, 17th International Architecture Biennale Venice “How will we live together?“, Pavilion Korea, Venice and  Berlin, 18.07.2021.

Auga, Ulrike E., “HERstory: Frauen in den Religionen – Probleme und Potentiale,” in collaboration with Kübra Dalkilic, Lily Besilly, and Esther Hirsch, in: Forum Dialog, 03.05.2021.

Auga, Ulrike E., „Queere Stimmen aus jüdischen und christlichen Perspektiven“, in: Religion, Geschlecht und Sexualität. Podcast series at the Institute for Religious Studies at the Free University of Berlin. Conception: Almut-Barbara Renger, and Christoph Wulf, Season 1/ Episode 3, 22.06.2020.

Auga, Ulrike E., “Der Yoko Ono Effekt”, Flick Flack/ ARTE. Direction: Bilge Ack, Production: La Blogothèque, Milgram, UFA X,  Divimove. France and Germany, 2020.[11]

Auga, Ulrike, E, “Die Evangelische Kirche im Wandel: Vom Widerstand zur Anpassung?”, Interview with pupils of the Willi-Graf-Gymnasium, Berlin 11.09.2020. Contribution of the Youth Competition 2019/20 “Umbruchszeiten. Deutschland im Wandel seit der Einheit” of the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship, 2nd place – award of the Federal Government Commissioner for the New Federal States.

Auga, Ulrike E., “Religionswissenschaft und Geschlechterforschung. Gegen die männliche Deutungshoheit”, in: Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 08.03.2020.[12]

Auga, Ulrike, “On Queer Future(s) in and beyond Berlin”, in: Bosold, Birgit (ed.): What’s Next? A documentary video interview project as part of the exhibition “Homosexuality_ies”, German Historical Museum, Queer* Museum Berlin, 2015.

Documentary (screenplay and production)


Ernst, Ulrike, “‘Manchmal hat man das vielleicht selber nicht eingesehen...‘. Ostdeutsche Lehrerinnen im Wendeprozess”, Humboldt University of Berlin, Federal State of Brandenburg, 1998.

Book reviews


Auga, Ulrike E., Review: Lana, Sirri, Islamic Feminism: Discourses on Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Islam, London, New York: Routledge 2020, in: Women’s Caucus Religious Studies (eds.), International Scholar’s Research on Gender, Religion, Poverty and Inequality, American Academy of Religion (AAR) 2022.

Auga, Ulrike E., Review: Rafal Soborski, Ideology and the Future of Progressive Social Movements. London: Rowman & Littlefield 2018, in: Politics, Religion & Ideology, Vol. 20, London / New York: Routledge, 2019.

Auga, Ulrike, “Towards a Disentanglement of the Notion of Religion”. Review: Jenny Daggers, Postcolonial Theology of Religions: Particularity and Pluralism in World Christianity, Routledge: London / New York, 2013, in: Auga Ulrike; Guðmarsdóttir, Sigríður; Knauss, Stefanie; Martínez Cano, Silvia (eds.), Resistance and Visions – Postcolonial, Post-secular and Queer Contributions to Theology and the Study of Religions. Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR), Vol. 22, Leuven: Peeters 2014, 63-65.

Auga, Ulrike, Review: Andreas Nehring, Simon Tielesch, Postkoloniale Theologien 1: Bibelhermeneutische und kulturwissenschaftliche Beiträge (Religionskulturen 11), Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2013, in: Dalferth, Ingolf (ed.), Theologische Literaturzeitung, Vol. 139/I, 2014, 53-55.

Auga, Ulrike, “Grenzen soziologischer Theorien und die Rhetorik sozialtheoretischer Texte”. Review: Sina Farzin, Die Rhetorik der Exklusion. Zum Zusammenhang von Exklusionsthematik und Sozialtheorie, Velbrück Wissenschaft: Weilerswist 2011, in: Internationales Jahrbuch der Rhetorik, Vol. 33, Berlin: De Gruyter 2014, 112-115.

Auga, Ulrike; Mihan, Anne, “Postcolonial Narratives Re-Visited”. Review: Laura Chrisman, Postcolonial Contraventions: Cultural Readings of Race, Imperialism and Transnationalism; Alan Rice, Radical Narratives of the Black Atlantic, in: Nasta, Susheila (ed.), Wasafiri. The Magazine of International Contemporary Writing, Vol. 41, London: Queen Mary University of London 2004, 56-58.


  1. ^ "German language | Origin, History, Characteristics, & Facts | Britannica". www.britannica.com. 2023-08-17. Retrieved 2023-09-03.
  2. ^ Elbinger, G. (1961-12-31), "Zur Herstellung von Ferriteinkristallen nach dem VERNEUIL-Verfahren", Fragen der Physik und Chemie der Ferrite, De Gruyter, pp. 14–17, doi:10.1515/9783112533420-004, ISBN 9783112533420, S2CID 246270110, retrieved 2023-09-03
  3. ^ Aleksander, Karin; Auga, Ulrike; Dvorakk, Elisaveta; Heft, Kathleen; Jähnert, Gabriele; Schimkat, Heike, eds. (2022). Feministische Visionen vor und nach 1989: Geschlecht, Medien und Aktivismen in der DDR, BRD und im östlichen Europa. Opladen Berlin Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich. ISBN 978-3-8474-1675-3.
  4. ^ "Inici". Sincletica Monastic School. Retrieved 2023-09-03.
  5. ^ Johansen, Kirstine Helboe (2021-11-30). "Ulrike Auga, An Epistemology of Religion and Gender: Biopolitics – Performativity – Agency . Routledge Critical studies in Religion, Gender and Sexuality, Abingdon and New York (Routledge) 2020, 364 pp., ISBN 9780367226176, £120 (Hardback), £33.29 (eBook)". International Journal of Practical Theology. 25 (2): 335–338. doi:10.1515/ijpt-2021-0022. ISSN 1612-9768. S2CID 245908364.
  6. ^ Vincent, Marie-Bénédicte (2011-01-01). "'Auga, Ulrike, Bruns, Claudia, Harders, Levke, Jähnert, Gabriele, Das Geschlecht der Wissenschaften. Zur Geschichte von Akademikerinnen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert'". Revue de l'Institut français d'histoire en Allemagne. doi:10.4000/ifha.6674. ISSN 2190-0078.
  7. ^ "Zeitschrift ThQ - Inhaltsverzeichnis der aktuellen Ausgabe 2/2023". www.thq-online.de. Retrieved 2023-09-03.
  8. ^ "Gender Studies in Hungary - Exchange of views". Committees European Parliament. January 8, 2019.
  9. ^ Auga, Ulrike E. "Feministische und Geschlechterbewusste Arbeitskreise und Theologien in der DDR". Das Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv.
  10. ^ Auga, Ulrike E. (October 7, 2020). "Kann Gott "queer" sein?". die Kirche.
  11. ^ "Flick Flack - Der Yoko Ono Effekt - Die ganze Doku". ARTE (in German). Retrieved 2023-09-04.
  12. ^ deutschlandfunkkultur.de. "Religionswissenschaft und Geschlechterforschung - Gegen die männliche Deutungshoheit". Deutschlandfunk Kultur (in German). Retrieved 2023-09-04.