Edaphosphere: A Perspective of Soil Inside the Biosphere
This peer reviewed opinion article proposes a definition of all soils within the edaphosphere which is a subsystem of the bioshpere. The article provides information on the historical difference between edaphology and pedology. Though the artcile is opinion based because the authors are proposing a definition, it provides contextual infromation about Edaphology that is relevant and supported by strong sources.
Herreño, B., De la Colina, F., & Delgado-Iniesta, M. J. (2023). Edaphosphere: A Perspective of Soil Inside the Biosphere. Earth, 4(3), 691-697.
Some Observations on Insect Edaphology
This article focus on the role that insects play in Edaphology. It evaluates the conditions that impact the ability of insects to contribute to Edapholgy and the consequences of this on the overall soil health of an area.
Bruce, W. G. (1939). Some observations on insect edaphology. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 12(3), 91-93.
Char Kukri Mukri A Pedological Edaphological Study
This study looks at the Edaphology and pedology of islands off the coast of Bangladesh. The study examines how soil health impacts decsion making regarding land use in these islands and also looks at the impacts of erosion.
Taraqqi, A. K., & Hussain, M. S. Char Kukri-Mukri: A Pedological-Edaphological Study.
This article looks at the intersection between Edaphology and climate change. It looks at the potential impacts of climate change on water balance within soil, nutrient avliablilty and other aspect sof soil plant relationships through a study preformed in Mexico.
Brunini, O., Carvalho, J. P., Brunini, A. P. C., Padua-Junior, A. L., Adami, S. F., & Abramides, P. L. G. (2010). Agroclimatic zoning and climatic risks for sugarcane in Mexico: a preliminary study considering climate change scenarios. In Proc. Int. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol (Vol. 27, pp. 302-314).
I plan to add a section about the relationship between edaphology and insects. I think this is a relevant section for the page because insects have a measurable impact on edapholgy and understanding this can help the reader gain context inhacing their ability to understand edapholgy. I would also like to add a section about climate change. Climate change is likely to impact many aspects of edaphology ranging from the amount of water avaliable in the soil to how humans choose to use land after it is altered by climate change. I plan to support the first section with the article Some Observations on Insect Edaphology and the second one with the article AGROCLIMATIC ZONING AND CLIMATIC RISKS FOR SUGARCANE IN MEXICO—A PRELIMINARY STUDY CONSIDERING CLIMATE CHANGE SCENARIOS. I plan on collecting more sources relevant to these concepts in order to produce a thorough section.