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=About me

  • Like 80 percent of Americans and 70 percent of Canadians, I am fully against open borders (but support something inbetween a path to citizenship and amnesty/taking in refugees/only deporting illegal migrants who have committed violent felonies, even though illegal migrants commit slightly less violent felonies than legal citizens)
  • I don't have a view on abortion but if any healthy baby survives an abortion and is born they should not be killed by the doctor (I know this never happens but just in case it does happen this is my view on it). Over 90 percent of Rhode Island residents agree with the not killing healthy babies who survive abortion viewpoint.
  • Banning guns is wrong but we need some gun control. Madonna, Samuel L Jackson and most liberals agree with this viewpoint (only extreme liberals want guns banned outright and they are obviously wrong).
  • Cocaine and heroin should never be legalized ever
  • I support school choice when used in a way that isn't offensive to others. School choice means freedom
  • I agree with some fiscal conservative views because it's ignorant to say that every fiscal conservative viewpoint is wrong. The odds of that being true are so remote i can't even fathom how anyone can think like that.
  • I am against any religion being twisted to commit crimes whether its extreme catholic terrorism (ie anti choice terrorism), extreme Islam terrorism , extreme Christian terrorism (middle age atrocities they did) etc.
  • Israel should not be boycotted ever. Israel has a right to exist and i support a 2 state solution. Most Daily Kos posters are on my side of this. Yes Daily Kos, that liberal site on the left.